use of org.projectnessie.cel.checker.CheckerEnv in project cel-java by projectnessie.
the class InterpreterTest method setProto2PrimitiveFields.
void setProto2PrimitiveFields() {
// Test the use of proto2 primitives within object construction.
Source src = newTextSource("input == TestAllTypes{\n" + " single_int32: 1,\n" + " single_int64: 2,\n" + " single_uint32: 3u,\n" + " single_uint64: 4u,\n" + " single_float: -3.3,\n" + " single_double: -2.2,\n" + " single_string: \"hello world\",\n" + " single_bool: true\n" + "}");
ParseResult parsed = Parser.parseAllMacros(src);
Container cont = testContainer("google.api.expr.test.v1.proto2");
TypeRegistry reg = newRegistry(;
CheckerEnv env = newStandardCheckerEnv(cont, reg);
env.add(singletonList(Decls.newVar("input", Decls.newObjectType("google.api.expr.test.v1.proto2.TestAllTypes"))));
CheckResult checkResult = Checker.Check(parsed, src, env);
if (parsed.hasErrors()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(parsed.getErrors().toDisplayString());
AttributeFactory attrs = newAttributeFactory(cont, reg, reg);
Interpreter i = newStandardInterpreter(cont, reg, reg, attrs);
Interpretable eval = i.newInterpretable(checkResult.getCheckedExpr());
int one = 1;
long two = 2L;
int three = 3;
long four = 4L;
float five = -3.3f;
double six = -2.2d;
String str = "hello world";
boolean truth = true; input =;
Activation vars = newActivation(mapOf("input", reg.nativeToValue(input)));
Val result = eval.eval(vars);
boolean got = (Boolean) result.value();
use of org.projectnessie.cel.checker.CheckerEnv in project cel-java by projectnessie.
the class InterpreterTest method missingIdentInSelect.
void missingIdentInSelect() {
Source src = newTextSource("a.b.c");
ParseResult parsed = Parser.parseAllMacros(src);
Container cont = testContainer("test");
TypeRegistry reg = newRegistry();
CheckerEnv env = newStandardCheckerEnv(cont, reg);
env.add(Decls.newVar("a.b", Decls.Dyn));
CheckResult checkResult = Checker.Check(parsed, src, env);
if (parsed.hasErrors()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(parsed.getErrors().toDisplayString());
AttributeFactory attrs = newPartialAttributeFactory(cont, reg, reg);
Interpreter interp = newStandardInterpreter(cont, reg, reg, attrs);
Interpretable i = interp.newInterpretable(checkResult.getCheckedExpr());
Activation vars = newPartialActivation(mapOf("a.b", mapOf("d", "hello")), newAttributePattern("a.b").qualString("c"));
Val result = i.eval(vars);
result = i.eval(emptyActivation());
use of org.projectnessie.cel.checker.CheckerEnv in project cel-java by projectnessie.
the class Env method check.
* Check performs type-checking on the input Ast and yields a checked Ast and/or set of Issues.
* <p>Checking has failed if the returned Issues value and its Issues.Err() value are non-nil.
* Issues should be inspected if they are non-nil, but may not represent a fatal error.
* <p>It is possible to have both non-nil Ast and Issues values returned from this call: however,
* the mere presence of an Ast does not imply that it is valid for use.
public AstIssuesTuple check(Ast ast) {
// Note, errors aren't currently possible on the Ast to ParsedExpr conversion.
ParsedExpr pe = astToParsedExpr(ast);
// Construct the internal checker env, erroring if there is an issue adding the declarations.
synchronized (once) {
if (chk == null && chkErr == null) {
CheckerEnv ce = CheckerEnv.newCheckerEnv(container, provider);
if (hasFeature(FeatureDisableDynamicAggregateLiterals)) {
try {
chk = ce;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
chkErr = e;
} catch (Exception e) {
chkErr = new RuntimeException(e);
// The once call will ensure that this value is set or nil for all invocations.
if (chkErr != null) {
Errors errs = new Errors(ast.getSource());
errs.reportError(NoLocation, "%s", chkErr.toString());
return new AstIssuesTuple(null, newIssues(errs));
ParseResult pr = new ParseResult(pe.getExpr(), new Errors(ast.getSource()), pe.getSourceInfo());
CheckResult checkRes = Checker.Check(pr, ast.getSource(), chk);
if (checkRes.hasErrors()) {
return new AstIssuesTuple(null, newIssues(checkRes.getErrors()));
// Manually create the Ast to ensure that the Ast source information (which may be more
// detailed than the information provided by Check), is returned to the caller.
CheckedExpr ce = checkRes.getCheckedExpr();
ast = new Ast(ce.getExpr(), ce.getSourceInfo(), ast.getSource(), ce.getReferenceMapMap(), ce.getTypeMapMap());
return new AstIssuesTuple(ast, Issues.noIssues(ast.getSource()));
use of org.projectnessie.cel.checker.CheckerEnv in project cel-java by projectnessie.
the class AttributesTest method attributeStateTracking.
void attributeStateTracking(TestDef tc) {
Source src = Source.newTextSource(tc.expr);
ParseResult parsed = Parser.parseAllMacros(src);
Container cont = Container.defaultContainer;
TypeRegistry reg = newRegistry();
CheckerEnv env = newStandardCheckerEnv(cont, reg);
if (tc.env != null) {
CheckResult checkResult = Checker.Check(parsed, src, env);
if (parsed.hasErrors()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(parsed.getErrors().toDisplayString());
AttributeFactory attrs = newAttributeFactory(cont, reg, reg);
Interpreter interp = newStandardInterpreter(cont, reg, reg, attrs);
// Show that program planning will now produce an error.
EvalState st = newEvalState();
Interpretable i = interp.newInterpretable(checkResult.getCheckedExpr(), optimize(), trackState(st));
Activation in = newActivation(;
Val out = i.eval(in);
assertThat(out).extracting(o -> o.equal(tc.out)).isSameAs(True);
for (Entry<Object, Object> iv : tc.state.entrySet()) {
long id = ((Number) iv.getKey()).longValue();
Object val = iv.getValue();
Val stVal = st.value(id);
assertThat(stVal).withFailMessage(() -> String.format("id(%d), val=%s, stVal=%s", id, val, stVal)).isNotNull();
assertThat(stVal).withFailMessage(() -> String.format("id(%d), val=%s, stVal=%s", id, val, stVal)).isEqualTo(DefaultTypeAdapter.Instance.nativeToValue(val));
deepEquals(String.format("id(%d)", id), stVal.value(), val);
use of org.projectnessie.cel.checker.CheckerEnv in project cel-java by projectnessie.
the class InterpreterTest method typeConversionOpt.
void typeConversionOpt(ConvTestCase tc) {
Source src = newTextSource(;
ParseResult parsed = Parser.parseAllMacros(src);
Container cont = Container.defaultContainer;
TypeRegistry reg = newRegistry();
CheckerEnv env = newStandardCheckerEnv(cont, reg);
CheckResult checkResult = Checker.Check(parsed, src, env);
if (parsed.hasErrors()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(parsed.getErrors().toDisplayString());
AttributeFactory attrs = newAttributeFactory(cont, reg, reg);
Interpreter interp = newStandardInterpreter(cont, reg, reg, attrs);
if (! {
typeConversionOptCheck(tc, checkResult, interp);
} else {
Throwable err = catchThrowable(() -> typeConversionOptCheck(tc, checkResult, interp));
assertThat(err).withFailMessage(() -> format("Expected '%s' to fail with '%s'",, tc.err)).isNotNull();
// TODO 'err' below comes from "try-catch" of the preceding 'newInterpretable'
// Show how the error returned during program planning is the same as the runtime
// error which would be produced normally.
Interpretable i2 = interp.newInterpretable(checkResult.getCheckedExpr());
Val errVal = i2.eval(emptyActivation());
String errValStr = errVal.toString();
if (tc.err != null) {