use of in project java-bigtable by googleapis.
the class EnhancedBigtableStub method createBulkMutateRowsCallable.
* Creates a callable chain to handle MutatesRows RPCs. This is meant to be used for manual
* batching. The chain will:
* <ul>
* <li>Convert a {@link BulkMutation} into a {@link MutateRowsRequest}.
* <li>Process the response and schedule retries. At the end of each attempt, entries that have
* been applied, are filtered from the next attempt. Also, any entries that failed with a
* nontransient error, are filtered from the next attempt. This will continue until there
* are no more entries or there are no more retry attempts left.
* <li>Wrap batch failures in a {@link
* <li>Add tracing & metrics.
* </ul>
private UnaryCallable<BulkMutation, Void> createBulkMutateRowsCallable() {
UnaryCallable<MutateRowsRequest, Void> baseCallable = createMutateRowsBaseCallable();
UnaryCallable<MutateRowsRequest, Void> flowControlCallable = null;
if (settings.bulkMutateRowsSettings().isLatencyBasedThrottlingEnabled()) {
flowControlCallable = new DynamicFlowControlCallable(baseCallable, bulkMutationFlowController, bulkMutationDynamicFlowControlStats, settings.bulkMutateRowsSettings().getTargetRpcLatencyMs(), FLOW_CONTROL_ADJUSTING_INTERVAL_MS);
UnaryCallable<BulkMutation, Void> userFacing = new BulkMutateRowsUserFacingCallable(flowControlCallable != null ? flowControlCallable : baseCallable, requestContext);
SpanName spanName = getSpanName("MutateRows");
UnaryCallable<BulkMutation, Void> tracedBatcher = new TracedBatcherUnaryCallable<>(userFacing);
UnaryCallable<BulkMutation, Void> withHeaderTracer = new HeaderTracerUnaryCallable<>(tracedBatcher);
UnaryCallable<BulkMutation, Void> traced = new TracedUnaryCallable<>(withHeaderTracer, clientContext.getTracerFactory(), spanName);
return traced.withDefaultCallContext(clientContext.getDefaultCallContext());