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Example 6 with CheckedExpr

use of in project cel-java by projectnessie.

the class ConformanceServerTest method FullUp.

 * TestFullUp tests Parse, Check, and Eval back-to-back.
void FullUp() {
    ParseRequest preq = ParseRequest.newBuilder().setCelSource("x + y").build();
    ParseResponse pres = stub.parse(preq);
    ParsedExpr parsedExpr = pres.getParsedExpr();
    CheckRequest creq = CheckRequest.newBuilder().setParsedExpr(parsedExpr).addTypeEnv(Decls.newVar("x", Decls.Int)).addTypeEnv(Decls.newVar("y", Decls.Int)).build();
    CheckResponse cres = stub.check(creq);
    CheckedExpr checkedExpr = cres.getCheckedExpr();
    Type tp = checkedExpr.getTypeMapMap().get(1L);
    EvalRequest ereq = EvalRequest.newBuilder().setCheckedExpr(checkedExpr).putBindings("x", exprValueInt64(1)).putBindings("y", exprValueInt64(2)).build();
    EvalResponse eres = stub.eval(ereq);
Also used : EvalRequest( PrimitiveType( Type( ParseRequest( CheckedExpr( ParsedExpr( CheckResponse( CheckRequest( ParseResponse( EvalResponse( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 7 with CheckedExpr

use of in project cel-java by projectnessie.

the class CEL method initInterpretable.

 * initIterpretable creates a checked or unchecked interpretable depending on whether the Ast has
 * been run through the type-checker.
private static Program initInterpretable(Prog p, Ast ast, List<InterpretableDecorator> decorators) {
    InterpretableDecorator[] decs = decorators.toArray(new InterpretableDecorator[0]);
    // slower to execute than their checked counterparts.
    if (!ast.isChecked()) {
        p.interpretable = p.interpreter.newUncheckedInterpretable(ast.getExpr(), decs);
        return p;
    // When the AST has been checked it contains metadata that can be used to speed up program
    // execution.
    CheckedExpr checked = astToCheckedExpr(ast);
    p.interpretable = p.interpreter.newInterpretable(checked, decs);
    return p;
Also used : CheckedExpr( InterpretableDecorator(org.projectnessie.cel.interpreter.InterpretableDecorator)

Example 8 with CheckedExpr

use of in project cel-java by projectnessie.

the class Env method check.

 * Check performs type-checking on the input Ast and yields a checked Ast and/or set of Issues.
 * <p>Checking has failed if the returned Issues value and its Issues.Err() value are non-nil.
 * Issues should be inspected if they are non-nil, but may not represent a fatal error.
 * <p>It is possible to have both non-nil Ast and Issues values returned from this call: however,
 * the mere presence of an Ast does not imply that it is valid for use.
public AstIssuesTuple check(Ast ast) {
    // Note, errors aren't currently possible on the Ast to ParsedExpr conversion.
    ParsedExpr pe = astToParsedExpr(ast);
    // Construct the internal checker env, erroring if there is an issue adding the declarations.
    synchronized (once) {
        if (chk == null && chkErr == null) {
            CheckerEnv ce = CheckerEnv.newCheckerEnv(container, provider);
            if (hasFeature(FeatureDisableDynamicAggregateLiterals)) {
            try {
                chk = ce;
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                chkErr = e;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                chkErr = new RuntimeException(e);
    // The once call will ensure that this value is set or nil for all invocations.
    if (chkErr != null) {
        Errors errs = new Errors(ast.getSource());
        errs.reportError(NoLocation, "%s", chkErr.toString());
        return new AstIssuesTuple(null, newIssues(errs));
    ParseResult pr = new ParseResult(pe.getExpr(), new Errors(ast.getSource()), pe.getSourceInfo());
    CheckResult checkRes = Checker.Check(pr, ast.getSource(), chk);
    if (checkRes.hasErrors()) {
        return new AstIssuesTuple(null, newIssues(checkRes.getErrors()));
    // Manually create the Ast to ensure that the Ast source information (which may be more
    // detailed than the information provided by Check), is returned to the caller.
    CheckedExpr ce = checkRes.getCheckedExpr();
    ast = new Ast(ce.getExpr(), ce.getSourceInfo(), ast.getSource(), ce.getReferenceMapMap(), ce.getTypeMapMap());
    return new AstIssuesTuple(ast, Issues.noIssues(ast.getSource()));
Also used : Errors(org.projectnessie.cel.common.Errors) AstPruner.pruneAst(org.projectnessie.cel.interpreter.AstPruner.pruneAst) CEL.parsedExprToAst(org.projectnessie.cel.CEL.parsedExprToAst) ParseResult(org.projectnessie.cel.parser.Parser.ParseResult) CheckResult(org.projectnessie.cel.checker.Checker.CheckResult) CheckedExpr( CheckerEnv(org.projectnessie.cel.checker.CheckerEnv) ParsedExpr( CEL.astToParsedExpr(org.projectnessie.cel.CEL.astToParsedExpr)

Example 9 with CheckedExpr

use of in project cel-java by projectnessie.

the class ProviderTest method typeRegistryNewValue_OneofFields.

void typeRegistryNewValue_OneofFields() {
    TypeRegistry reg = newRegistry(CheckedExpr.getDefaultInstance(), ParsedExpr.getDefaultInstance());
    Val exp = reg.newValue("google.api.expr.v1alpha1.CheckedExpr", mapOf("expr", reg.newValue("google.api.expr.v1alpha1.Expr", mapOf("const_expr", reg.newValue("google.api.expr.v1alpha1.Constant", mapOf("string_value", stringOf("oneof")))))));
    assertThat(exp).matches(v -> !Err.isError(v));
    CheckedExpr ce = exp.convertToNative(CheckedExpr.class);
Also used : Val(org.projectnessie.cel.common.types.ref.Val) ParsedExpr( Expr( CheckedExpr( CheckedExpr( TypeRegistry(org.projectnessie.cel.common.types.ref.TypeRegistry) ProtoTypeRegistry(org.projectnessie.cel.common.types.pb.ProtoTypeRegistry) Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)


CheckedExpr ( ParsedExpr ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)5 CEL.parsedExprToAst (org.projectnessie.cel.CEL.parsedExprToAst)4 CEL.astToCheckedExpr (org.projectnessie.cel.CEL.astToCheckedExpr)3 CEL.checkedExprToAst (org.projectnessie.cel.CEL.checkedExprToAst)3 AstIssuesTuple (org.projectnessie.cel.Env.AstIssuesTuple)3 Env.newCustomEnv (org.projectnessie.cel.Env.newCustomEnv)3 Env.newEnv (org.projectnessie.cel.Env.newEnv)3 CheckRequest ( CheckResponse ( EvalRequest ( EvalResponse ( Expr ( ParseRequest ( ParseResponse ( Type ( CEL.astToParsedExpr (org.projectnessie.cel.CEL.astToParsedExpr)2 MapType ( PrimitiveType (