use of io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.batch.v1.JobStatus in project pipelite by enasequence.
the class KubernetesExecutorTest method describeJobsStateSuccess.
public void describeJobsStateSuccess() {
JobStatus jobStatus = new JobStatus();
jobStatus = new JobStatus();
JobCondition jobCondition = new JobCondition();
use of io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.batch.v1.JobStatus in project marduk by entur.
the class KubernetesJobRunner method runJob.
* Run a Kubernetes job
* @param cronJobName name of the CronJob used as a template
* @param jobNamePrefix prefix for the Kubernetes job name
* @param envVars environment variables to be provided to the job
* @param timestamp timestamp used to create a unique name for the Kubernetes job.
public void runJob(String cronJobName, String jobNamePrefix, List<EnvVar> envVars, String timestamp) {
try (final KubernetesClient kubernetesClient = new DefaultKubernetesClient()) {
String jobName = jobNamePrefix + '-' + timestamp;
final Job job = retrieveOrCreateJob(jobName, cronJobName, envVars, kubernetesClient);
final CountDownLatch watchLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
MardukPodWatcher mardukPodWatcher = new MardukPodWatcher(job, watchLatch, jobName);
try (Watch watch = kubernetesClient.pods().inNamespace(kubernetesNamespace).withLabel("job-name", jobName).watch(mardukPodWatcher)) {
boolean jobCompletedBeforeTimeout = watchLatch.await(jobTimeoutSecond, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
if (!jobCompletedBeforeTimeout) {
throw new KubernetesJobRunnerException("Timeout while waiting for the Graph Builder job " + jobName + " to complete.");
JobStatus status = kubernetesClient.batch().v1().jobs().inNamespace(kubernetesNamespace).withName(jobName).get().getStatus();
LOGGER.debug("Kubernetes Job status on completion: {}", status);
// test the pod status rather than the job status since the job status may be out of sync with the pod status
if (mardukPodWatcher.isSucceeded()) {"The Graph Builder job {} completed successfully.", jobName);
} else if (mardukPodWatcher.isKubernetesClientError()) {
throw new KubernetesJobRunnerException("Kubernetes client error while watching the Graph Builder job " + jobName);
} else {
throw new KubernetesJobRunnerException("The Graph Builder job " + jobName + " failed.");
} catch (KubernetesClientException e) {
throw new KubernetesJobRunnerException("Could not watch pod", e);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new KubernetesJobRunnerException("Interrupted while watching pod", e);
} finally {
// Delete job after completion unless there was a Kubernetes error that can be retried
if (!mardukPodWatcher.isKubernetesClientError() && deleteJobAfterCompletion) {"Deleting job {} after completion.", jobName);
deleteKubernetesJob(kubernetesClient, job);"Deleted job {} after completion.", jobName);
use of io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.batch.v1.JobStatus in project halyard by spinnaker.
the class KubernetesV1DistributedService method connectToInstance.
default <S> S connectToInstance(AccountDeploymentDetails<KubernetesAccount> details, SpinnakerRuntimeSettings runtimeSettings, SpinnakerService<S> sidecar, String instanceId) {
ServiceSettings settings = runtimeSettings.getServiceSettings(sidecar);
String namespace = getNamespace(settings);
int localPort = SocketUtils.findAvailableTcpPort();
int targetPort = settings.getPort();
List<String> command = KubernetesV1ProviderUtils.kubectlPortForwardCommand(details, namespace, instanceId, targetPort, localPort);
JobRequest request = new JobRequest().setTokenizedCommand(command);
String jobId = getJobExecutor().startJob(request);
// Wait for the proxy to spin up.
JobStatus status = getJobExecutor().updateJob(jobId);
// This should be a long-running job.
if (status.getState() == JobStatus.State.COMPLETED) {
throw new HalException(Problem.Severity.FATAL, "Unable to establish a proxy against " + getServiceName() + ":\n" + status.getStdOut() + "\n" + status.getStdErr());
return getServiceInterfaceFactory().createService(settings.getScheme() + "://localhost:" + localPort, sidecar);
use of io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.batch.v1.JobStatus in project halyard by spinnaker.
the class KubernetesV1ProviderUtils method storeInstanceLogs.
static void storeInstanceLogs(JobExecutor jobExecutor, AccountDeploymentDetails<KubernetesAccount> details, String namespace, String instanceName, String containerName, File outputFile) {
List<String> command = kubectlAccountCommand(details);
JobRequest request = new JobRequest().setTokenizedCommand(command);
JobStatus status;
try {
status = jobExecutor.backoffWait(jobExecutor.startJob(request));
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new DaemonTaskInterrupted(e);
try {
IOUtils.write(status.getStdOut().getBytes(), new FileOutputStream(new File(outputFile, containerName)));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HalException(Severity.FATAL, "Unable to store logs: " + e.getMessage(), e);
use of io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.batch.v1.JobStatus in project halyard by spinnaker.
the class KubernetesV2Utils method apply.
public static void apply(KubernetesAccount account, String manifest) {
manifest = prettify(manifest);
List<String> command = kubectlPrefix(account);
// read from stdin
JobRequest request = new JobRequest().setTokenizedCommand(command);
ByteArrayOutputStream stdout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ByteArrayOutputStream stderr = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
String jobId = DaemonTaskHandler.getJobExecutor().startJob(request, System.getenv(), new ByteArrayInputStream(manifest.getBytes()), stdout, stderr);
JobStatus status;
try {
status = DaemonTaskHandler.getJobExecutor().backoffWait(jobId);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new DaemonTaskInterrupted(e);
if (status.getState() != JobStatus.State.COMPLETED) {
throw new HalException(Problem.Severity.FATAL, String.join("\n", "Unterminated deployment of manifest:", manifest, stderr.toString(), stdout.toString()));
if (status.getResult() != JobStatus.Result.SUCCESS) {
throw new HalException(Problem.Severity.FATAL, String.join("\n", "Failed to deploy manifest:", manifest, stderr.toString(), stdout.toString()));