use of in project drill by apache.
the class BlockMapBuilder method buildBlockMap.
* Builds a mapping of block locations to file byte range
private ImmutableRangeMap<Long, BlockLocation> buildBlockMap(FileStatus status) throws IOException {
final Timer.Context context = metrics.timer(BLOCK_MAP_BUILDER_TIMER).time();
BlockLocation[] blocks;
ImmutableRangeMap<Long, BlockLocation> blockMap;
blocks = fs.getFileBlockLocations(status, 0, status.getLen());
ImmutableRangeMap.Builder<Long, BlockLocation> blockMapBuilder = new ImmutableRangeMap.Builder<Long, BlockLocation>();
for (BlockLocation block : blocks) {
long start = block.getOffset();
long end = start + block.getLength();
Range<Long> range = Range.closedOpen(start, end);
blockMapBuilder = blockMapBuilder.put(range, block);
blockMap =;
blockMapMap.put(status.getPath(), blockMap);
return blockMap;
use of in project drill by apache.
the class BlockMapBuilder method getEndpointByteMap.
* For a given FileWork, calculate how many bytes are available on each on drillbit endpoint
* @param work the FileWork to calculate endpoint bytes for
* @throws IOException
public EndpointByteMap getEndpointByteMap(FileWork work) throws IOException {
Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
Path fileName = new Path(work.getPath());
ImmutableRangeMap<Long, BlockLocation> blockMap = getBlockMap(fileName);
EndpointByteMapImpl endpointByteMap = new EndpointByteMapImpl();
long start = work.getStart();
long end = start + work.getLength();
Range<Long> rowGroupRange = Range.closedOpen(start, end);
// Find submap of ranges that intersect with the rowGroup
ImmutableRangeMap<Long, BlockLocation> subRangeMap = blockMap.subRangeMap(rowGroupRange);
// Iterate through each block in this submap and get the host for the block location
for (Map.Entry<Range<Long>, BlockLocation> block : subRangeMap.asMapOfRanges().entrySet()) {
String[] hosts;
Range<Long> blockRange = block.getKey();
try {
hosts = block.getValue().getHosts();
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to get hosts for block location", ioe);
Range<Long> intersection = rowGroupRange.intersection(blockRange);
long bytes = intersection.upperEndpoint() - intersection.lowerEndpoint();
// For each host in the current block location, add the intersecting bytes to the corresponding endpoint
for (String host : hosts) {
DrillbitEndpoint endpoint = getDrillBitEndpoint(host);
if (endpoint != null) {
endpointByteMap.add(endpoint, bytes);
} else {"Failure finding Drillbit running on host {}. Skipping affinity to that host.", host);
logger.debug("FileWork group ({},{}) max bytes {}", work.getPath(), work.getStart(), endpointByteMap.getMaxBytes());
logger.debug("Took {} ms to set endpoint bytes", watch.stop().elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
return endpointByteMap;
use of in project drill by apache.
the class TestAffinityCalculator method testBuildRangeMap.
// @Test
// public void testSetEndpointBytes(@Injectable final FileSystem fs, @Injectable final FileStatus file) throws Throwable{
// final long blockSize = 256*1024*1024;
// LinkedList<ParquetGroupScan.RowGroupInfo> rowGroups = new LinkedList<>();
// int numberOfHosts = 4;
// int numberOfBlocks = 3;
// String port = "1234";
// String[] hosts = new String[numberOfHosts];
// final BlockLocation[] blockLocations = buildBlockLocations(hosts, blockSize);
// final LinkedList<CoordinationProtos.DrillbitEndpoint> endPoints = buildEndpoints(numberOfHosts);
// buildRowGroups(rowGroups, numberOfBlocks, blockSize, 3);
// new NonStrictExpectations() {{
// fs.getFileBlockLocations(file, 0, 3*blockSize); result = blockLocations;
// fs.getFileStatus(new Path(path)); result = file;
// file.getLen(); result = 3*blockSize;
// }};
// BlockMapBuilder ac = new BlockMapBuilder(fs, endPoints);
// for (ParquetGroupScan.RowGroupInfo rowGroup : rowGroups) {
// ac.setEndpointBytes(rowGroup);
// }
// ParquetGroupScan.RowGroupInfo rg = rowGroups.get(0);
// Long b = rg.getEndpointBytes().get(endPoints.get(0));
// assertEquals(blockSize,b.longValue());
// b = rg.getEndpointBytes().get(endPoints.get(3));
// assertNull(b);
// buildRowGroups(rowGroups, numberOfBlocks, blockSize, 2);
// ac = new BlockMapBuilder(fs, endPoints);
// for (ParquetGroupScan.RowGroupInfo rowGroup : rowGroups) {
// ac.setEndpointBytes(rowGroup);
// }
// rg = rowGroups.get(0);
// b = rg.getEndpointBytes().get(endPoints.get(0));
// assertEquals(blockSize*3/2,b.longValue());
// b = rg.getEndpointBytes().get(endPoints.get(3));
// assertEquals(blockSize / 2, b.longValue());
// buildRowGroups(rowGroups, numberOfBlocks, blockSize, 6);
// ac = new BlockMapBuilder(fs, endPoints);
// for (ParquetGroupScan.RowGroupInfo rowGroup : rowGroups) {
// ac.setEndpointBytes(rowGroup);
// }
// rg = rowGroups.get(0);
// b = rg.getEndpointBytes().get(endPoints.get(0));
// assertEquals(blockSize/2,b.longValue());
// b = rg.getEndpointBytes().get(endPoints.get(3));
// assertNull(b);
// }
public void testBuildRangeMap() {
BlockLocation[] blocks = buildBlockLocations(new String[4], 256 * 1024 * 1024);
long tA = System.nanoTime();
ImmutableRangeMap.Builder<Long, BlockLocation> blockMapBuilder = new ImmutableRangeMap.Builder<Long, BlockLocation>();
for (BlockLocation block : blocks) {
long start = block.getOffset();
long end = start + block.getLength();
Range<Long> range = Range.closedOpen(start, end);
blockMapBuilder = blockMapBuilder.put(range, block);
ImmutableRangeMap<Long, BlockLocation> map =;
long tB = System.nanoTime();
System.out.println(String.format("Took %f ms to build range map", (tB - tA) / 1e6));