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Example 1 with MockHttpTransport

use of in project beam by apache.

the class GcsUtilTest method googleJsonResponseException.

   * Builds a fake GoogleJsonResponseException for testing API error handling.
private static GoogleJsonResponseException googleJsonResponseException(final int status, final String reason, final String message) throws IOException {
    final JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JacksonFactory();
    HttpTransport transport = new MockHttpTransport() {

        public LowLevelHttpRequest buildRequest(String method, String url) throws IOException {
            ErrorInfo errorInfo = new ErrorInfo();
            GenericJson error = new GenericJson();
            error.set("code", status);
            error.set("errors", Arrays.asList(errorInfo));
            GenericJson errorResponse = new GenericJson();
            errorResponse.set("error", error);
            return new MockLowLevelHttpRequest().setResponse(new MockLowLevelHttpResponse().setContent(errorResponse.toPrettyString()).setContentType(Json.MEDIA_TYPE).setStatusCode(status));
    HttpRequest request = transport.createRequestFactory().buildGetRequest(HttpTesting.SIMPLE_GENERIC_URL);
    HttpResponse response = request.execute();
    return GoogleJsonResponseException.from(jsonFactory, response);
Also used : GenericJson( LowLevelHttpRequest( MockLowLevelHttpRequest( HttpRequest( HttpTransport( MockHttpTransport( MockHttpTransport( MockLowLevelHttpResponse( ErrorInfo( JsonFactory( HttpResponse( MockLowLevelHttpResponse( LowLevelHttpResponse( JacksonFactory( MockLowLevelHttpRequest(

Example 2 with MockHttpTransport

use of in project beam by apache.

the class RetryHttpRequestInitializerTest method testIOExceptionHandlerIsInvokedOnTimeout.

   * Tests that when RPCs fail with {@link SocketTimeoutException}, the IO exception handler
   * is invoked.
public void testIOExceptionHandlerIsInvokedOnTimeout() throws Exception {
    // Counts the number of calls to execute the HTTP request.
    final AtomicLong executeCount = new AtomicLong();
    // 10 is a private internal constant in the Google API Client library. See
    // TODO: update this test once the private internal constant is public.
    final int defaultNumberOfRetries = 10;
    // A mock HTTP request that always throws SocketTimeoutException.
    MockHttpTransport transport = new MockHttpTransport.Builder().setLowLevelHttpRequest(new MockLowLevelHttpRequest() {

        public LowLevelHttpResponse execute() throws IOException {
            throw new SocketTimeoutException("Fake forced timeout exception");
    // A sample HTTP request to Google Cloud Storage that uses both default Transport and default
    // RetryHttpInitializer.
    Storage storage = new Storage.Builder(transport, Transport.getJsonFactory(), new RetryHttpRequestInitializer()).build();
    Get getRequest = storage.objects().get("gs://fake", "file");
    try {
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        assertThat(e, Matchers.<Throwable>instanceOf(SocketTimeoutException.class));
        assertEquals(1 + defaultNumberOfRetries, executeCount.get());
Also used : AtomicLong(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong) MockHttpTransport( SocketTimeoutException( Storage( Get( MockLowLevelHttpRequest( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with MockHttpTransport

use of in project beam by apache.

the class GcsUtilTest method testGetSizeBytesWhenFileNotFoundBatch.

public void testGetSizeBytesWhenFileNotFoundBatch() throws Exception {
    JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JacksonFactory();
    String contentBoundary = "batch_foobarbaz";
    String contentBoundaryLine = "--" + contentBoundary;
    String endOfContentBoundaryLine = "--" + contentBoundary + "--";
    GenericJson error = new GenericJson().set("error", new GenericJson().set("code", 404));
    String content = contentBoundaryLine + "\n" + "Content-Type: application/http\n" + "\n" + "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\n" + "Content-Length: -1\n" + "\n" + error.toString() + "\n" + "\n" + endOfContentBoundaryLine + "\n";
    MockLowLevelHttpResponse notFoundResponse = new MockLowLevelHttpResponse().setContentType("multipart/mixed; boundary=" + contentBoundary).setContent(content).setStatusCode(HttpStatusCodes.STATUS_CODE_OK);
    MockHttpTransport mockTransport = new MockHttpTransport.Builder().setLowLevelHttpResponse(notFoundResponse).build();
    GcsUtil gcsUtil = gcsOptionsWithTestCredential().getGcsUtil();
    gcsUtil.setStorageClient(new Storage(mockTransport, Transport.getJsonFactory(), null));
    gcsUtil.fileSizes(ImmutableList.of(GcsPath.fromComponents("testbucket", "testobject")));
Also used : GenericJson( MockLowLevelHttpResponse( MockHttpTransport( Storage( JsonFactory( JacksonFactory( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 4 with MockHttpTransport

use of in project copybara by google.

the class GerritApiTest method setUp.

public void setUp() throws Exception {
    OptionsBuilder options = new OptionsBuilder().setWorkdirToRealTempDir().setEnvironment(GitTestUtil.getGitEnv()).setOutputRootToTmpDir();
    credentialsFile = Files.createTempFile("credentials", "test");
    Files.write(credentialsFile, "".getBytes(UTF_8));
    GitRepository repo = newBareRepo(Files.createTempDirectory("test_repo"), getGitEnv(), /*verbose=*/
    true).init().withCredentialHelper("store --file=" + credentialsFile);
    httpTransport = new MockHttpTransport() {

        public LowLevelHttpRequest buildRequest(String method, String url) throws IOException {
            String requestString = method + " " + url;
            MockLowLevelHttpRequest request = new MockLowLevelHttpRequest();
            MockLowLevelHttpResponse response = new MockLowLevelHttpResponse();
            for (Entry<Predicate<String>, byte[]> entry : requestToResponse.entrySet()) {
                if (entry.getKey().test(requestString)) {
                    byte[] content = entry.getValue();
                    assertWithMessage("'" + method + " " + url + "'").that(content).isNotNull();
                    return request;
            response.setContent(("NO URL MATCHED! (Returning 404) REQUEST: " + requestString));
            return request;
    GerritOptions gerritOptions = new GerritOptions(() -> options.general, options.git) {

        protected HttpTransport getHttpTransport() {
            return httpTransport;

        protected GitRepository getCredentialsRepo() throws RepoException {
            return repo;
    gerritApi = gerritOptions.newGerritApi(getHost() + "/foo/bar/baz");
Also used : GitRepository( Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) MockHttpTransport( MockLowLevelHttpResponse( LowLevelHttpRequest( MockLowLevelHttpRequest( GerritOptions( IOException( OptionsBuilder( MockLowLevelHttpRequest( Before(org.junit.Before)

Example 5 with MockHttpTransport

use of in project copybara by google.

the class GithubApiTest method getTransport.

public GitHubApiTransport getTransport() throws Exception {
    credentialsFile = Files.createTempFile("credentials", "test");
    Files.write(credentialsFile, "".getBytes(UTF_8));
    GitRepository repo = newBareRepo(Files.createTempDirectory("test_repo"), getGitEnv(), /*verbose=*/
    true).init().withCredentialHelper("store --file=" + credentialsFile);
    requestToResponse = new HashMap<>();
    requestValidators = new HashMap<>();
    httpTransport = new MockHttpTransport() {

        public LowLevelHttpRequest buildRequest(String method, String url) throws IOException {
            String requestString = method + " " + url;
            MockLowLevelHttpRequest request = new MockLowLevelHttpRequest() {

                public LowLevelHttpResponse execute() throws IOException {
                    Predicate<String> validator = requestValidators.get(method + " " + url);
                    if (validator != null) {
                        assertWithMessage("Request content did not match expected values.").that(validator.test(getContentAsString())).isTrue();
                    return super.execute();
            byte[] content = requestToResponse.get(requestString);
            MockLowLevelHttpResponse response = new MockLowLevelHttpResponse();
            if (content == null) {
                response.setContent(String.format("{ 'message' : 'This is not the repo you are looking for! %s %s'," + " 'documentation_url' : ''}", method, url));
            } else {
            return request;
    return new GitHubApiTransportImpl(repo, httpTransport, "some_storage_file", new TestingConsole());
Also used : MockHttpTransport( MockLowLevelHttpResponse( LowLevelHttpRequest( MockLowLevelHttpRequest( IOException( MockLowLevelHttpRequest( Predicate(java.util.function.Predicate) GitRepository( TestingConsole( MockLowLevelHttpResponse( LowLevelHttpResponse(


MockHttpTransport ( MockLowLevelHttpRequest ( MockLowLevelHttpResponse ( HttpTransport ( Test (org.junit.Test)27 IOException ( LowLevelHttpRequest ( LowLevelHttpResponse ( JacksonFactory ( HttpRequest ( JsonFactory ( GenericJson ( Storage ( HttpResponse ( MockGoogleClient ( MockGoogleClientRequest ( GenericUrl ( Objectify (com.googlecode.objectify.Objectify)5 ByteArrayInputStream ( MockTokenServerTransport (