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Example 16 with JobStatus

use of in project halyard by spinnaker.

the class GoogleProviderUtils method openSshTunnel.

static URI openSshTunnel(AccountDeploymentDetails<GoogleAccount> details, String instanceName, ServiceSettings service) throws InterruptedException {
    int port = service.getPort();
    String key = Proxy.buildKey(details.getDeploymentName(), instanceName, port);
    Proxy proxy = proxyMap.getOrDefault(key, new Proxy());
    JobExecutor jobExecutor = DaemonTaskHandler.getJobExecutor();
    if (proxy.getJobId() == null || !jobExecutor.jobExists(proxy.getJobId())) {
        String ip = getInstanceIp(details, instanceName);
        String keyFile = getSshKeyFile();"Opening port " + port + " against instance " + instanceName);
        boolean connected = false;
        int tries = 0;
        while (!connected && tries < openSshRetries) {
            proxy = openSshTunnel(ip, port, keyFile);
            connected = checkIfProxyIsOpen(proxy);
            if (!connected) {
                if (!jobExecutor.jobExists(proxy.jobId) || jobExecutor.updateJob(proxy.jobId).getState() == JobStatus.State.COMPLETED) {
                    log.warn("SSH tunnel closed prematurely");
      "SSH tunnel never opened, retrying in case the instance hasn't started yet... (" + tries + "/" + openSshRetries + ")");
        if (!connected) {
            JobStatus status = jobExecutor.updateJob(proxy.getJobId());
            throw new HalException(FATAL, "Unable to connect to instance " + instanceName + ": " + status.getStdErr());
        proxyMap.put(key, proxy);
    try {
        return new URIBuilder().setScheme("http").setHost("localhost").setPort(proxy.getPort()).build();
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Failed to build URI for SSH connection", e);
Also used : JobStatus( JobExecutor( HalException( URISyntaxException( URIBuilder(org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder)

Example 17 with JobStatus

use of in project halyard by spinnaker.

the class KubernetesV2Executor method delete.

public void delete(String namespace, String service) {
    List<String> command = kubernetesV2Utils.kubectlPrefix(account);
    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(namespace)) {
        command.add("-n=" + namespace);
    command.add("-l=cluster=" + service);
    JobRequest request = new JobRequest().setTokenizedCommand(command);
    String jobId = executor.startJob(request);
    JobStatus status;
    try {
        status = executor.backoffWait(jobId);
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new DaemonTaskInterrupted(e);
    if (status.getState() != JobStatus.State.COMPLETED) {
        throw new HalException(Problem.Severity.FATAL, String.join("\n", "Deleting service " + service + " never completed", status.getStdErr(), status.getStdOut()));
    if (status.getResult() != JobStatus.Result.SUCCESS) {
        throw new HalException(Problem.Severity.FATAL, String.join("\n", "Deleting service " + service + " failed", status.getStdErr(), status.getStdOut()));
Also used : JobStatus( JobRequest( HalException( DaemonTaskInterrupted(

Example 18 with JobStatus

use of in project halyard by spinnaker.

the class KubernetesV2Executor method deleteSpinnaker.

public void deleteSpinnaker(String namespace) {
    List<String> command = kubernetesV2Utils.kubectlPrefix(account);
    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(namespace)) {
        command.add("-n=" + namespace);
    JobRequest request = new JobRequest().setTokenizedCommand(command);
    String jobId = executor.startJob(request);
    JobStatus status;
    try {
        status = executor.backoffWait(jobId);
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new DaemonTaskInterrupted(e);
    if (status.getState() != JobStatus.State.COMPLETED) {
        throw new HalException(Problem.Severity.FATAL, String.join("\n", "Deleting spinnaker never completed in " + namespace, status.getStdErr(), status.getStdOut()));
    if (status.getResult() != JobStatus.Result.SUCCESS) {
        throw new HalException(Problem.Severity.FATAL, String.join("\n", "Deleting spinnaker failed in " + namespace, status.getStdErr(), status.getStdOut()));
Also used : JobStatus( JobRequest( HalException( DaemonTaskInterrupted(

Example 19 with JobStatus

use of in project halyard by spinnaker.

the class KubernetesV2Executor method isReady.

public boolean isReady(String namespace, String service) {"Checking readiness for " + service);
    List<String> command = kubernetesV2Utils.kubectlPrefix(account);
    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(namespace)) {
        command.add("-n=" + namespace);
    command.add("-l=cluster=" + service);
    // This command returns a space-separated string of true/false values indicating whether each of
    // the pod's containers are READY.
    // e.g., if we are querying two spin-orca pods and both pods' monitoring-daemon containers are
    // READY but the orca containers are not READY, the output may be 'true false true false'.
    JobRequest request = new JobRequest().setTokenizedCommand(command);
    String jobId = executor.startJob(request);
    JobStatus status;
    try {
        status = executor.backoffWait(jobId);
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new DaemonTaskInterrupted(e);
    if (status.getState() != JobStatus.State.COMPLETED) {
        throw new HalException(Problem.Severity.FATAL, String.join("\n", "Unterminated readiness check for " + service + " in " + namespace, status.getStdErr(), status.getStdOut()));
    if (status.getResult() == JobStatus.Result.SUCCESS) {
        String readyStatuses = status.getStdOut();
        if (readyStatuses.isEmpty()) {
            return false;
        readyStatuses = readyStatuses.substring(1, // Strip leading and trailing single quote
        readyStatuses.length() - 1);
        if (readyStatuses.isEmpty()) {
            return false;
        return" ")).allMatch(s -> s.equals("true"));
    } else {
        throw new HalException(Problem.Severity.FATAL, String.join("\n", "Failed readiness check for " + service + " in " + namespace, status.getStdErr(), status.getStdOut()));
Also used : JobStatus( JobRequest( HalException( DaemonTaskInterrupted(

Example 20 with JobStatus

use of in project halyard by spinnaker.

the class KubernetesV2Executor method replace.

public void replace(String manifest) {
    manifest = kubernetesV2Utils.prettify(manifest);
    List<String> command = kubernetesV2Utils.kubectlPrefix(account);
    // read from stdin
    JobRequest request = new JobRequest().setTokenizedCommand(command);
    ByteArrayOutputStream stdout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    ByteArrayOutputStream stderr = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    String jobId = executor.startJob(request, System.getenv(), new ByteArrayInputStream(manifest.getBytes()), stdout, stderr);
    JobStatus status;
    try {
        status = executor.backoffWait(jobId);
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new DaemonTaskInterrupted(e);
    if (status.getState() != JobStatus.State.COMPLETED) {
        throw new HalException(Problem.Severity.FATAL, String.join("\n", "Unterminated deployment of manifest:", manifest, stderr.toString(), stdout.toString()));
    if (status.getResult() != JobStatus.Result.SUCCESS) {
        throw new HalException(Problem.Severity.FATAL, String.join("\n", "Failed to deploy manifest:", manifest, stderr.toString(), stdout.toString()));
Also used : JobStatus( JobRequest( ByteArrayInputStream( HalException( ByteArrayOutputStream( DaemonTaskInterrupted(


JobStatus ( JobRequest ( HalException ( DaemonTaskInterrupted ( JobStatus (io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.batch.v1.JobStatus)6 JobExecutor ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 ByteArrayInputStream ( ByteArrayOutputStream ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)3 SpringBootTest (org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest)3 ServiceSettings ( JobCondition (io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.batch.v1.JobCondition)2 File ( IOException ( AnsiParagraphBuilder ( AnsiStoryBuilder ( KubernetesAccount ( RemoteAction ( HasServiceSettings (