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Example 1 with BackOffRequired

use of in project google-auth-library-java by google.

the class ServiceAccountCredentials method refreshAccessToken.

 * Refreshes the OAuth2 access token by getting a new access token using a JSON Web Token (JWT).
public AccessToken refreshAccessToken() throws IOException {
    if (createScopedRequired()) {
        throw new IOException("Scopes not configured for service account. Scoped should be specified" + " by calling createScoped or passing scopes to constructor.");
    JsonFactory jsonFactory = OAuth2Utils.JSON_FACTORY;
    long currentTime = clock.currentTimeMillis();
    String assertion = createAssertion(jsonFactory, currentTime);
    GenericData tokenRequest = new GenericData();
    tokenRequest.set("grant_type", GRANT_TYPE);
    tokenRequest.set("assertion", assertion);
    UrlEncodedContent content = new UrlEncodedContent(tokenRequest);
    HttpRequestFactory requestFactory = transportFactory.create().createRequestFactory();
    HttpRequest request = requestFactory.buildPostRequest(new GenericUrl(tokenServerUri), content);
    request.setParser(new JsonObjectParser(jsonFactory));
    request.setIOExceptionHandler(new HttpBackOffIOExceptionHandler(new ExponentialBackOff()));
    request.setUnsuccessfulResponseHandler(new HttpBackOffUnsuccessfulResponseHandler(new ExponentialBackOff()).setBackOffRequired(new BackOffRequired() {

        public boolean isRequired(HttpResponse response) {
            int code = response.getStatusCode();
            return (// Server error --- includes timeout errors, which use 500 instead of 408
            code / 100 == 5 || //
            code == 403);
    HttpResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.execute();
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new IOException("Error getting access token for service account: ", e);
    GenericData responseData = response.parseAs(GenericData.class);
    String accessToken = OAuth2Utils.validateString(responseData, "access_token", PARSE_ERROR_PREFIX);
    int expiresInSeconds = OAuth2Utils.validateInt32(responseData, "expires_in", PARSE_ERROR_PREFIX);
    long expiresAtMilliseconds = clock.currentTimeMillis() + expiresInSeconds * 1000L;
    return new AccessToken(accessToken, new Date(expiresAtMilliseconds));
Also used : HttpRequest( HttpBackOffIOExceptionHandler( HttpBackOffUnsuccessfulResponseHandler( HttpRequestFactory( JsonFactory( UrlEncodedContent( HttpResponse( IOException( GenericUrl( BackOffRequired( GenericData( ExponentialBackOff( Date(java.sql.Date) JsonObjectParser(


GenericUrl ( HttpBackOffIOExceptionHandler ( HttpBackOffUnsuccessfulResponseHandler ( BackOffRequired ( HttpRequest ( HttpRequestFactory ( HttpResponse ( UrlEncodedContent ( JsonFactory ( JsonObjectParser ( ExponentialBackOff ( GenericData ( IOException ( Date (java.sql.Date)1