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Example 51 with AbstractIterator

use of in project xtext-core by eclipse.

the class AbstractTrace method getAllTraceRegions.

protected Iterable<AbstractTraceRegion> getAllTraceRegions(final ITextRegion localRegion) {
    final AbstractTraceRegion left = findTraceRegionAtLeftOffset(localRegion.getOffset());
    final int end = localRegion.getOffset() + localRegion.getLength();
    if (left == null) {
        return Collections.emptyList();
    return new Iterable<AbstractTraceRegion>() {

        public Iterator<AbstractTraceRegion> iterator() {
            AbstractTraceRegion root = getRootTraceRegion();
            if (root == null)
                return ImmutableSet.<AbstractTraceRegion>of().iterator();
            final Iterator<AbstractTraceRegion> allLeafs = root.leafIterator();
            Iterator<AbstractTraceRegion> result = new AbstractIterator<AbstractTraceRegion>() {

                AbstractTraceRegion first;

                    while (first == null && allLeafs.hasNext()) {
                        AbstractTraceRegion next =;
                        if (next.getMyOffset() == left.getMyOffset()) {
                            this.first = next;

                protected AbstractTraceRegion computeNext() {
                    if (first != null) {
                        AbstractTraceRegion result = first;
                        first = null;
                        return result;
                    if (!allLeafs.hasNext())
                        return endOfData();
                    AbstractTraceRegion candidate =;
                    if (candidate.getMyOffset() >= end) {
                        return endOfData();
                    return candidate;
            return result;
Also used : AbstractTraceRegion(org.eclipse.xtext.generator.trace.AbstractTraceRegion) AbstractIterator(

Example 52 with AbstractIterator

use of in project voldemort by voldemort.

the class AdminServiceBasicTest method testUpdateTimeBased.

public void testUpdateTimeBased() {
    final long baseTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
    String storeName = "test-replication-persistent";
    final HashMap<ByteArray, byte[]> entries = ServerTestUtils.createRandomKeyValuePairs(5);
    final List<ByteArray> keys = new ArrayList<ByteArray>(entries.keySet());
    // Insert some data for the keys
    Store<ByteArray, byte[], byte[]> nodeStore = getStore(0, storeName);
    for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) {
        ByteArray key = keys.get(i);
        byte[] val = entries.get(key);
        long ts = 0;
        if (i == 0) {
            // have multiple conflicting versions.. one lower ts and one
            // higher ts, than the streaming version
            Versioned<byte[]> v1 = new Versioned<byte[]>(val, TestUtils.getClockWithTs(baseTimeMs - 1, 1));
            nodeStore.put(key, v1, null);
            Versioned<byte[]> v2 = new Versioned<byte[]>(val, TestUtils.getClockWithTs(baseTimeMs + 1, 2));
            nodeStore.put(key, v2, null);
        } else {
            if (i % 2 == 0) {
                // even keys : streaming write wins
                ts = baseTimeMs + i;
            } else {
                // odd keys : storage version wins
                ts = baseTimeMs - i;
            nodeStore.put(key, new Versioned<byte[]>(val, new VectorClock(ts)), null);
    Iterator<Pair<ByteArray, Versioned<byte[]>>> iterator = new AbstractIterator<Pair<ByteArray, Versioned<byte[]>>>() {

        final Iterator<ByteArray> keysItr = keys.iterator();

        int keyCount = 0;

        protected Pair<ByteArray, Versioned<byte[]>> computeNext() {
            while (keysItr.hasNext()) {
                ByteArray key =;
                byte[] val = entries.get(key);
                long ts = 0;
                if (keyCount == 0) {
                    // streaming put will be in the middle of two version on
                    // storage
                    return new Pair<ByteArray, Versioned<byte[]>>(key, new Versioned<byte[]>(val, new VectorClock(baseTimeMs)));
                } else {
                    if (keyCount % 2 == 0) {
                        // even keys : streaming write wins
                        ts = baseTimeMs - keyCount;
                    } else {
                        // odd keys : storage version wins
                        ts = baseTimeMs + keyCount;
                    return new Pair<ByteArray, Versioned<byte[]>>(key, new Versioned<byte[]>(val, new VectorClock(ts)));
            return endOfData();
    getAdminClient().streamingOps.updateEntriesTimeBased(0, storeName, iterator, null);
    // check updated values
    for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) {
        ByteArray key = keys.get(i);
        List<Versioned<byte[]>> vals = nodeStore.get(key, null);
        if (i == 0) {
            assertEquals("Must contain exactly two versions", 2, vals.size());
            Set<Long> storageTimeSet = new HashSet<Long>();
            storageTimeSet.add(((VectorClock) vals.get(0).getVersion()).getTimestamp());
            storageTimeSet.add(((VectorClock) vals.get(1).getVersion()).getTimestamp());
            Set<Long> expectedTimeSet = new HashSet<Long>();
            expectedTimeSet.add(baseTimeMs - 1);
            expectedTimeSet.add(baseTimeMs + 1);
            assertEquals("Streaming put should have backed off since atleast one version has greater timestamp", expectedTimeSet, storageTimeSet);
        } else {
            assertEquals("Must contain exactly one version", 1, vals.size());
            assertEquals("Must contain the version the the maximum timestamp", baseTimeMs + i, ((VectorClock) vals.get(0).getVersion()).getTimestamp());
Also used : Versioned(voldemort.versioning.Versioned) VectorClock(voldemort.versioning.VectorClock) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) AbstractIterator( ByteArray(voldemort.utils.ByteArray) AbstractIterator( Pair(voldemort.utils.Pair) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 53 with AbstractIterator

use of in project voldemort by voldemort.

the class VoldemortAdminTool method readEntriesBinary.

private static Iterator<Pair<ByteArray, Versioned<byte[]>>> readEntriesBinary(File inputDir, String storeName) throws IOException {
    File inputFile = new File(inputDir, storeName + ".entries");
    if (!inputFile.exists()) {
        throw new FileNotFoundException("File " + inputFile.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist!");
    final DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(inputFile)));
    return new AbstractIterator<Pair<ByteArray, Versioned<byte[]>>>() {

        protected Pair<ByteArray, Versioned<byte[]>> computeNext() {
            try {
                int length = dis.readInt();
                byte[] keyBytes = new byte[length];
      , keyBytes);
                length = dis.readInt();
                byte[] versionBytes = new byte[length];
      , versionBytes);
                length = dis.readInt();
                byte[] valueBytes = new byte[length];
      , valueBytes);
                ByteArray key = new ByteArray(keyBytes);
                VectorClock version = new VectorClock(versionBytes);
                Versioned<byte[]> value = new Versioned<byte[]>(valueBytes, version);
                return new Pair<ByteArray, Versioned<byte[]>>(key, value);
            } catch (EOFException e) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException ie) {
                return endOfData();
            } catch (IOException e) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException ie) {
                throw new VoldemortException("Error reading from input file ", e);
Also used : Versioned(voldemort.versioning.Versioned) VectorClock(voldemort.versioning.VectorClock) FileNotFoundException( IOException( DataInputStream( FileInputStream( BufferedInputStream( EOFException( ByteArray(voldemort.utils.ByteArray) AbstractIterator( File( Pair(voldemort.utils.Pair)

Example 54 with AbstractIterator

use of in project java-driver by datastax.

the class TokenAwarePolicy method newQueryPlan.

 * {@inheritDoc}
 * <p/>
 * The returned plan will first return local replicas for the query (i.e.
 * replicas whose {@linkplain HostDistance distance} according to the child policy is {@code LOCAL}),
 * if it can determine them (i.e. mainly if the statement's
 * {@linkplain Statement#getRoutingKey(ProtocolVersion, CodecRegistry) routing key}
 * is not {@code null}), and ordered according to the {@linkplain ReplicaOrdering ordering strategy}
 * specified at instantiation; following what it will return the rest of the child policy's
 * original query plan.
public Iterator<Host> newQueryPlan(final String loggedKeyspace, final Statement statement) {
    ByteBuffer partitionKey = statement.getRoutingKey(protocolVersion, codecRegistry);
    String keyspace = statement.getKeyspace();
    if (keyspace == null)
        keyspace = loggedKeyspace;
    if (partitionKey == null || keyspace == null)
        return childPolicy.newQueryPlan(keyspace, statement);
    final Set<Host> replicas = clusterMetadata.getReplicas(Metadata.quote(keyspace), partitionKey);
    if (replicas.isEmpty())
        return childPolicy.newQueryPlan(loggedKeyspace, statement);
    if (replicaOrdering == ReplicaOrdering.NEUTRAL) {
        final Iterator<Host> childIterator = childPolicy.newQueryPlan(keyspace, statement);
        return new AbstractIterator<Host>() {

            private List<Host> nonReplicas;

            private Iterator<Host> nonReplicasIterator;

            protected Host computeNext() {
                while (childIterator.hasNext()) {
                    Host host =;
                    if (host.isUp() && replicas.contains(host) && childPolicy.distance(host) == HostDistance.LOCAL) {
                        // UP replicas should be prioritized, retaining order from childPolicy
                        return host;
                    } else {
                        // save for later
                        if (nonReplicas == null)
                            nonReplicas = new ArrayList<Host>();
                // This should only engage if all local replicas are DOWN
                if (nonReplicas != null) {
                    if (nonReplicasIterator == null)
                        nonReplicasIterator = nonReplicas.iterator();
                    if (nonReplicasIterator.hasNext())
                return endOfData();
    } else {
        final Iterator<Host> replicasIterator;
        if (replicaOrdering == ReplicaOrdering.RANDOM) {
            List<Host> replicasList = Lists.newArrayList(replicas);
            replicasIterator = replicasList.iterator();
        } else {
            replicasIterator = replicas.iterator();
        return new AbstractIterator<Host>() {

            private Iterator<Host> childIterator;

            protected Host computeNext() {
                while (replicasIterator.hasNext()) {
                    Host host =;
                    if (host.isUp() && childPolicy.distance(host) == HostDistance.LOCAL)
                        return host;
                if (childIterator == null)
                    childIterator = childPolicy.newQueryPlan(loggedKeyspace, statement);
                while (childIterator.hasNext()) {
                    Host host =;
                    // Skip it if it was already a local replica
                    if (!replicas.contains(host) || childPolicy.distance(host) != HostDistance.LOCAL)
                        return host;
                return endOfData();
Also used : AbstractIterator( AbstractIterator( ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer)

Example 55 with AbstractIterator

use of in project presto by prestodb.

the class TempStorageSingleStreamSpiller method closeWhenExhausted.

private static <T> Iterator<T> closeWhenExhausted(Iterator<T> iterator, Closeable resource) {
    requireNonNull(iterator, "iterator is null");
    requireNonNull(resource, "resource is null");
    return new AbstractIterator<T>() {

        protected T computeNext() {
            if (iterator.hasNext()) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
            return endOfData();
Also used : UncheckedIOException( AbstractIterator( IOException( UncheckedIOException(


AbstractIterator ( IOException ( Iterator (java.util.Iterator)14 Map (java.util.Map)8 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)7 List (java.util.List)6 File ( EOFException ( Collection (java.util.Collection)4 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)4 BIGINT (com.facebook.presto.common.type.BigintType.BIGINT)3 SMALLINT (com.facebook.presto.common.type.SmallintType.SMALLINT)3 ImmutableMap ( Deque (java.util.Deque)3 Set (java.util.Set)3 CountDownLatch (java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch)3 CyclicBarrier (java.util.concurrent.CyclicBarrier)3 Test (org.junit.Test)3 TopicMetadata (co.cask.cdap.messaging.TopicMetadata)2 TopicId (