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Example 1 with Ed25519Sign

use of in project tink by google.

the class Ed25519PrivateKeyManagerTest method testBasic.

public void testBasic() throws Exception {
    Ed25519PrivateKeyManager manager = new Ed25519PrivateKeyManager();
    KeyTemplate template = SignatureKeyTemplates.ED25519;
    MessageLite key = manager.newKey(template);
    assertTrue(key instanceof Ed25519PrivateKey);
    Ed25519PrivateKey keyProto = (Ed25519PrivateKey) key;
    assertEquals(32, keyProto.getKeyValue().size());
    PublicKeySign signer = manager.getPrimitive(key);
    assertTrue(signer instanceof Ed25519Sign);
    byte[] message = Random.randBytes(20);
    byte[] signature = signer.sign(message);
    assertEquals(64, signature.length);
    Ed25519PublicKeyManager publicKeyManager = new Ed25519PublicKeyManager();
    PublicKeyVerify verifier = publicKeyManager.getPrimitive(keyProto.getPublicKey());
    assertTrue(verifier instanceof Ed25519Verify);
    try {
        verifier.verify(signature, message);
    } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
        fail("Do not expect GeneralSecurityException: " + e);
Also used : Ed25519PrivateKey( Ed25519Verify( GeneralSecurityException( PublicKeyVerify( Ed25519Sign( KeyTemplate( MessageLite( PublicKeySign( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 2 with Ed25519Sign

use of in project tink by google.

the class Ed25519PrivateKeyManager method getPrimitive.

public PublicKeySign getPrimitive(MessageLite key) throws GeneralSecurityException {
    if (!(key instanceof Ed25519PrivateKey)) {
        throw new GeneralSecurityException("expected Ed25519PrivateKey proto");
    Ed25519PrivateKey keyProto = (Ed25519PrivateKey) key;
    return new Ed25519Sign(keyProto.getKeyValue().toByteArray());
Also used : Ed25519PrivateKey( GeneralSecurityException( Ed25519Sign(


Ed25519PrivateKey ( Ed25519Sign ( GeneralSecurityException ( PublicKeySign ( PublicKeyVerify ( KeyTemplate ( Ed25519Verify ( MessageLite ( Test (org.junit.Test)1