use of in project druid by druid-io.
the class SegmentMetadataQueryQueryToolChest method filterSegments.
public <T extends LogicalSegment> List<T> filterSegments(SegmentMetadataQuery query, List<T> segments) {
if (!query.isUsingDefaultInterval()) {
return segments;
if (segments.size() <= 1) {
return segments;
final T max = segments.get(segments.size() - 1);
DateTime targetEnd = max.getInterval().getEnd();
final Interval targetInterval = new Interval(config.getDefaultHistory(), targetEnd);
return Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.filter(segments, new Predicate<T>() {
public boolean apply(T input) {
return (input.getInterval().overlaps(targetInterval));
use of in project druid by druid-io.
the class StringDimensionIndexer method makeDimensionSelector.
public DimensionSelector makeDimensionSelector(final DimensionSpec spec, final IncrementalIndexStorageAdapter.EntryHolder currEntry, final IncrementalIndex.DimensionDesc desc) {
final ExtractionFn extractionFn = spec.getExtractionFn();
final int dimIndex = desc.getIndex();
final int maxId = getCardinality();
class IndexerDimensionSelector implements DimensionSelector, IdLookup {
public IndexedInts getRow() {
final Object[] dims = currEntry.getKey().getDims();
int[] indices;
if (dimIndex < dims.length) {
indices = (int[]) dims[dimIndex];
} else {
indices = null;
int[] row = null;
int rowSize = 0;
if (indices == null || indices.length == 0) {
final int nullId = getEncodedValue(null, false);
if (nullId > -1) {
if (nullId < maxId) {
row = new int[] { nullId };
rowSize = 1;
} else {
// Choose to use ArrayBasedIndexedInts later, instead of EmptyIndexedInts, for monomorphism
row = IntArrays.EMPTY_ARRAY;
rowSize = 0;
if (row == null && indices != null && indices.length > 0) {
row = new int[indices.length];
for (int id : indices) {
if (id < maxId) {
row[rowSize++] = id;
return ArrayBasedIndexedInts.of(row, rowSize);
public ValueMatcher makeValueMatcher(final String value) {
if (extractionFn == null) {
final int valueId = lookupId(value);
if (valueId >= 0 || value == null) {
return new ValueMatcher() {
public boolean matches() {
Object[] dims = currEntry.getKey().getDims();
if (dimIndex >= dims.length) {
return value == null;
int[] dimsInt = (int[]) dims[dimIndex];
if (dimsInt == null || dimsInt.length == 0) {
return value == null;
for (int id : dimsInt) {
if (id == valueId) {
return true;
return false;
} else {
return BooleanValueMatcher.of(false);
} else {
// Employ precomputed BitSet optimization
return makeValueMatcher(Predicates.equalTo(value));
public ValueMatcher makeValueMatcher(final Predicate<String> predicate) {
final BitSet predicateMatchingValueIds = DimensionSelectorUtils.makePredicateMatchingSet(this, predicate);
final boolean matchNull = predicate.apply(null);
return new ValueMatcher() {
public boolean matches() {
Object[] dims = currEntry.getKey().getDims();
if (dimIndex >= dims.length) {
return matchNull;
int[] dimsInt = (int[]) dims[dimIndex];
if (dimsInt == null || dimsInt.length == 0) {
return matchNull;
for (int id : dimsInt) {
if (predicateMatchingValueIds.get(id)) {
return true;
return false;
public int getValueCardinality() {
return maxId;
public String lookupName(int id) {
final String strValue = getActualValue(id, false);
return extractionFn == null ? strValue : extractionFn.apply(strValue);
public boolean nameLookupPossibleInAdvance() {
return true;
public IdLookup idLookup() {
return extractionFn == null ? this : null;
public int lookupId(String name) {
if (extractionFn != null) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("cannot perform lookup when applying an extraction function");
return getEncodedValue(name, false);
public void inspectRuntimeShape(RuntimeShapeInspector inspector) {
inspector.visit("currEntry", currEntry);
return new IndexerDimensionSelector();
use of in project druid by druid-io.
the class NumericTopNMetricSpec method verifyPreconditions.
public void verifyPreconditions(List<AggregatorFactory> aggregatorSpecs, List<PostAggregator> postAggregatorSpecs) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(metric, "metric can't be null");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(aggregatorSpecs, "aggregations cannot be null");
Preconditions.checkArgument(aggregatorSpecs.size() > 0, "Must have at least one AggregatorFactory");
final AggregatorFactory aggregator = Iterables.tryFind(aggregatorSpecs, new Predicate<AggregatorFactory>() {
public boolean apply(AggregatorFactory input) {
return input.getName().equals(metric);
final PostAggregator postAggregator = Iterables.tryFind(postAggregatorSpecs, new Predicate<PostAggregator>() {
public boolean apply(PostAggregator input) {
return input.getName().equals(metric);
Preconditions.checkArgument(aggregator != null || postAggregator != null, "Must have an AggregatorFactory or PostAggregator for metric[%s], gave[%s] and [%s]", metric, aggregatorSpecs, postAggregatorSpecs);
use of in project druid by druid-io.
the class SpatialDimensionRowTransformer method apply.
public InputRow apply(final InputRow row) {
final Map<String, List<String>> spatialLookup = Maps.newHashMap();
// remove all spatial dimensions
final List<String> finalDims = Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.filter(row.getDimensions(), new Predicate<String>() {
public boolean apply(String input) {
return !spatialDimensionMap.containsKey(input) && !spatialPartialDimNames.contains(input);
InputRow retVal = new InputRow() {
public List<String> getDimensions() {
return finalDims;
public long getTimestampFromEpoch() {
return row.getTimestampFromEpoch();
public DateTime getTimestamp() {
return row.getTimestamp();
public List<String> getDimension(String dimension) {
List<String> retVal = spatialLookup.get(dimension);
return (retVal == null) ? row.getDimension(dimension) : retVal;
public Object getRaw(String dimension) {
List<String> retVal = spatialLookup.get(dimension);
return (retVal == null) ? row.getRaw(dimension) : retVal;
public long getLongMetric(String metric) {
try {
return row.getLongMetric(metric);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw Throwables.propagate(e);
public float getFloatMetric(String metric) {
try {
return row.getFloatMetric(metric);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw Throwables.propagate(e);
public String toString() {
return row.toString();
public int compareTo(Row o) {
return getTimestamp().compareTo(o.getTimestamp());
for (Map.Entry<String, SpatialDimensionSchema> entry : spatialDimensionMap.entrySet()) {
final String spatialDimName = entry.getKey();
final SpatialDimensionSchema spatialDim = entry.getValue();
List<String> dimVals = row.getDimension(spatialDimName);
if (dimVals != null && !dimVals.isEmpty()) {
if (dimVals.size() != 1) {
throw new ISE("Spatial dimension value must be in an array!");
if (isJoinedSpatialDimValValid(dimVals.get(0))) {
spatialLookup.put(spatialDimName, dimVals);
} else {
List<String> spatialDimVals = Lists.newArrayList();
for (String dim : spatialDim.getDims()) {
List<String> partialDimVals = row.getDimension(dim);
if (isSpatialDimValsValid(partialDimVals)) {
if (spatialDimVals.size() == spatialDim.getDims().size()) {
spatialLookup.put(spatialDimName, Arrays.asList(JOINER.join(spatialDimVals)));
return retVal;
use of in project druid by druid-io.
the class S3DataSegmentMover method move.
public DataSegment move(DataSegment segment, Map<String, Object> targetLoadSpec) throws SegmentLoadingException {
try {
Map<String, Object> loadSpec = segment.getLoadSpec();
String s3Bucket = MapUtils.getString(loadSpec, "bucket");
String s3Path = MapUtils.getString(loadSpec, "key");
String s3DescriptorPath = S3Utils.descriptorPathForSegmentPath(s3Path);
final String targetS3Bucket = MapUtils.getString(targetLoadSpec, "bucket");
final String targetS3BaseKey = MapUtils.getString(targetLoadSpec, "baseKey");
final String targetS3Path = S3Utils.constructSegmentPath(targetS3BaseKey, segment);
String targetS3DescriptorPath = S3Utils.descriptorPathForSegmentPath(targetS3Path);
if (targetS3Bucket.isEmpty()) {
throw new SegmentLoadingException("Target S3 bucket is not specified");
if (targetS3Path.isEmpty()) {
throw new SegmentLoadingException("Target S3 baseKey is not specified");
safeMove(s3Bucket, s3Path, targetS3Bucket, targetS3Path);
safeMove(s3Bucket, s3DescriptorPath, targetS3Bucket, targetS3DescriptorPath);
return segment.withLoadSpec(ImmutableMap.<String, Object>builder().putAll(Maps.filterKeys(loadSpec, new Predicate<String>() {
public boolean apply(String input) {
return !(input.equals("bucket") || input.equals("key"));
})).put("bucket", targetS3Bucket).put("key", targetS3Path).build());
} catch (ServiceException e) {
throw new SegmentLoadingException(e, "Unable to move segment[%s]: [%s]", segment.getIdentifier(), e);