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the class ProductPartitionTreeTest method testMutateMultiNodeTree.
* Tests mutating an existing tree with multiple nodes.
public void testMutateMultiNodeTree() {
List<AdGroupCriterion> adGroupCriteria = Lists.newArrayList();
List<CriterionDescriptor> descriptors = Lists.newArrayList();
descriptors.add(new CriterionDescriptor(false, false, null, null, 1L, null));
ProductBrand brandGoogle = ProductDimensions.createBrand("google");
descriptors.add(new CriterionDescriptor(false, false, brandGoogle, null, 2L, 1L));
descriptors.add(new CriterionDescriptor(true, false, ProductDimensions.createOfferId("A"), 1000000L, 3L, 2L));
Long offerBOriginalPartitionId = 4L;
descriptors.add(new CriterionDescriptor(true, true, ProductDimensions.createOfferId("B"), null, offerBOriginalPartitionId, 2L));
Long brandOtherOriginalPartitionId = 5L;
descriptors.add(new CriterionDescriptor(true, true, ProductDimensions.createBrand(null), null, brandOtherOriginalPartitionId, 1L));
ProductBrand brandMotorola = ProductDimensions.createBrand("motorola");
Long brandMotorolaOriginalPartitionId = 6L;
descriptors.add(new CriterionDescriptor(true, true, brandMotorola, null, brandMotorolaOriginalPartitionId, 1L));
descriptors.forEach(descriptor -> adGroupCriteria.add(descriptor.createCriterion()));
Map<Long, Map<Long, CriterionDescriptor>> descriptorMap = buildDescriptorMap(descriptors);
ProductPartitionTree tree = ProductPartitionTree.createAdGroupTree(-1L, biddingStrategyConfig, adGroupCriteria);
assertEquals("ad group ID is incorrect", -1L, tree.getAdGroupId().longValue());
Queue<ProductPartitionNode> nodes = Lists.newLinkedList();
int nodesFound = 0;
while (!nodes.isEmpty()) {
ProductPartitionNode node = nodes.remove();
Long parentId = node.getParent() == null ? null : node.getParent().getProductPartitionId();
CriterionDescriptor expectedDescriptor = descriptorMap.get(parentId).get(node.getProductPartitionId());
CriterionDescriptor actualDescriptor = new CriterionDescriptor(node);
// Add children to process.
Iterables.addAll(nodes, node.getChildren());
assertEquals("Tree does not contain the expected # of nodes", adGroupCriteria.size(), nodesFound);
// Change the bids on leaf nodes.
ProductPartitionNode brandGoogleNode = tree.getRoot().getChild(brandGoogle);
ProductPartitionNode offerANode = brandGoogleNode.getChild(ProductDimensions.createOfferId("A"));
// This should produce 1 SET operation.
offerANode.setBid(offerANode.getBid() * 10);
// This should produce 1 REMOVE operation + 1 ADD operation.
ProductPartitionNode offerBNode = brandGoogleNode.getChild(ProductDimensions.createOfferId("B"));
// This should produce 1 REMOVE operation + 1 ADD operation.
ProductPartitionNode brandOtherNode = tree.getRoot().getChild(ProductDimensions.createBrand(null));
brandOtherNode = brandOtherNode.asBiddableUnit();
// Add an offer C node. This should produce 1 ADD operation.
ProductPartitionNode offerCNode = brandGoogleNode.addChild(ProductDimensions.createOfferId("C")).asBiddableUnit().setBid(1500000L).putCustomParameter("param1", "value1");
// Remove the brand Motorola node. This should produce 1 REMOVE operation.
// Get the mutate operations generated by the modifications made to the tree.
List<AdGroupCriterionOperation> mutateOperations = tree.getMutateOperations();
assertEquals(7, mutateOperations.size());
// Put the mutate operations in a map keyed by partition ID.
Map<Long, CriterionDescriptor> opsDescriptorMap = Maps.newHashMap();
int i = 0;
for (AdGroupCriterionOperation mutateOperation : mutateOperations) {
CriterionDescriptor descriptor = new CriterionDescriptor(mutateOperation.getOperand(), i++);
opsDescriptorMap.put(descriptor.partitionId, descriptor);
// Check the node that simply had a bid update.
int setOpNumber = opsDescriptorMap.get(offerANode.getProductPartitionId()).operationNumber;
assertEquals("Offer A node with a bid update should have a SET operation", Operator.SET, mutateOperations.get(setOpNumber).getOperator());
// Check the offer B node that went from excluded to biddable.
int addOfferBOpNumber = opsDescriptorMap.get(offerBNode.getProductPartitionId()).operationNumber;
assertEquals("Offer B node with a biddable change should have an ADD operation for the new ID", Operator.ADD, mutateOperations.get(addOfferBOpNumber).getOperator());
int removeOfferBOpNumber = opsDescriptorMap.get(offerBOriginalPartitionId).operationNumber;
assertEquals("Offer B node with a biddable change should have a REMOVE operation for the original ID", Operator.REMOVE, mutateOperations.get(removeOfferBOpNumber).getOperator());
// Check the offer C node that was added.
int addOfferCOpNumber = opsDescriptorMap.get(offerCNode.getProductPartitionId()).operationNumber;
assertEquals("New offer C node should have an ADD operation for the new ID", Operator.ADD, mutateOperations.get(addOfferCOpNumber).getOperator());
// Check the brand null node that went from excluded to biddable.
int addBrandOtherOpNumber = opsDescriptorMap.get(brandOtherNode.getProductPartitionId()).operationNumber;
assertEquals("Brand null node with a biddable change should have an ADD operation for the new ID", Operator.ADD, mutateOperations.get(addBrandOtherOpNumber).getOperator());
int brandOtherOpNumber = opsDescriptorMap.get(offerBOriginalPartitionId).operationNumber;
assertEquals("Brand null node with a biddable change should have a REMOVE operation for the original ID", Operator.REMOVE, mutateOperations.get(brandOtherOpNumber).getOperator());
// Check the brand Motorola node that was removed.
int brandMotorolaOpNumber = opsDescriptorMap.get(brandMotorolaOriginalPartitionId).operationNumber;
assertEquals("Removed node should have a REMOVE operation", Operator.REMOVE, mutateOperations.get(brandMotorolaOpNumber).getOperator());
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the class ProductPartitionNodeTest method testSetBidOnUnit.
public void testSetBidOnUnit() {
rootNode = rootNode.asSubdivision();
ProductBrand childDimension = ProductDimensions.createBrand("google");
ProductPartitionNode childNode = rootNode.addChild(childDimension);
assertNull("Bid should be null by default", childNode.getBid());
childNode = childNode.setBid(1L);
assertEquals("Bid does not reflect setBid", 1L, childNode.getBid().longValue());
assertTrue("Node should be a biddable unit", childNode.isBiddableUnit());
childNode = childNode.asExcludedUnit();
assertTrue("Node should be an excluded unit", childNode.isExcludedUnit());
assertFalse("Node should not be a biddable unit", childNode.isBiddableUnit());
assertNull("Excluded unit should have a null bid", childNode.getBid());
// Set back to biddable.
childNode = childNode.asBiddableUnit();
assertTrue("Node should be a biddable unit", childNode.isBiddableUnit());
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the class BaseProductDimensionComparatorTest method testCompareToDifferentDimensionType.
public void testCompareToDifferentDimensionType() {
ProductDimension dimension = createOtherProductDimension();
ProductDimension otherTypeOfDimension = dimension instanceof ProductBrand ? ProductDimensions.createOfferId("abc") : ProductDimensions.createBrand("google");
assertThat("Comparing dimensions of different types should return a non-zero result",, otherTypeOfDimension), Matchers.not(0));
assertThat("Comparing dimensions of different types should return a non-zero result",, dimension), Matchers.not(0));
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the class ProductBrandComparatorTest method testCaseInsensitive.
public void testCaseInsensitive() {
ProductBrand brand1 = ProductDimensions.createBrand("ABC");
ProductBrand brand2 = ProductDimensions.createBrand("AbC");
assertEquals("Brands that only differ in case should be equivalent", 0,, brand2));
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the class AddProductScope method runExample.
* Runs the example.
* @param adWordsServices the services factory.
* @param session the session.
* @param campaignId the ID of the shopping campaign.
* @throws ApiException if the API request failed with one or more service errors.
* @throws RemoteException if the API request failed due to other errors.
public static void runExample(AdWordsServicesInterface adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session, Long campaignId) throws RemoteException {
// Get the campaign criterion service.
CampaignCriterionServiceInterface campaignCriterionService = adWordsServices.get(session, CampaignCriterionServiceInterface.class);
ProductScope productScope = new ProductScope();
// This set of dimensions is for demonstration purposes only. It would be
// extremely unlikely that you want to include so many dimensions in your
// product scope.
ProductBrand productBrand = new ProductBrand();
ProductCanonicalCondition productCanonicalCondition = new ProductCanonicalCondition();
ProductCustomAttribute productCustomAttribute = new ProductCustomAttribute();
productCustomAttribute.setValue("my attribute value");
ProductOfferId productOfferId = new ProductOfferId();
ProductType productTypeLevel1Media = new ProductType();
ProductType productTypeLevel2Books = new ProductType();
// The value for the bidding category is a fixed ID for the 'Luggage & Bags'
// category. You can retrieve IDs for categories from the ConstantDataService.
// See the 'GetProductCategoryTaxonomy' example for more details.
ProductBiddingCategory productBiddingCategory = new ProductBiddingCategory();
productScope.setDimensions(new ProductDimension[] { productBrand, productCanonicalCondition, productCustomAttribute, productOfferId, productTypeLevel1Media, productTypeLevel2Books, productBiddingCategory });
CampaignCriterion campaignCriterion = new CampaignCriterion();
// Create operation.
CampaignCriterionOperation criterionOperation = new CampaignCriterionOperation();
// Make the mutate request.
CampaignCriterionReturnValue result = campaignCriterionService.mutate(new CampaignCriterionOperation[] { criterionOperation });
// Display the result.
System.out.printf("Created a ProductScope criterion with ID %d.%n", result.getValue(0).getCriterion().getId());