use of in project jib by google.
the class CacheTest method testWithDirectory_existsButNotDirectory.
public void testWithDirectory_existsButNotDirectory() throws IOException {
Path file = temporaryFolder.newFile().toPath();
try {
} catch (CacheDirectoryCreationException ex) {
MatcherAssert.assertThat(ex.getCause(), CoreMatchers.instanceOf(FileAlreadyExistsException.class));
use of in project jib by GoogleContainerTools.
the class BuildImageMojo method execute.
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
if (MojoCommon.shouldSkipJibExecution(this)) {
// Validates 'format'.
if ( -> {
throw new MojoFailureException("<format> parameter is configured with value '" + getFormat() + "', but the only valid configuration options are '" + ImageFormat.Docker + "' and '" + ImageFormat.OCI + "'.");
// Parses 'to' into image reference.
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(getTargetImage())) {
throw new MojoFailureException(HelpfulSuggestions.forToNotConfigured("Missing target image parameter", "<to><image>", "pom.xml", "mvn compile jib:build -Dimage=<your image name>"));
MavenSettingsProxyProvider.activateHttpAndHttpsProxies(getSession().getSettings(), getSettingsDecrypter());
TempDirectoryProvider tempDirectoryProvider = new TempDirectoryProvider();
MavenProjectProperties projectProperties = MavenProjectProperties.getForProject(Preconditions.checkNotNull(descriptor), getProject(), getSession(), getLog(), tempDirectoryProvider, getInjectedPluginExtensions());
Future<Optional<String>> updateCheckFuture = Futures.immediateFuture(Optional.empty());
try {
GlobalConfig globalConfig = GlobalConfig.readConfig();
updateCheckFuture = MojoCommon.newUpdateChecker(projectProperties, globalConfig, getLog());
PluginConfigurationProcessor.createJibBuildRunnerForRegistryImage(new MavenRawConfiguration(this), new MavenSettingsServerCredentials(getSession().getSettings(), getSettingsDecrypter()), projectProperties, globalConfig, new MavenHelpfulSuggestions(HELPFUL_SUGGESTIONS_PREFIX)).runBuild();
} catch (InvalidAppRootException ex) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("<container><appRoot> is not an absolute Unix-style path: " + ex.getInvalidPathValue(), ex);
} catch (InvalidContainerizingModeException ex) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("invalid value for <containerizingMode>: " + ex.getInvalidContainerizingMode(), ex);
} catch (InvalidWorkingDirectoryException ex) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("<container><workingDirectory> is not an absolute Unix-style path: " + ex.getInvalidPathValue(), ex);
} catch (InvalidPlatformException ex) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("<from><platforms> contains a platform configuration that is missing required values or has invalid values: " + ex.getMessage() + ": " + ex.getInvalidPlatform(), ex);
} catch (InvalidContainerVolumeException ex) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("<container><volumes> is not an absolute Unix-style path: " + ex.getInvalidVolume(), ex);
} catch (InvalidFilesModificationTimeException ex) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("<container><filesModificationTime> should be an ISO 8601 date-time (see " + "DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME) or special keyword \"EPOCH_PLUS_SECOND\": " + ex.getInvalidFilesModificationTime(), ex);
} catch (InvalidCreationTimeException ex) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("<container><creationTime> should be an ISO 8601 date-time (see " + "DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME) or a special keyword (\"EPOCH\", " + "\"USE_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\"): " + ex.getInvalidCreationTime(), ex);
} catch (JibPluginExtensionException ex) {
String extensionName = ex.getExtensionClass().getName();
throw new MojoExecutionException("error running extension '" + extensionName + "': " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
} catch (IncompatibleBaseImageJavaVersionException ex) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(HelpfulSuggestions.forIncompatibleBaseImageJavaVersionForMaven(ex.getBaseImageMajorJavaVersion(), ex.getProjectMajorJavaVersion()), ex);
} catch (InvalidImageReferenceException ex) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(HelpfulSuggestions.forInvalidImageReference(ex.getInvalidReference()), ex);
} catch (IOException | CacheDirectoryCreationException | MainClassInferenceException | InvalidGlobalConfigException ex) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
} catch (BuildStepsExecutionException ex) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(ex.getMessage(), ex.getCause());
} catch (ExtraDirectoryNotFoundException ex) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("<extraDirectories><paths> contain \"from\" directory that doesn't exist locally: " + ex.getPath(), ex);
} finally {
MojoCommon.finishUpdateChecker(projectProperties, updateCheckFuture);
use of in project jib by GoogleContainerTools.
the class BuildImageTask method buildImage.
* Task Action, builds an image to remote registry.
* @throws IOException if an error occurs creating the jib runner
* @throws BuildStepsExecutionException if an error occurs while executing build steps
* @throws CacheDirectoryCreationException if a new cache directory could not be created
* @throws MainClassInferenceException if a main class could not be found
* @throws InvalidGlobalConfigException if the global config file is invalid
public void buildImage() throws IOException, BuildStepsExecutionException, CacheDirectoryCreationException, MainClassInferenceException, InvalidGlobalConfigException {
// Asserts required @Input parameters are not null.
TempDirectoryProvider tempDirectoryProvider = new TempDirectoryProvider();
GradleProjectProperties projectProperties = GradleProjectProperties.getForProject(getProject(), getLogger(), tempDirectoryProvider, jibExtension.getConfigurationName().get());
GlobalConfig globalConfig = GlobalConfig.readConfig();
Future<Optional<String>> updateCheckFuture = TaskCommon.newUpdateChecker(projectProperties, globalConfig, getLogger());
try {
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(jibExtension.getTo().getImage())) {
throw new GradleException(HelpfulSuggestions.forToNotConfigured("Missing target image parameter", "''", "build.gradle", "gradle jib --image <your image name>"));
PluginConfigurationProcessor.createJibBuildRunnerForRegistryImage(new GradleRawConfiguration(jibExtension), ignored -> Optional.empty(), projectProperties, globalConfig, new GradleHelpfulSuggestions(HELPFUL_SUGGESTIONS_PREFIX)).runBuild();
} catch (InvalidAppRootException ex) {
throw new GradleException("container.appRoot is not an absolute Unix-style path: " + ex.getInvalidPathValue(), ex);
} catch (InvalidContainerizingModeException ex) {
throw new GradleException("invalid value for containerizingMode: " + ex.getInvalidContainerizingMode(), ex);
} catch (InvalidWorkingDirectoryException ex) {
throw new GradleException("container.workingDirectory is not an absolute Unix-style path: " + ex.getInvalidPathValue(), ex);
} catch (InvalidPlatformException ex) {
throw new GradleException("from.platforms contains a platform configuration that is missing required values or has invalid values: " + ex.getMessage() + ": " + ex.getInvalidPlatform(), ex);
} catch (InvalidContainerVolumeException ex) {
throw new GradleException("container.volumes is not an absolute Unix-style path: " + ex.getInvalidVolume(), ex);
} catch (InvalidFilesModificationTimeException ex) {
throw new GradleException("container.filesModificationTime should be an ISO 8601 date-time (see " + "DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME) or special keyword \"EPOCH_PLUS_SECOND\": " + ex.getInvalidFilesModificationTime(), ex);
} catch (InvalidCreationTimeException ex) {
throw new GradleException("container.creationTime should be an ISO 8601 date-time (see " + "DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME) or a special keyword (\"EPOCH\", " + "\"USE_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\"): " + ex.getInvalidCreationTime(), ex);
} catch (JibPluginExtensionException ex) {
String extensionName = ex.getExtensionClass().getName();
throw new GradleException("error running extension '" + extensionName + "': " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
} catch (IncompatibleBaseImageJavaVersionException ex) {
throw new GradleException(HelpfulSuggestions.forIncompatibleBaseImageJavaVersionForGradle(ex.getBaseImageMajorJavaVersion(), ex.getProjectMajorJavaVersion()), ex);
} catch (InvalidImageReferenceException ex) {
throw new GradleException(HelpfulSuggestions.forInvalidImageReference(ex.getInvalidReference()), ex);
} catch (ExtraDirectoryNotFoundException ex) {
throw new GradleException("extraDirectories.paths contain \"from\" directory that doesn't exist locally: " + ex.getPath(), ex);
} finally {
TaskCommon.finishUpdateChecker(projectProperties, updateCheckFuture);
use of in project jib by GoogleContainerTools.
the class BuildTarTask method buildTar.
* Task Action, builds an image to tar file.
* @throws IOException if an error occurs creating the jib runner
* @throws BuildStepsExecutionException if an error occurs while executing build steps
* @throws CacheDirectoryCreationException if a new cache directory could not be created
* @throws MainClassInferenceException if a main class could not be found
* @throws InvalidGlobalConfigException if the global config file is invalid
public void buildTar() throws BuildStepsExecutionException, IOException, CacheDirectoryCreationException, MainClassInferenceException, InvalidGlobalConfigException {
// Asserts required @Input parameters are not null.
TempDirectoryProvider tempDirectoryProvider = new TempDirectoryProvider();
GradleProjectProperties projectProperties = GradleProjectProperties.getForProject(getProject(), getLogger(), tempDirectoryProvider, jibExtension.getConfigurationName().get());
GlobalConfig globalConfig = GlobalConfig.readConfig();
Future<Optional<String>> updateCheckFuture = TaskCommon.newUpdateChecker(projectProperties, globalConfig, getLogger());
try {
PluginConfigurationProcessor.createJibBuildRunnerForTarImage(new GradleRawConfiguration(jibExtension), ignored -> Optional.empty(), projectProperties, globalConfig, new GradleHelpfulSuggestions(HELPFUL_SUGGESTIONS_PREFIX)).runBuild();
} catch (InvalidAppRootException ex) {
throw new GradleException("container.appRoot is not an absolute Unix-style path: " + ex.getInvalidPathValue(), ex);
} catch (InvalidContainerizingModeException ex) {
throw new GradleException("invalid value for containerizingMode: " + ex.getInvalidContainerizingMode(), ex);
} catch (InvalidWorkingDirectoryException ex) {
throw new GradleException("container.workingDirectory is not an absolute Unix-style path: " + ex.getInvalidPathValue(), ex);
} catch (InvalidPlatformException ex) {
throw new GradleException("from.platforms contains a platform configuration that is missing required values or has invalid values: " + ex.getMessage() + ": " + ex.getInvalidPlatform(), ex);
} catch (InvalidContainerVolumeException ex) {
throw new GradleException("container.volumes is not an absolute Unix-style path: " + ex.getInvalidVolume(), ex);
} catch (InvalidFilesModificationTimeException ex) {
throw new GradleException("container.filesModificationTime should be an ISO 8601 date-time (see " + "DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME) or special keyword \"EPOCH_PLUS_SECOND\": " + ex.getInvalidFilesModificationTime(), ex);
} catch (InvalidCreationTimeException ex) {
throw new GradleException("container.creationTime should be an ISO 8601 date-time (see " + "DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME) or a special keyword (\"EPOCH\", " + "\"USE_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\"): " + ex.getInvalidCreationTime(), ex);
} catch (JibPluginExtensionException ex) {
String extensionName = ex.getExtensionClass().getName();
throw new GradleException("error running extension '" + extensionName + "': " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
} catch (IncompatibleBaseImageJavaVersionException ex) {
throw new GradleException(HelpfulSuggestions.forIncompatibleBaseImageJavaVersionForGradle(ex.getBaseImageMajorJavaVersion(), ex.getProjectMajorJavaVersion()), ex);
} catch (InvalidImageReferenceException ex) {
throw new GradleException(HelpfulSuggestions.forInvalidImageReference(ex.getInvalidReference()), ex);
} catch (ExtraDirectoryNotFoundException ex) {
throw new GradleException("extraDirectories.paths contain \"from\" directory that doesn't exist locally: " + ex.getPath(), ex);
} finally {
TaskCommon.finishUpdateChecker(projectProperties, updateCheckFuture);
use of in project jkube by eclipse.
the class JibServiceUtil method pushImage.
private static void pushImage(TarImage baseImage, String targetImageName, Credential credential, KitLogger logger) throws InterruptedException {
final ExecutorService jibBuildExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
try {
submitPushToJib(baseImage, getRegistryImage(targetImageName, credential), jibBuildExecutor, logger);
} catch (RegistryException | CacheDirectoryCreationException | InvalidImageReferenceException | IOException | ExecutionException e) {
logger.error("Exception occurred while pushing the image: %s, %s", targetImageName, e.getMessage());
throw new IllegalStateException(e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
logger.error("Thread interrupted", ex);
throw ex;
} finally {
jibBuildExecutor.awaitTermination(JIB_EXECUTOR_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS);