use of in project google-api-java-client by google.
the class AbstractGoogleClientRequest method buildHttpRequest.
* Create a request suitable for use against this service.
private HttpRequest buildHttpRequest(boolean usingHead) throws IOException {
Preconditions.checkArgument(uploader == null);
Preconditions.checkArgument(!usingHead || requestMethod.equals(HttpMethods.GET));
String requestMethodToUse = usingHead ? HttpMethods.HEAD : requestMethod;
final HttpRequest httpRequest = getAbstractGoogleClient().getRequestFactory().buildRequest(requestMethodToUse, buildHttpRequestUrl(), httpContent);
new MethodOverride().intercept(httpRequest);
// custom methods may use POST with no content but require a Content-Length header
if (httpContent == null && (requestMethod.equals(HttpMethods.POST) || requestMethod.equals(HttpMethods.PUT) || requestMethod.equals(HttpMethods.PATCH))) {
httpRequest.setContent(new EmptyContent());
if (!disableGZipContent) {
httpRequest.setEncoding(new GZipEncoding());
final HttpResponseInterceptor responseInterceptor = httpRequest.getResponseInterceptor();
httpRequest.setResponseInterceptor(new HttpResponseInterceptor() {
public void interceptResponse(HttpResponse response) throws IOException {
if (responseInterceptor != null) {
if (!response.isSuccessStatusCode() && httpRequest.getThrowExceptionOnExecuteError()) {
throw newExceptionOnError(response);
return httpRequest;
use of in project google-api-java-client by google.
the class MediaHttpUploader method executeCurrentRequestWithoutGZip.
* Executes the current request with some minimal common code.
* @param request current request
* @return HTTP response
private HttpResponse executeCurrentRequestWithoutGZip(HttpRequest request) throws IOException {
// method override for non-POST verbs
new MethodOverride().intercept(request);
// don't throw an exception so we can let a custom Google exception be thrown
// execute the request
HttpResponse response = request.execute();
return response;