use of in project tutorials by eugenp.
the class GoogleSheetsIntegrationTest method whenCreateSpreadSheet_thenIdOk.
public void whenCreateSpreadSheet_thenIdOk() throws IOException {
Spreadsheet spreadSheet = new Spreadsheet().setProperties(new SpreadsheetProperties().setTitle("My Spreadsheet"));
Spreadsheet result = sheetsService.spreadsheets().create(spreadSheet).execute();
use of in project jbpm-work-items by kiegroup.
the class ReadSheetValuesWorkitemHandler method executeWorkItem.
public void executeWorkItem(WorkItem workItem, WorkItemManager workItemManager) {
Map<String, Object> results = new HashMap<String, Object>();
String paramSheetId = (String) workItem.getParameter("SheetId");
// to learn google spreadsheet ranges go to
String paramRange = (String) workItem.getParameter("Range");
try {
Sheets service = auth.getSheetsService(appName, clientSecret);
ValueRange sheetResponse = service.spreadsheets().values().get(paramSheetId, paramRange).execute();
List<List<Object>> values = sheetResponse.getValues();
results.put(RESULTS_VALUES, values);
} catch (Exception e) {
workItemManager.completeWorkItem(workItem.getId(), results);
use of in project collect by opendatakit.
the class SheetsHelper method getSpreadsheet.
* Checks whether the selected google account has sufficient permissions
* to modify the given spreadsheetId. If yes, then returns complete spreadsheet
* otherwise throws exception
public Spreadsheet getSpreadsheet(String spreadsheetId) throws IOException {
* Read permission check
* To check read permissions, we are trying to fetch the complete spreadsheet using the
* given spreadsheet id
// fetching the google spreadsheet
Spreadsheet spreadsheet = sheetsService.getSpreadsheet(spreadsheetId);
String spreadsheetFileName = spreadsheet.getProperties().getTitle();
* Write permission check
* To check write permissions, we are trying to overwrite the name of the spreadsheet with
* the same name
* Todo 22/3/17 Find a better way to check the write permissions
// creating a request to update name of spreadsheet
SpreadsheetProperties sheetProperties = new SpreadsheetProperties().setTitle(spreadsheetFileName);
List<Request> requests = new ArrayList<>();
requests.add(new Request().setUpdateSpreadsheetProperties(new UpdateSpreadsheetPropertiesRequest().setProperties(sheetProperties).setFields("title")));
// updating the spreadsheet with the given id
sheetsService.batchUpdate(spreadsheetId, requests);
return spreadsheet;
use of in project collect by opendatakit.
the class SheetsHelper method resizeSpreadSheet.
* Resize the column size of the provided sheetId in the google spreadsheet
* @param spreadsheetId unique id of the spreadsheet
* @param sheetId the index of the sheet which is to be resized
* @param columnSize the new column size of the sheet
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Providing sheetId or column size less than zero throws this exception
* Sheet Id is basically index of the sheet starting from zero
* Similarly, the value for the column size can't be negative
* @throws IOException Throws this exception if the google spreadsheet cannot be fetched
* due to insufficient permissions or invalid sheet id
public void resizeSpreadSheet(String spreadsheetId, int sheetId, int columnSize) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException {
if (sheetId < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sheet Id should be greater than or equal to 0");
if (columnSize < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Column size should be greater than 0");
// create grid properties with the new column size
GridProperties gridProperties = new GridProperties().setColumnCount(columnSize);
// create sheet properties for the first sheet in the spreadsheet
SheetProperties sheetProperties = new SheetProperties().setSheetId(sheetId).setGridProperties(gridProperties);
// Updates properties of the sheet with the specified sheetId
UpdateSheetPropertiesRequest updateSheetPropertyRequest = new UpdateSheetPropertiesRequest().setProperties(sheetProperties).setFields("gridProperties.columnCount");
// generate request
List<Request> requests = new ArrayList<>();
requests.add(new Request().setUpdateSheetProperties(updateSheetPropertyRequest));
// send the API request
sheetsService.batchUpdate(spreadsheetId, requests);
use of in project collect by opendatakit.
the class SheetsHelperTest method getSpreadsheetTest.
public void getSpreadsheetTest() throws IOException {
Spreadsheet mockedSpreadsheet = mock(Spreadsheet.class);
SpreadsheetProperties mockedProperties = mock(SpreadsheetProperties.class);
Spreadsheet spreadsheet = sheetsHelper.getSpreadsheet("spreadsheet_id");
assertEquals(mockedSpreadsheet, spreadsheet);