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Example 1 with Instance

use of in project java-docs-samples by GoogleCloudPlatform.

the class CreateBackupTestIT method setUp.

public static void setUp() throws IOException {
    projectId = requireEnv(PROJECT_ENV);
    try (BigtableInstanceAdminClient instanceAdmin = BigtableInstanceAdminClient.create(projectId)) {
        CreateInstanceRequest request = CreateInstanceRequest.of(INSTANCE_ID).addCluster(CLUSTER_ID, ZONE_ID, 1, StorageType.SSD);
        Instance instance = instanceAdmin.createInstance(request);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        System.out.println("Error during BeforeClass while creating instance: \n" + e.toString());
        throw (e);
    try (BigtableTableAdminClient tableAdmin = BigtableTableAdminClient.create(projectId, INSTANCE_ID)) {
        // Create a table.
    } catch (IOException e) {
        System.out.println("Error during BeforeClass while creating table: \n" + e.toString());
        throw (e);
    // Get the sample's base directory (the one containing a pom.xml file)
    String baseDir = System.getProperty("basedir");
    // Emulate the function locally by running the Functions Framework Maven plugin
    emulatorProcess = new ProcessBuilder().command("mvn", "function:run").directory(new File(baseDir)).start();
Also used : Instance( BigtableInstanceAdminClient( IOException( BigtableTableAdminClient( CreateInstanceRequest( File( BeforeClass(org.junit.BeforeClass)

Example 2 with Instance

use of in project java-bigtable-hbase by googleapis.

the class ColumnDescriptorAdapter method adapt.

 * Adapt a single instance of an HBase {@link org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HColumnDescriptor} to an
 * instance of {@link}.
 * <p>NOTE: This method does not set the name of the ColumnFamily.Builder. The assumption is that
 * the CreateTableRequest or CreateColumnFamilyRequest takes care of the naming. As of now
 * (3/11/2015), the server insists on having a blank name.
 * @param columnDescriptor a {@link org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HColumnDescriptor} object.
 * @return a {@link} object.
public ColumnFamily adapt(HColumnDescriptor columnDescriptor) {
    ColumnFamily.Builder resultBuilder = ColumnFamily.newBuilder();
    GCRule gcRule = buildGarbageCollectionRule(columnDescriptor);
    if (gcRule != null) {
Also used : GCRule( ColumnFamily(

Example 3 with Instance

use of in project java-bigtable by googleapis.

the class BigtableInstanceAdminClient method listAppProfilesAsync.

 * Asynchronously lists all app profiles of the specified instance.
 * <p>Sample code:
 * <pre>{@code
 * ApiFuture<List<AppProfile>> appProfilesFuture = client.listAppProfilesAsync("my-instance");
 * List<AppProfile> appProfiles = appProfileFuture.get();
 * }</pre>
 * @see AppProfile
public ApiFuture<List<AppProfile>> listAppProfilesAsync(String instanceId) {
    String instanceName = NameUtil.formatInstanceName(projectId, instanceId);
    ListAppProfilesRequest request = ListAppProfilesRequest.newBuilder().setParent(instanceName).build();
    // TODO(igorbernstein2): try to upstream pagination spooling or figure out a way to expose the
    // paginated responses while maintaining the wrapper facade.
    // Fetches the first page.
    ApiFuture<ListAppProfilesPage> firstPageFuture = ApiFutures.transform(stub.listAppProfilesPagedCallable().futureCall(request), new ApiFunction<ListAppProfilesPagedResponse, ListAppProfilesPage>() {

        public ListAppProfilesPage apply(ListAppProfilesPagedResponse response) {
            return response.getPage();
    }, MoreExecutors.directExecutor());
    // Fetches the rest of the pages by chaining the futures.
    ApiFuture<List<>> allProtos = ApiFutures.transformAsync(firstPageFuture, new ApiAsyncFunction<ListAppProfilesPage, List<>>() {

        List<> responseAccumulator = Lists.newArrayList();

        public ApiFuture<List<>> apply(ListAppProfilesPage page) {
            // Add all entries from the page
            // If this is the last page, just return the accumulated responses.
            if (!page.hasNextPage()) {
                return ApiFutures.immediateFuture(responseAccumulator);
            // Otherwise fetch the next page.
            return ApiFutures.transformAsync(page.getNextPageAsync(), this, MoreExecutors.directExecutor());
    }, MoreExecutors.directExecutor());
    // Wraps all of the accumulated protos.
    return ApiFutures.transform(allProtos, new ApiFunction<List<>, List<AppProfile>>() {

        public List<AppProfile> apply(List<> input) {
            List<AppProfile> results = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(input.size());
            for ( appProfile : input) {
            return results;
    }, MoreExecutors.directExecutor());
Also used : AppProfile( ListAppProfilesRequest( ApiFuture( ListAppProfilesPage( ListAppProfilesPagedResponse( ImmutableList( List(java.util.List)

Example 4 with Instance

use of in project java-bigtable by googleapis.

the class BigtableTableAdminClient method listTablesAsync.

 * Asynchronously lists all table IDs in the instance.
 * <p>Sample code:
 * <pre>{@code
 * ApiFuture<List<String>> listFuture = client.listTables();
 * ApiFutures.addCallback(
 *   listFuture,
 *   new ApiFutureCallback<List<String>>() {
 *     public void onSuccess(List<String> tableIds) {
 *       System.out.println("Got list of tables:");
 *       for (String tableId : tableIds) {
 *         System.out.println(tableId);
 *       }
 *     }
 *     public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
 *       t.printStackTrace();
 *     }
 *   },
 *   MoreExecutors.directExecutor()
 * );
 * }</pre>
public ApiFuture<List<String>> listTablesAsync() {
    ListTablesRequest request = ListTablesRequest.newBuilder().setParent(NameUtil.formatInstanceName(projectId, instanceId)).build();
    // TODO(igorbernstein2): try to upstream pagination spooling or figure out a way to expose the
    // paginated responses while maintaining the wrapper facade.
    // Fetches the first page.
    ApiFuture<ListTablesPage> firstPageFuture = ApiFutures.transform(stub.listTablesPagedCallable().futureCall(request), new ApiFunction<ListTablesPagedResponse, ListTablesPage>() {

        public ListTablesPage apply(ListTablesPagedResponse response) {
            return response.getPage();
    }, MoreExecutors.directExecutor());
    // Fetches the rest of the pages by chaining the futures.
    ApiFuture<List<>> allProtos = ApiFutures.transformAsync(firstPageFuture, new ApiAsyncFunction<ListTablesPage, List<>>() {

        List<> responseAccumulator = Lists.newArrayList();

        public ApiFuture<List<>> apply(ListTablesPage page) {
            // Add all entries from the page
            // If this is the last page, just return the accumulated responses.
            if (!page.hasNextPage()) {
                return ApiFutures.immediateFuture(responseAccumulator);
            // Otherwise fetch the next page.
            return ApiFutures.transformAsync(page.getNextPageAsync(), this, MoreExecutors.directExecutor());
    }, MoreExecutors.directExecutor());
    // Wraps all of the accumulated protos.
    return ApiFutures.transform(allProtos, new ApiFunction<List<>, List<String>>() {

        public List<String> apply(List<> protos) {
            List<String> results = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(protos.size());
            for ( proto : protos) {
            return results;
    }, MoreExecutors.directExecutor());
Also used : ListTablesPage( Table( ListTablesPagedResponse( ApiFuture( ListTablesRequest( List(java.util.List) ImmutableList(

Example 5 with Instance

use of in project java-bigtable by googleapis.

the class TableAdminExample method addFamilyWithUnionRule.

 * Demonstrates how to create a new instance of the UnionRule.
public void addFamilyWithUnionRule() {
    System.out.printf("%nCreating column family %s with union GC rule%n", COLUMN_FAMILY_3);
    // [START bigtable_create_family_gc_union]
    // Creates a column family with GC policy to drop data that matches at least one condition.
    // Defines a list of GC rules to drop cells older than 5 days OR not the most recent
    // version.
    UnionRule unionRule = GCRULES.union().rule(GCRULES.maxAge(5, TimeUnit.DAYS)).rule(GCRULES.maxVersions(1));
    // Creates column family with given GC rule.
    try {
        // ModifyColumnFamiliesRequest can be used both for adding and modifying families, here it is
        // being used to add a family
        ModifyColumnFamiliesRequest columnFamiliesRequest = ModifyColumnFamiliesRequest.of(tableId).addFamily(COLUMN_FAMILY_3, unionRule);
        System.out.println("Created column family: " + COLUMN_FAMILY_3);
    } catch (AlreadyExistsException e) {
        System.err.println("Failed to create column family with rule, already exists: " + e.getMessage());
// [END bigtable_create_family_gc_union]
Also used : AlreadyExistsException( UnionRule( ModifyColumnFamiliesRequest(


Test (org.junit.Test)18 Instance ( Cluster ( AlreadyExistsException ( ModifyColumnFamiliesRequest ( ImmutableList ( AbstractMessage ( List (java.util.List)4 NotFoundException ( BigtableInstanceAdminClient ( BigtableTableAdminClient ( AppProfile ( CreateClusterRequest ( CreateInstanceRequest ( ApiFuture ( ClusterName ( InstanceName ( ListAppProfilesRequest ( ListTablesRequest ( ListAppProfilesPagedResponse (