use of in project siena by mandubian.
the class GaeQueryUtils method addFiltersOrders.
public static <T> addFiltersOrders(QueryData<T> query, q, Key parentKey) {
List<QueryFilter> filters = query.getFilters();
for (QueryFilter filter : filters) {
if (QueryFilterSimple.class.isAssignableFrom(filter.getClass())) {
QueryFilterSimple qf = (QueryFilterSimple) filter;
Field f = qf.field;
String propertyName = ClassInfo.getColumnNames(f)[0];
Object value = qf.value;
FilterOperator op = operators.get(qf.operator);
// IN and NOT_EQUAL doesn't allow to use cursors
if (op == FilterOperator.IN || op == FilterOperator.NOT_EQUAL) {
QueryOptionGaeContext gaeCtx = (QueryOptionGaeContext) query.option(QueryOptionGaeContext.ID);
if (gaeCtx == null) {
gaeCtx = new QueryOptionGaeContext();
query.options().put(gaeCtx.type, gaeCtx);
gaeCtx.useCursor = false;
if (value != null && ClassInfo.isModel(value.getClass())) {
Key key = GaeMappingUtils.getKey(value);
q.addFilter(propertyName, op, key);
} else {
if (ClassInfo.isId(f)) {
Id id = f.getAnnotation(Id.class);
switch(id.value()) {
case NONE:
if (value != null) {
if (!Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) {
// long or string goes toString
Key key;
if (parentKey == null) {
key = KeyFactory.createKey(q.getKind(), value.toString());
} else {
key = KeyFactory.createKey(parentKey, q.getKind(), value.toString());
q.addFilter(Entity.KEY_RESERVED_PROPERTY, op, key);
} else {
List<Key> keys = new ArrayList<Key>();
for (Object val : (Collection<?>) value) {
if (parentKey == null) {
keys.add(KeyFactory.createKey(q.getKind(), val.toString()));
} else {
keys.add(KeyFactory.createKey(parentKey, q.getKind(), val.toString()));
q.addFilter(Entity.KEY_RESERVED_PROPERTY, op, keys);
if (value != null) {
if (!Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) {
Key key;
Class<?> type = f.getType();
if (Long.TYPE == type || Long.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
if (parentKey == null) {
key = KeyFactory.createKey(q.getKind(), (Long) value);
} else {
key = KeyFactory.createKey(parentKey, q.getKind(), (Long) value);
} else {
if (parentKey == null) {
key = KeyFactory.createKey(q.getKind(), value.toString());
} else {
key = KeyFactory.createKey(parentKey, q.getKind(), value.toString());
q.addFilter(Entity.KEY_RESERVED_PROPERTY, op, key);
} else {
List<Key> keys = new ArrayList<Key>();
for (Object val : (Collection<?>) value) {
if (value instanceof String)
val = Long.parseLong((String) val);
if (parentKey == null) {
keys.add(KeyFactory.createKey(q.getKind(), (Long) val));
} else {
keys.add(KeyFactory.createKey(parentKey, q.getKind(), (Long) val));
q.addFilter(Entity.KEY_RESERVED_PROPERTY, op, keys);
case UUID:
if (value != null) {
if (!Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) {
// long or string goes toString
Key key;
if (parentKey == null) {
key = KeyFactory.createKey(q.getKind(), value.toString());
} else {
key = KeyFactory.createKey(parentKey, q.getKind(), value.toString());
q.addFilter(Entity.KEY_RESERVED_PROPERTY, op, key);
} else {
List<Key> keys = new ArrayList<Key>();
for (Object val : (Collection<?>) value) {
keys.add(KeyFactory.createKey(q.getKind(), val.toString()));
q.addFilter(Entity.KEY_RESERVED_PROPERTY, op, keys);
throw new SienaException("Id Generator " + id.value() + " not supported");
} else if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(f.getType())) {
value = value.toString();
q.addFilter(propertyName, op, value);
} else {
q.addFilter(propertyName, op, value);
} else if (QueryFilterSearch.class.isAssignableFrom(filter.getClass())) {
Class<T> clazz = query.getQueriedClass();
QueryFilterSearch qf = (QueryFilterSearch) filter;
if (qf.fields.length > 1)
throw new SienaException("Search not possible for several fields in GAE: only one field");
try {
Field field = Util.getField(clazz, qf.fields[0]);
if (field.isAnnotationPresent(Unindexed.class)) {
throw new SienaException("Cannot search the @Unindexed field " + field.getName());
// cuts match into words
String[] words = qf.match.split("\\s");
// if several words, then only OR operator represented by IN GAE
Pattern pNormal = Pattern.compile("[^\\*](\\w+)[^\\*]");
if (words.length > 1) {
for (String word : words) {
if (!pNormal.matcher(word).matches()) {
throw new SienaException("Cannot do a multiwords search with the * operator");
List<String> wordList = new ArrayList<String>();
Collections.addAll(wordList, words);
addSearchFilterIn(q, field, wordList);
} else {
// searches for pattern such as "alpha*" or "*alpha" or "alpha"
Pattern pStart = Pattern.compile("(\\w+)\\*");
String word = words[0];
Matcher matcher = pStart.matcher(word);
if (matcher.matches()) {
String realWord =;
addSearchFilterBeginsWith(q, field, realWord);
matcher = pNormal.matcher(word);
if (matcher.matches()) {
addSearchFilterEquals(q, field, word);
Pattern pEnd = Pattern.compile("\\*(\\w+)");
matcher = pEnd.matcher(word);
if (matcher.matches()) {
throw new SienaException("Cannot do a \"*word\" search in GAE");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SienaException(e);
} else if (QueryFilterEmbedded.class.isAssignableFrom(filter.getClass())) {
QueryFilterEmbedded qf = (QueryFilterEmbedded) filter;
String propName = "";
int sz = qf.fields.size();
for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
propName += ClassInfo.getSingleColumnName(qf.fields.get(i));
if (i < sz - 1) {
propName += qf.fieldSeparator;
Object value = qf.value;
FilterOperator op = operators.get(qf.operator);
// IN and NOT_EQUAL doesn't allow to use cursors
if (op == FilterOperator.IN || op == FilterOperator.NOT_EQUAL) {
QueryOptionGaeContext gaeCtx = (QueryOptionGaeContext) query.option(QueryOptionGaeContext.ID);
if (gaeCtx == null) {
gaeCtx = new QueryOptionGaeContext();
query.options().put(gaeCtx.type, gaeCtx);
gaeCtx.useCursor = false;
q.addFilter(propName, op, value);
// adds filter on owners
List<QueryOwned> ownees = query.getOwnees();
for (QueryOwned ownee : ownees) {
String propertyName = ClassInfo.getSimplestColumnName(ownee.field);
FilterOperator op = operators.get("=");
Key key = GaeMappingUtils.getKey(ownee.owner);
q.addFilter(propertyName, op, key);
List<QueryOrder> orders = query.getOrders();
for (QueryOrder order : orders) {
Field f = order.field;
if (ClassInfo.isId(f)) {
q.addSort(Entity.KEY_RESERVED_PROPERTY, order.ascending ? SortDirection.ASCENDING : SortDirection.DESCENDING);
} else {
q.addSort(ClassInfo.getColumnNames(f)[0], order.ascending ? SortDirection.ASCENDING : SortDirection.DESCENDING);
return q;