use of in project google-cloud-intellij by GoogleCloudPlatform.
the class CloudApiManager method getServiceAccountRoles.
* Fetches the list of {@link Role} for the supplied {@link CloudProject} by querying the Iam API.
static List<Role> getServiceAccountRoles(CloudProject cloudProject) {
Optional<CredentialedUser> user = Services.getLoginService().getLoggedInUser(cloudProject.googleUsername());
if (!user.isPresent()) {
LOG.error("Cannot fetch service account roles: logged in user not found.");
return ImmutableList.of();
Iam iam = GoogleApiClientFactory.getInstance().getIamClient(user.get().getCredential());
try {
return iam.roles().list().execute().getRoles();
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.warn("Exception occurred attempting to fetch service account roles");
return ImmutableList.of();
use of in project google-cloud-intellij by GoogleCloudPlatform.
the class CloudApiManager method createServiceAccountKey.
* Using the supplied {@link ServiceAccount}, this creates and returns a new {@link
* ServiceAccountKey}.
private static ServiceAccountKey createServiceAccountKey(CredentialedUser user, ServiceAccount serviceAccount) throws IOException {
Iam iam = GoogleApiClientFactory.getInstance().getIamClient(user.getCredential());
CreateServiceAccountKeyRequest keyRequest = new CreateServiceAccountKeyRequest();
return iam.projects().serviceAccounts().keys().create(serviceAccount.getName(), keyRequest).execute();
use of in project google-cloud-intellij by GoogleCloudPlatform.
the class CloudApiManager method addRolesToServiceAccount.
* Adds a set of {@link Role roles} to a {@link ServiceAccount}.
* <p>This is done by fetching the cloud project's existing IAM Policy, adding the new roles to
* the given service account, and then writing the updated policy back to the cloud project.
* @param user the current {@link CredentialedUser}
* @param serviceAccount the {@link ServiceAccount} to which to add roles
* @param roles the set of {@link Role} to be added to the service account
* @param cloudProject the current {@link CloudProject}
* @throws IOException if the API call fails to update the IAM policy
private static void addRolesToServiceAccount(CredentialedUser user, ServiceAccount serviceAccount, Set<Role> roles, CloudProject cloudProject) throws IOException {
CloudResourceManager resourceManager = GoogleApiClientFactory.getInstance().getCloudResourceManagerClient(user.getCredential());
Policy existingPolicy = resourceManager.projects().getIamPolicy(cloudProject.projectId(), new GetIamPolicyRequest()).execute();
List<Binding> bindings = Lists.newArrayList(existingPolicy.getBindings());
List<Binding> additionalBindings = -> {
Binding binding = new Binding();
return binding;
SetIamPolicyRequest policyRequest = new SetIamPolicyRequest();
Policy newPolicy = new Policy();
resourceManager.projects().setIamPolicy(cloudProject.projectId(), policyRequest).execute();
use of in project google-cloud-intellij by GoogleCloudPlatform.
the class CloudApiManager method createServiceAccount.
* Creates a new {@link ServiceAccount} for the given {@link CloudProject} using the IAM API.
private static ServiceAccount createServiceAccount(CredentialedUser user, String name, CloudProject cloudProject) throws IOException {
CreateServiceAccountRequest request = new CreateServiceAccountRequest();
ServiceAccount serviceAccount = new ServiceAccount();
Iam iam = GoogleApiClientFactory.getInstance().getIamClient(user.getCredential());
return iam.projects().serviceAccounts().create(String.format(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CREATE_REQUEST_PROJECT_FORMAT, cloudProject.projectId()), request).execute();