use of in project google-api-java-client by google.
the class MediaHttpUploaderTest method testResumableMediaUploadWithZeroContent.
public void testResumableMediaUploadWithZeroContent() throws Exception {
int contentLength = 0;
MediaTransport fakeTransport = new MediaTransport(contentLength);
ByteArrayContent mediaContent = new ByteArrayContent(TEST_CONTENT_TYPE, new byte[contentLength]);
MediaHttpUploader uploader = new MediaHttpUploader(mediaContent, fakeTransport, null);
uploader.upload(new GenericUrl(TEST_RESUMABLE_REQUEST_URL));
// There should be 2 calls made. 1 initiation request and 1 upload request.
assertEquals(2, fakeTransport.lowLevelExecCalls);
use of in project google-api-java-client by google.
the class MediaHttpUploader method setContentAndHeadersOnCurrentRequest.
* Sets the HTTP media content chunk and the required headers that should be used in the upload
* request.
private void setContentAndHeadersOnCurrentRequest() throws IOException {
int blockSize;
if (isMediaLengthKnown()) {
// We know exactly what the blockSize will be because we know the media content length.
blockSize = (int) Math.min(chunkSize, getMediaContentLength() - totalBytesServerReceived);
} else {
// Use the chunkSize as the blockSize because we do know what what it is yet.
blockSize = chunkSize;
AbstractInputStreamContent contentChunk;
int actualBlockSize = blockSize;
if (isMediaLengthKnown()) {
// Mark the current position in case we need to retry the request.
InputStream limitInputStream = ByteStreams.limit(contentInputStream, blockSize);
contentChunk = new InputStreamContent(mediaContent.getType(), limitInputStream).setRetrySupported(true).setLength(blockSize).setCloseInputStream(false);
mediaContentLengthStr = String.valueOf(getMediaContentLength());
} else {
// If the media content length is not known we implement a custom buffered input stream that
// enables us to detect the length of the media content when the last chunk is sent. We
// accomplish this by always trying to read an extra byte further than the end of the current
// chunk.
int actualBytesRead;
int bytesAllowedToRead;
// amount of bytes which need to be copied from last chunk buffer
int copyBytes = 0;
if (currentRequestContentBuffer == null) {
bytesAllowedToRead = cachedByte == null ? blockSize + 1 : blockSize;
currentRequestContentBuffer = new byte[blockSize + 1];
if (cachedByte != null) {
currentRequestContentBuffer[0] = cachedByte;
} else {
// currentRequestContentBuffer is not null that means one of the following:
// 1. This is a request to recover from a server error (e.g. 503)
// or
// 2. The server received less bytes than the amount of bytes the client had sent. For
// example, the client sends bytes 100-199, but the server returns back status code 308,
// and its "Range" header is "bytes=0-150".
// In that case, the new request will be constructed from the previous request's byte buffer
// plus new bytes from the stream.
copyBytes = (int) (totalBytesClientSent - totalBytesServerReceived);
// shift copyBytes bytes to the beginning - those are the bytes which weren't received by
// the server in the last chunk.
System.arraycopy(currentRequestContentBuffer, currentChunkLength - copyBytes, currentRequestContentBuffer, 0, copyBytes);
if (cachedByte != null) {
// add the last cached byte to the buffer
currentRequestContentBuffer[copyBytes] = cachedByte;
bytesAllowedToRead = blockSize - copyBytes;
actualBytesRead =, currentRequestContentBuffer, blockSize + 1 - bytesAllowedToRead, bytesAllowedToRead);
if (actualBytesRead < bytesAllowedToRead) {
actualBlockSize = copyBytes + Math.max(0, actualBytesRead);
if (cachedByte != null) {
cachedByte = null;
if (mediaContentLengthStr.equals("*")) {
// At this point we know we reached the media content length because we either read less
// than the specified chunk size or there is no more data left to be read.
mediaContentLengthStr = String.valueOf(totalBytesServerReceived + actualBlockSize);
} else {
cachedByte = currentRequestContentBuffer[blockSize];
contentChunk = new ByteArrayContent(mediaContent.getType(), currentRequestContentBuffer, 0, actualBlockSize);
totalBytesClientSent = totalBytesServerReceived + actualBlockSize;
currentChunkLength = actualBlockSize;
if (actualBlockSize == 0) {
// No bytes to upload. Either zero content media being uploaded, or a server failure on the
// last write, even though the write actually succeeded. Either way,
// mediaContentLengthStr will contain the actual media length.
currentRequest.getHeaders().setContentRange("bytes */" + mediaContentLengthStr);
} else {
currentRequest.getHeaders().setContentRange("bytes " + totalBytesServerReceived + "-" + (totalBytesServerReceived + actualBlockSize - 1) + "/" + mediaContentLengthStr);
use of in project druid by druid-io.
the class GoogleStorageTest method testInsert.
public void testInsert() throws IOException {
String content = "abcdefghij";
MockLowLevelHttpResponse response = new MockLowLevelHttpResponse();
response.addHeader("Location", "http://random-path");
MockHttpTransport transport = new MockHttpTransport.Builder().setLowLevelHttpResponse(response).build();
GoogleStorage googleStorage = makeGoogleStorage(transport);
googleStorage.insert("bucket", "path", new ByteArrayContent("text/html", StringUtils.toUtf8(content)));
MockLowLevelHttpRequest request = transport.getLowLevelHttpRequest();
String actual = request.getContentAsString();
Assert.assertEquals(content, actual);
use of in project ddf by codice.
the class PaosInInterceptor method getHttpResponse.
HttpResponseWrapper getHttpResponse(String responseConsumerURL, String soapResponse, Message message) throws IOException {
// This used to use the ApacheHttpTransport which appeared to not work with 2 way TLS auth but
// this one does
HttpTransport httpTransport = new NetHttpTransport();
HttpContent httpContent = new ByteArrayContent(TEXT_XML, soapResponse.getBytes("UTF-8"));
HttpRequest httpRequest = httpTransport.createRequestFactory().buildPostRequest(new GenericUrl(responseConsumerURL), httpContent);
HttpUnsuccessfulResponseHandler httpUnsuccessfulResponseHandler = getHttpUnsuccessfulResponseHandler(message);
// has 20 second timeout by default
HttpResponse httpResponse = httpRequest.execute();
HttpResponseWrapper httpResponseWrapper = new HttpResponseWrapper();
httpResponseWrapper.statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusCode();
httpResponseWrapper.content = httpResponse.getContent();
httpResponseWrapper.headers = httpResponse.getHeaders().entrySet();
return httpResponseWrapper;
use of in project pentaho-kettle by pentaho.
the class GoogleDriveFileObject method doGetOutputStream.
protected OutputStream doGetOutputStream(boolean append) throws Exception {
final File parent = getName().getParent() != null ? searchFile(getName().getParent().getBaseName(), null) : null;
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() {
public void close() throws IOException {
File file = new File();
if (parent != null) {
ByteArrayContent fileContent = new ByteArrayContent("application/octet-stream", toByteArray());
if (count > 0) {
driveService.files().create(file, fileContent).execute();
((GoogleDriveFileSystem) getFileSystem()).clearFileFromCache(getName());
return out;