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Example 1 with Mode

use of in project copybara by google.

the class Core method todoReplace.

@StarlarkMethod(name = "todo_replace", doc = "Replace Google style TODOs. For example `TODO(username, othername)`.", parameters = { @Param(name = "tags", named = true, allowedTypes = { @ParamType(type =, generic1 = String.class) }, doc = "Prefix tag to look for", defaultValue = "['TODO', 'NOTE']"), @Param(name = "mapping", named = true, doc = "Mapping of users/strings", defaultValue = "{}"), @Param(name = "mode", named = true, doc = "Mode for the replace:<ul><li>'MAP_OR_FAIL': Try to use the mapping and if not" + " found fail.</li><li>'MAP_OR_IGNORE': Try to use the mapping but ignore if" + " no mapping found.</li><li>'MAP_OR_DEFAULT': Try to use the mapping and use" + " the default if not found.</li><li>'SCRUB_NAMES': Scrub all names from" + " TODOs. Transforms 'TODO(foo)' to 'TODO'</li><li>'USE_DEFAULT': Replace any" + " TODO(foo, bar) with TODO(default_string)</li></ul>", defaultValue = "'MAP_OR_IGNORE'"), @Param(name = "paths", named = true, allowedTypes = { @ParamType(type = Glob.class), @ParamType(type = NoneType.class) }, doc = "A glob expression relative to the workdir representing the files to apply the" + " transformation. For example, glob([\"**.java\"]), matches all java files" + " recursively. Defaults to match all the files recursively.", defaultValue = "None"), @Param(name = "default", named = true, allowedTypes = { @ParamType(type = String.class), @ParamType(type = NoneType.class) }, doc = "Default value if mapping not found. Only valid for 'MAP_OR_DEFAULT' or" + " 'USE_DEFAULT' modes", defaultValue = "None"), @Param(name = "ignore", named = true, allowedTypes = { @ParamType(type = String.class), @ParamType(type = NoneType.class) }, doc = "If set, elements within TODO (with usernames) that match the regex will be " + "ignored. For example ignore = \"foo\" would ignore \"foo\" in " + "\"TODO(foo,bar)\" but not \"bar\".", defaultValue = "None") }, useStarlarkThread = true)
@DocDefault(field = "paths", value = "glob([\"**\"])")
@Example(title = "Simple update", before = "Replace TODOs and NOTES for users in the mapping:", code = "core.todo_replace(\n" + "  mapping = {\n" + "    'test1' : 'external1',\n" + "    'test2' : 'external2'\n" + "  }\n" + ")", after = "Would replace texts like TODO(test1) or NOTE(test1, test2) with TODO(external1)" + " or NOTE(external1, external2)")
@Example(title = "Scrubbing", before = "Remove text from inside TODOs", code = "core.todo_replace(\n" + "  mode = 'SCRUB_NAMES'\n" + ")", after = "Would replace texts like TODO(test1): foo or NOTE(test1, test2):foo with TODO:foo" + " and NOTE:foo")
@Example(title = "Ignoring Regex Patterns", before = "Ignore regEx inside TODOs when scrubbing/mapping", code = "core.todo_replace(\n" + "  mapping = { 'aaa' : 'foo'},\n" + "  ignore = 'b/.*'\n)", after = "Would replace texts like TODO(b/123, aaa) with TODO(b/123, foo)")
public TodoReplace todoReplace(// <String><?> skyTags, // <String, String>
Dict<?, ?> skyMapping, String modeStr, Object paths, Object skyDefault, Object regexToIgnore, StarlarkThread thread) throws EvalException {
    Mode mode = stringToEnum("mode", modeStr, Mode.class);
    Map<String, String> mapping = SkylarkUtil.convertStringMap(skyMapping, "mapping");
    String defaultString = convertFromNoneable(skyDefault, /*defaultValue=*/
    ImmutableList<String> tags = ImmutableList.copyOf(SkylarkUtil.convertStringList(skyTags, "tags"));
    String ignorePattern = convertFromNoneable(regexToIgnore, null);
    Pattern regexIgnorelist = ignorePattern != null ? Pattern.compile(ignorePattern) : null;
    check(!tags.isEmpty(), "'tags' cannot be empty");
    if (mode == Mode.MAP_OR_DEFAULT || mode == Mode.USE_DEFAULT) {
        check(defaultString != null, "'default' needs to be set for mode '%s'", mode);
    } else {
        check(defaultString == null, "'default' cannot be used for mode '%s'", mode);
    if (mode == Mode.USE_DEFAULT || mode == Mode.SCRUB_NAMES) {
        check(mapping.isEmpty(), "'mapping' cannot be used with mode %s", mode);
    return new TodoReplace(thread.getCallerLocation(), convertFromNoneable(paths, Glob.ALL_FILES), tags, mode, mapping, defaultString, workflowOptions.parallelizer(), regexIgnorelist);
Also used : Pattern( Mode( TodoReplace( StarlarkMethod( DocDefault( Example(


DocDefault ( Example ( TodoReplace ( Mode ( Pattern ( StarlarkMethod (