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Example 6 with Location

use of in project googleads-java-lib by googleads.

the class GetCampaignTargetingCriteria method runExample.

 * Runs the example.
 * @param adWordsServices the services factory.
 * @param session the session.
 * @throws ApiException if the API request failed with one or more service errors.
 * @throws RemoteException if the API request failed due to other errors.
public static void runExample(AdWordsServicesInterface adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session) throws RemoteException {
    // Get the CampaignService.
    CampaignCriterionServiceInterface campaignCriterionService = adWordsServices.get(session, CampaignCriterionServiceInterface.class);
    int offset = 0;
    // Create selector.
    SelectorBuilder builder = new SelectorBuilder();
    Selector selector = builder.fields(CampaignCriterionField.CampaignId, CampaignCriterionField.Id, CampaignCriterionField.CriteriaType, CampaignCriterionField.PlatformName, CampaignCriterionField.LanguageName, CampaignCriterionField.LocationName, CampaignCriterionField.KeywordText).in(CampaignCriterionField.CriteriaType, "KEYWORD", "LANGUAGE", "LOCATION", "PLATFORM").offset(0).limit(PAGE_SIZE).build();
    CampaignCriterionPage page = null;
    do {
        page = campaignCriterionService.get(selector);
        if (page.getEntries() != null) {
            // Display campaigns.
            for (CampaignCriterion campaignCriterion : page.getEntries()) {
                System.out.printf("Campaign criterion with campaign ID %d, criterion ID %d, " + "and type '%s' was found.%n", campaignCriterion.getCampaignId(), campaignCriterion.getCriterion().getId(), campaignCriterion.getCriterion().getCriterionType());
        } else {
            System.out.println("No campaign criteria were found.");
        offset += PAGE_SIZE;
        selector = builder.increaseOffsetBy(PAGE_SIZE).build();
    } while (offset < page.getTotalNumEntries());
Also used : SelectorBuilder( CampaignCriterion( CampaignCriterionServiceInterface( CampaignCriterionPage( Selector(

Example 7 with Location

use of in project googleads-java-lib by googleads.

the class AddUniversalAppCampaign method setCampaignTargetingCriteria.

 * Sets the campaign's targeting criteria.
private static void setCampaignTargetingCriteria(Campaign campaign, AdWordsServicesInterface adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session) throws ApiException, RemoteException {
    // Get the CampaignCriterionService.
    CampaignCriterionServiceInterface campaignCriterionService = adWordsServices.get(session, CampaignCriterionServiceInterface.class);
    // Create locations. The IDs can be found in the documentation or
    // retrieved with the LocationCriterionService.
    Location california = new Location();
    Location mexico = new Location();
    // Create languages. The IDs can be found in the documentation or
    // retrieved with the ConstantDataService.
    Language english = new Language();
    Language spanish = new Language();
    List<Criterion> criteria = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(california, mexico, english, spanish));
    // Create operations to add each of the criteria above.
    List<CampaignCriterionOperation> operations = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Criterion criterion : criteria) {
        CampaignCriterionOperation operation = new CampaignCriterionOperation();
        CampaignCriterion campaignCriterion = new CampaignCriterion();
    // Set the campaign targets.
    CampaignCriterionReturnValue returnValue = campaignCriterionService.mutate(operations.toArray(new CampaignCriterionOperation[operations.size()]));
    if (returnValue != null && returnValue.getValue() != null) {
        // Display added campaign targets.
        for (CampaignCriterion campaignCriterion : returnValue.getValue()) {
            System.out.printf("Campaign criteria of type '%s' and ID %d was added.%n", campaignCriterion.getCriterion().getCriterionType(), campaignCriterion.getCriterion().getId());
Also used : CampaignCriterionReturnValue( CampaignCriterionOperation( Language( CampaignCriterion( Criterion( CampaignCriterion( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) CampaignCriterionServiceInterface( Location(

Example 8 with Location

use of in project googleads-java-lib by googleads.

the class AddUniversalAppCampaign method runExample.

 * Runs the example.
 * @param adWordsServices the services factory.
 * @param session the session.
 * @throws ApiException if the API request failed with one or more service errors.
 * @throws RemoteException if the API request failed due to other errors.
public static void runExample(AdWordsServicesInterface adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session) throws RemoteException {
    // Get the CampaignService.
    CampaignServiceInterface campaignService = adWordsServices.get(session, CampaignServiceInterface.class);
    // Create the campaign.
    Campaign campaign = new Campaign();
    campaign.setName("Interplanetary Cruise App #" + System.currentTimeMillis());
    // Recommendation: Set the campaign to PAUSED when creating it to prevent
    // the ads from immediately serving. Set to ENABLED once you've added
    // targeting and the ads are ready to serve.
    // Set the advertising channel and subchannel types for universal app campaigns.
    // Set the campaign's bidding strategy. universal app campaigns
    // only support TARGET_CPA bidding strategy.
    BiddingStrategyConfiguration biddingConfig = new BiddingStrategyConfiguration();
    // Set the target CPA to $1 / app install.
    TargetCpaBiddingScheme biddingScheme = new TargetCpaBiddingScheme();
    biddingScheme.setTargetCpa(new Money());
    // Set the campaign's budget.
    campaign.setBudget(new Budget());
    campaign.getBudget().setBudgetId(createBudget(adWordsServices, session));
    // Optional: Set the start date.
    // Optional: Set the end date.
    // Set the campaign's assets and ad text ideas. These values will be used to
    // generate ads.
    UniversalAppCampaignSetting universalAppSetting = new UniversalAppCampaignSetting();
    universalAppSetting.setDescription1("A cool puzzle game");
    universalAppSetting.setDescription2("Remove connected blocks");
    universalAppSetting.setDescription3("3 difficulty levels");
    universalAppSetting.setDescription4("4 colorful fun skins");
    // Optional: You can set up to 20 image assets for your campaign.
    // See for an example on how to upload images.
    // universalAppSetting.setImageMediaIds(new long[] { INSERT_IMAGE_MEDIA_ID_HERE });
    // Optimize this campaign for getting new users for your app.
    // If you select the OPTIMIZE_FOR_IN_APP_CONVERSION_VOLUME goal type, then also specify
    // your in-app conversion types so AdWords can focus your campaign on people who are
    // most likely to complete the corresponding in-app actions.
    // Conversion type IDs can be retrieved using ConversionTrackerService.get.
    // campaign.selectiveOptimization = new SelectiveOptimization();
    // campaign.selectiveOptimization.conversionTypeIds =
    // Optional: Set the campaign settings for Advanced location options.
    GeoTargetTypeSetting geoSetting = new GeoTargetTypeSetting();
    campaign.setSettings(new Setting[] { universalAppSetting, geoSetting });
    // Create the operation.
    CampaignOperation operation = new CampaignOperation();
    CampaignOperation[] operations = new CampaignOperation[] { operation };
    // Add the campaign.
    CampaignReturnValue result = campaignService.mutate(operations);
    // Display the results.
    for (Campaign newCampaign : result.getValue()) {
        System.out.printf("Universal app campaign with name '%s' and ID %d was added.%n", newCampaign.getName(), newCampaign.getId());
        // Optional: Set the campaign's location and language targeting. No other targeting
        // criteria can be used for universal app campaigns.
        setCampaignTargetingCriteria(newCampaign, adWordsServices, session);
Also used : Money( CampaignServiceInterface( Campaign( UniversalAppCampaignSetting( BiddingStrategyConfiguration( CampaignOperation( CampaignReturnValue( Budget( TargetCpaBiddingScheme( GeoTargetTypeSetting(

Example 9 with Location

use of in project googleads-java-lib by googleads.

the class EstimateKeywordTraffic method runExample.

 * Runs the example.
 * @param adWordsServices the services factory.
 * @param session the session.
 * @throws ApiException if the API request failed with one or more service errors.
 * @throws RemoteException if the API request failed due to other errors.
public static void runExample(AdWordsServicesInterface adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session) throws RemoteException {
    // Get the TrafficEstimatorService.
    TrafficEstimatorServiceInterface trafficEstimatorService = adWordsServices.get(session, TrafficEstimatorServiceInterface.class);
    // Create keywords. Refer to the TrafficEstimatorService documentation for the maximum
    // number of keywords that can be passed in a single request.
    List<Keyword> keywords = new ArrayList<Keyword>();
    Keyword marsCruiseKeyword = new Keyword();
    marsCruiseKeyword.setText("mars cruise");
    Keyword cheapCruiseKeyword = new Keyword();
    cheapCruiseKeyword.setText("cheap cruise");
    Keyword cruiseKeyword = new Keyword();
    // Create a keyword estimate request for each keyword.
    List<KeywordEstimateRequest> keywordEstimateRequests = -> {
        KeywordEstimateRequest keywordEstimateRequest = new KeywordEstimateRequest();
        return keywordEstimateRequest;
    // Add a negative keyword to the traffic estimate.
    KeywordEstimateRequest negativeKeywordEstimateRequest = new KeywordEstimateRequest();
    negativeKeywordEstimateRequest.setKeyword(new Keyword(null, null, null, "hiking tour", KeywordMatchType.BROAD));
    // Create ad group estimate requests.
    List<AdGroupEstimateRequest> adGroupEstimateRequests = new ArrayList<AdGroupEstimateRequest>();
    AdGroupEstimateRequest adGroupEstimateRequest = new AdGroupEstimateRequest();
    adGroupEstimateRequest.setKeywordEstimateRequests(keywordEstimateRequests.toArray(new KeywordEstimateRequest[] {}));
    adGroupEstimateRequest.setMaxCpc(new Money(null, 1000000L));
    // Create campaign estimate requests.
    List<CampaignEstimateRequest> campaignEstimateRequests = new ArrayList<CampaignEstimateRequest>();
    CampaignEstimateRequest campaignEstimateRequest = new CampaignEstimateRequest();
    campaignEstimateRequest.setAdGroupEstimateRequests(adGroupEstimateRequests.toArray(new AdGroupEstimateRequest[] {}));
    Location unitedStates = new Location();
    Language english = new Language();
    campaignEstimateRequest.setCriteria(new Criterion[] { unitedStates, english });
    // Create selector.
    TrafficEstimatorSelector selector = new TrafficEstimatorSelector();
    selector.setCampaignEstimateRequests(campaignEstimateRequests.toArray(new CampaignEstimateRequest[] {}));
    // Optional: Request a list of campaign level estimates segmented by platform.
    // Get traffic estimates.
    TrafficEstimatorResult result = trafficEstimatorService.get(selector);
    // Display traffic estimates.
    if (result != null && result.getCampaignEstimates() != null && result.getCampaignEstimates().length > 0) {
        CampaignEstimate campaignEstimate = result.getCampaignEstimates()[0];
        // Display the campaign level estimates segmented by platform.
        if (campaignEstimate.getPlatformEstimates() != null) {
            for (PlatformCampaignEstimate platformEstimate : campaignEstimate.getPlatformEstimates()) {
                String platformMessage = String.format("Results for the platform with ID %d and name '%s':%n", platformEstimate.getPlatform().getId(), platformEstimate.getPlatform().getPlatformName());
                displayMeanEstimates(platformMessage, platformEstimate.getMinEstimate(), platformEstimate.getMaxEstimate());
        // Display the keyword estimates.
        KeywordEstimate[] keywordEstimates = campaignEstimate.getAdGroupEstimates()[0].getKeywordEstimates();
        for (int i = 0; i < keywordEstimates.length; i++) {
            if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(keywordEstimateRequests.get(i).getIsNegative())) {
            Keyword keyword = keywordEstimateRequests.get(i).getKeyword();
            KeywordEstimate keywordEstimate = keywordEstimates[i];
            String keywordMessage = String.format("Results for the keyword with text '%s' and match type '%s':%n", keyword.getText(), keyword.getMatchType());
            displayMeanEstimates(keywordMessage, keywordEstimate.getMin(), keywordEstimate.getMax());
    } else {
        System.out.println("No traffic estimates were returned.");
Also used : TrafficEstimatorServiceInterface( TrafficEstimatorResult( KeywordMatchType( AdGroupEstimateRequest( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) CampaignEstimate( OfflineCredentials( ApiException( Money( Credential( OAuthException( AdWordsServices( Language( ConfigurationLoadException( Keyword( Collectors( RemoteException(java.rmi.RemoteException) DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_FILENAME( List(java.util.List) AdWordsSession( AdWordsServicesInterface( ApiError( ValidationException( CampaignEstimateRequest( KeywordEstimate( Criterion( Api( Location( KeywordEstimateRequest( PlatformCampaignEstimate( TrafficEstimatorSelector( StatsEstimate( CampaignEstimateRequest( Keyword( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) AdGroupEstimateRequest( KeywordEstimateRequest( Money( PlatformCampaignEstimate( Language( CampaignEstimate( PlatformCampaignEstimate( TrafficEstimatorServiceInterface( TrafficEstimatorResult( TrafficEstimatorSelector( Location( KeywordEstimate(

Example 10 with Location

use of in project googleads-java-lib by googleads.

the class AddSiteLinks method runExample.

 * Runs the example.
 * @param adWordsServices the services factory.
 * @param session the session.
 * @param campaignId the ID of the campaign where sitelinks will be added.
 * @throws ApiException if the API request failed with one or more service errors.
 * @throws RemoteException if the API request failed due to other errors.
public static void runExample(AdWordsServicesInterface adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session, Long campaignId) throws ApiException, RemoteException {
    // Get the CustomerService.
    CustomerServiceInterface customerService = adWordsServices.get(session, CustomerServiceInterface.class);
    // Find the matching customer and its time zone. The getCustomers method will return
    // a single Customer object corresponding to the session's clientCustomerId.
    Customer customer = customerService.getCustomers()[0];
    DateTimeZone customerTimeZone = DateTimeZone.forID(customer.getDateTimeZone());
    System.out.printf("Found customer ID %d with time zone '%s'.%n", customer.getCustomerId(), customer.getDateTimeZone());
    // Get the CampaignExtensionSettingService.
    CampaignExtensionSettingServiceInterface campaignExtensionSettingService = adWordsServices.get(session, CampaignExtensionSettingServiceInterface.class);
    // Create the sitelinks.
    SitelinkFeedItem sitelink1 = createSiteLinkFeedItem("Store Hours", "");
    // Show the Thanksgiving specials link only from 20 - 27 Nov.
    SitelinkFeedItem sitelink2 = createSiteLinkFeedItem("Thanksgiving Specials", "");
    // The time zone of the start and end date/times must match the time zone of the customer.
    DateTime startTime = new DateTime(, 11, 20, 0, 0, 0, customerTimeZone);
    if (startTime.isBeforeNow()) {
        // Move the startTime to next year if the current date is past November 20th.
        startTime = startTime.plusYears(1);
    sitelink2.setStartTime(startTime.toString("yyyyMMdd HHmmss ZZZ"));
    // Use the same year as startTime when creating endTime.
    DateTime endTime = new DateTime(startTime.getYear(), 11, 27, 23, 59, 59, customerTimeZone);
    sitelink2.setEndTime(endTime.toString("yyyyMMdd HHmmss ZZZ"));
    // Target this sitelink for United States only. See
    // for valid geolocation codes.
    Location unitedStates = new Location();
    // Restrict targeting only to people physically within the United States.
    // Otherwise, this could also show to people interested in the United States
    // but not physically located there.
    FeedItemGeoRestriction geoTargetingRestriction = new FeedItemGeoRestriction();
    // Show the wifi details primarily for high end mobile users.
    SitelinkFeedItem sitelink3 = createSiteLinkFeedItem("Wifi available", "");
    // See for device criteria
    // IDs.
    FeedItemDevicePreference devicePreference = new FeedItemDevicePreference(30001L);
    // Target this sitelink for the keyword "free wifi".
    Keyword wifiKeyword = new Keyword();
    wifiKeyword.setText("free wifi");
    // Show the happy hours link only during Mon - Fri 6PM to 9PM.
    SitelinkFeedItem sitelink4 = createSiteLinkFeedItem("Happy hours", "");
    sitelink4.setScheduling(new FeedItemScheduling(new FeedItemSchedule[] { new FeedItemSchedule(DayOfWeek.MONDAY, 18, MinuteOfHour.ZERO, 21, MinuteOfHour.ZERO), new FeedItemSchedule(DayOfWeek.TUESDAY, 18, MinuteOfHour.ZERO, 21, MinuteOfHour.ZERO), new FeedItemSchedule(DayOfWeek.WEDNESDAY, 18, MinuteOfHour.ZERO, 21, MinuteOfHour.ZERO), new FeedItemSchedule(DayOfWeek.THURSDAY, 18, MinuteOfHour.ZERO, 21, MinuteOfHour.ZERO), new FeedItemSchedule(DayOfWeek.FRIDAY, 18, MinuteOfHour.ZERO, 21, MinuteOfHour.ZERO) }));
    // Create your campaign extension settings. This associates the sitelinks
    // to your campaign.
    CampaignExtensionSetting campaignExtensionSetting = new CampaignExtensionSetting();
    ExtensionSetting extensionSetting = new ExtensionSetting();
    extensionSetting.setExtensions(new ExtensionFeedItem[] { sitelink1, sitelink2, sitelink3, sitelink4 });
    CampaignExtensionSettingOperation operation = new CampaignExtensionSettingOperation();
    // Add the extensions.
    CampaignExtensionSettingReturnValue returnValue = campaignExtensionSettingService.mutate(new CampaignExtensionSettingOperation[] { operation });
    if (returnValue.getValue() != null && returnValue.getValue().length > 0) {
        CampaignExtensionSetting newExtensionSetting = returnValue.getValue(0);
        System.out.printf("Extension setting with type '%s' was added to campaign ID %d.%n", newExtensionSetting.getExtensionType().getValue(), newExtensionSetting.getCampaignId());
    } else {
        System.out.println("No extension settings were created.");
Also used : ExtensionSetting( CampaignExtensionSetting( CampaignExtensionSettingOperation( FeedItemSchedule( FeedItemDevicePreference( Keyword( Customer( CampaignExtensionSetting( DateTimeZone(org.joda.time.DateTimeZone) DateTime(org.joda.time.DateTime) CampaignExtensionSettingReturnValue( CustomerServiceInterface( SitelinkFeedItem( FeedItemGeoRestriction( FeedItemScheduling( CampaignExtensionSettingServiceInterface( Location(


Location ( CampaignCriterion ( CampaignCriterionServiceInterface ( Criterion ( Keyword ( Language ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 SelectorBuilder ( ApiException ( CampaignCriterionOperation ( CampaignCriterionReturnValue ( ConstantOperand ( FeedItem ( FeedItemGeoRestriction ( FeedItemOperation ( Function ( Money ( AdWordsServices ( ApiError ( BiddingStrategyConfiguration (