use of in project copybara by google.
the class Feedback method run.
public void run(Path workdir, @Nullable String sourceRef) throws RepoException, ValidationException {
// TODO(danielromero): Handle correctly null sourceRefs
SkylarkConsole console = new SkylarkConsole(generalOptions.console());
Profiler profiler = generalOptions.profiler();
try (ProfilerTask ignore = profiler.start("run/" + name)) {
for (Action action : actions) {
try (ProfilerTask ignore2 = profiler.start(action.getName())) { FeedbackContext(origin, destination, sourceRef, console));
ValidationException.checkCondition(console.getErrorCount() == 0, "%d errors executing the feedback migration", console.getErrorCount());
use of in project copybara by google.
the class Mirror method run.
public void run(Path workdir, ImmutableList<String> sourceRefs) throws RepoException, IOException, ValidationException {
try (ProfilerTask ignore = generalOptions.profiler().start("run/" + name)) {
GitRepository repo = gitOptions.cachedBareRepoForUrl(origin);
if (Iterables.isEmpty(actions)) {
} else {
ImmutableList.Builder<ActionResult> allResultsBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
for (Action action : actions) {
GitMirrorContext context = new GitMirrorContext(action, new SkylarkConsole(generalOptions.console()), sourceRefs, refspec, origin, destination, generalOptions.isForced(), repo, generalOptions.getDirFactory(), Dict.empty());
try {;
ActionResult actionResult = context.getActionResult();
// First error aborts the execution of the other actions unless --force is used
ValidationException.checkCondition(generalOptions.isForced() || actionResult.getResult() != Result.ERROR, "Feedback migration '%s' action '%s' returned error: %s. Aborting execution.", name, action.getName(), actionResult.getMsg());
} catch (NonFastForwardRepositoryException e) {
allResultsBuilder.add(ActionResult.error(action.getName() + ": " + e.getMessage()));
if (!generalOptions.isForced()) {
throw e;
} finally {
generalOptions.eventMonitors().dispatchEvent(m -> m.onChangeMigrationFinished(new ChangeMigrationFinishedEvent(ImmutableList.copyOf(context.getNewDestinationEffects()), getOriginDescription(), getDestinationDescription())));
ImmutableList<ActionResult> allResults =;
if ( -> a.getResult() == Result.ERROR)) {
String errors = -> a.getResult() == Result.ERROR).map(ActionResult::getMsg).collect(Collectors.joining("\n - "));
throw new ValidationException("One or more errors happened during the migration:\n" + " - " + errors);
// This check also returns true if there are no actions
if ( -> a.getResult() == Result.NO_OP)) {
String detailedMessage = allResults.isEmpty() ? "actions field is empty" :;
throw new EmptyChangeException(String.format("git.mirror migration '%s' was noop. Detailed messages: %s", name, detailedMessage));
// More fine grain events based on the references created/updated/deleted:
ChangeMigrationFinishedEvent event = new ChangeMigrationFinishedEvent(ImmutableList.of(new DestinationEffect(generalOptions.dryRunMode ? DestinationEffect.Type.NOOP : DestinationEffect.Type.UPDATED, generalOptions.dryRunMode ? "Refspecs " + refspec + " can be mirrored" : "Refspecs " + refspec + " mirrored successfully", // TODO(danielromero): Populate OriginRef here
ImmutableList.of(), new DestinationRef(getOriginDestinationRef(destination), "mirror", /*url=*/
null))), getOriginDescription(), getDestinationDescription());
generalOptions.eventMonitors().dispatchEvent(m -> m.onChangeMigrationFinished(event));
use of in project copybara by google.
the class WorkflowRunHelper method migrate.
* Performs a full migration, including checking out files from the origin, deleting excluded
* files, transforming the code, and writing to the destination. This writes to the destination
* exactly once.
* @param rev revision to the version which will be written to the destination
* @param lastRev last revision that was migrated
* @param processConsole console to use to print progress messages
* @param metadata metadata of the change to be migrated
* @param changes changes included in this migration
* @param destinationBaseline it not null, use this baseline in the destination
* @param changeIdentityRevision the revision to be used for computing the change identity
ImmutableList<DestinationEffect> migrate(O rev, @Nullable O lastRev, Console processConsole, Metadata metadata, Changes changes, @Nullable String destinationBaseline, @Nullable O changeIdentityRevision) throws IOException, RepoException, ValidationException {
ImmutableList<DestinationEffect> effects = ImmutableList.of();
boolean callPerMigrationHook = true;
try {
eventMonitor().onChangeMigrationStarted(new ChangeMigrationStartedEvent());
effects = doMigrate(rev, lastRev, processConsole, metadata, changes, destinationBaseline, changeIdentityRevision);
return effects;
} catch (EmptyChangeException empty) {
effects = ImmutableList.of(new DestinationEffect(Type.NOOP, empty.getMessage(), changes.getCurrent(), /*destinationRef=*/
null, ImmutableList.of()));
throw empty;
} catch (ValidationException | IOException | RepoException | RuntimeException e) {
effects = ImmutableList.of(new DestinationEffect(Type.ERROR, "Errors happened during the migration", changes.getCurrent(), /*destinationRef=*/
null, ImmutableList.of(e.getMessage() != null ? e.getMessage() : e.toString())));
callPerMigrationHook = e instanceof ValidationException;
throw e;
} finally {
eventMonitor().onChangeMigrationFinished(new ChangeMigrationFinishedEvent(effects));
if (callPerMigrationHook) {
FinishHookContext finishHookContext = new FinishHookContext(getOriginReader().getFeedbackEndPoint(), getDestinationWriter().getFeedbackEndPoint(), effects, resolvedRef, new SkylarkConsole(getConsole()));
try (ProfilerTask ignored = profiler().start("finish_hooks")) {
for (Action action : workflow.getAfterMigrationActions()) {
try (ProfilerTask ignored2 = profiler().start(action.getName())) {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Running after migration hook: " + action.getName());;
use of in project copybara by google.
the class Workflow method runHooks.
ImmutableList<DestinationEffect> runHooks(ImmutableList<DestinationEffect> effects, ImmutableList<Action> actions, LazyResourceLoader<Endpoint> originEndpoint, LazyResourceLoader<Endpoint> destinationEndpoint, Revision resolvedRef) throws ValidationException, RepoException {
SkylarkConsole console = new SkylarkConsole(getConsole());
List<DestinationEffect> hookDestinationEffects = new ArrayList<>();
for (Action action : actions) {
try (ProfilerTask ignored2 = profiler().start(action.getName())) {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Running after migration hook: " + action.getName());
FinishHookContext context = new FinishHookContext(action, originEndpoint, destinationEndpoint, ImmutableList.copyOf(effects), generalOptions.labels, resolvedRef, console);;
return ImmutableList.<DestinationEffect>builder().addAll(effects).addAll(hookDestinationEffects).build();
use of in project copybara by google.
the class Feedback method run.
public void run(Path workdir, ImmutableList<String> sourceRefs) throws RepoException, ValidationException {
ImmutableList.Builder<ActionResult> allResultsBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
String suffix = Joiner.on('_').join(sourceRefs).replaceAll("([/ ])", "_");
String root = "run/" + name + "/" + suffix.substring(0, Math.min(suffix.length(), 20));
try (ProfilerTask ignore = profiler().start(root)) {
for (Action action : actions) {
ArrayList<DestinationEffect> effects = new ArrayList<>();
try (ProfilerTask ignore2 = profiler().start(action.getName())) {
SkylarkConsole console = new SkylarkConsole(generalOptions.console());
eventMonitors().dispatchEvent(m -> m.onChangeMigrationStarted(new ChangeMigrationStartedEvent()));
FeedbackMigrationContext context = new FeedbackMigrationContext(this, action, generalOptions.cliLabels(), sourceRefs, console);;
ActionResult actionResult = context.getActionResult();
// First error aborts the execution of the other actions
ValidationException.checkCondition(actionResult.getResult() != Result.ERROR, "Feedback migration '%s' action '%s' returned error: %s. Aborting execution.", name, action.getName(), actionResult.getMsg());
} finally {
eventMonitors().dispatchEvent(m -> m.onChangeMigrationFinished(new ChangeMigrationFinishedEvent(ImmutableList.copyOf(effects), getOriginDescription(), getDestinationDescription())));
ImmutableList<ActionResult> allResults =;
// This check also returns true if there are no actions
if ( -> a.getResult() == Result.NO_OP)) {
String detailedMessage = allResults.isEmpty() ? "actions field is empty" :;
throw new EmptyChangeException(String.format("Feedback migration '%s' was noop. Detailed messages: %s", name, detailedMessage));