use of in project DataflowTemplates by GoogleCloudPlatform.
the class DatastreamToDMLTest method testGetPostgresSchemaName.
* Test whether {@link DatastreamToDML#getTargetSchemaName(row)} converts the Oracle schema into
* the correct Postgres schema.
public void testGetPostgresSchemaName() {
DatastreamToDML datastreamToDML = DatastreamToPostgresDML.of(null);
JsonNode rowObj = this.getRowObj();
DatastreamRow row = DatastreamRow.of(rowObj);
String expectedSchemaName = "my_schema";
String schemaName = datastreamToDML.getTargetSchemaName(row);
assertEquals(schemaName, expectedSchemaName);
use of in project DataflowTemplates by GoogleCloudPlatform.
the class DatastreamToDML method convertJsonToDmlInfo.
public DmlInfo convertJsonToDmlInfo(JsonNode rowObj, String failsafeValue) {
DatastreamRow row = DatastreamRow.of(rowObj);
try {
// Oracle uses upper case while Postgres uses all lowercase.
// We lowercase the values of these metadata fields to align with
// our schema conversion rules.
String catalogName = this.getTargetCatalogName(row);
String schemaName = this.getTargetSchemaName(row);
String tableName = this.getTargetTableName(row);
Map<String, String> tableSchema = this.getTableSchema(catalogName, schemaName, tableName);
if (tableSchema.isEmpty()) {
// If the table DNE we return null (NOOP)
return null;
List<String> primaryKeys = this.getPrimaryKeys(catalogName, schemaName, tableName, rowObj);
List<String> orderByFields = row.getSortFields();
List<String> primaryKeyValues = getFieldValues(rowObj, primaryKeys, tableSchema);
List<String> orderByValues = getFieldValues(rowObj, orderByFields, tableSchema);
String dmlSqlTemplate = getDmlTemplate(rowObj, primaryKeys);
Map<String, String> sqlTemplateValues = getSqlTemplateValues(rowObj, catalogName, schemaName, tableName, primaryKeys, tableSchema);
String dmlSql = StringSubstitutor.replace(dmlSqlTemplate, sqlTemplateValues, "{", "}");
return DmlInfo.of(failsafeValue, dmlSql, schemaName, tableName, primaryKeys, orderByFields, primaryKeyValues, orderByValues);
} catch (DeletedWithoutPrimaryKey e) {
LOG.error("CDC Error: {} :: {}", rowObj.toString(), e.toString());
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO(dhercher): Consider raising an error and pushing to DLQ
LOG.error("Value Error: {} :: {}", rowObj.toString(), e.toString());
return null;
use of in project DataflowTemplates by GoogleCloudPlatform.
the class DatastreamToDMLTest method testGetPostgresTableName.
* Test whether {@link DatastreamToPostgresDML#getTargetTableName(row)} converts the Oracle table
* into the correct Postgres table.
public void testGetPostgresTableName() {
DatastreamToDML datastreamToDML = DatastreamToPostgresDML.of(null);
JsonNode rowObj = this.getRowObj();
DatastreamRow row = DatastreamRow.of(rowObj);
String expectedTableName = "my_table$name";
String tableName = datastreamToDML.getTargetTableName(row);
assertEquals(expectedTableName, tableName);