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Example 1 with SkylarkJavaMethodDoc

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class SkylarkDocumentationProcessor method getCommandLineAPIDoc.

   * Returns the API doc for the specified Skylark object in a command line printable format,
   * params[0] identifies either a module or a top-level object, the optional params[1] identifies a
   * method in the module.<br>
   * Returns null if no Skylark object is found.
public static String getCommandLineAPIDoc(String[] params) throws ClassPathException {
    Map<String, SkylarkModuleDoc> modules = SkylarkDocumentationCollector.collectModules();
    SkylarkModuleDoc toplevelModuleDoc = modules.get(SkylarkDocumentationCollector.getTopLevelModule().name());
    if (modules.containsKey(params[0])) {
        // Top level module
        SkylarkModuleDoc module = modules.get(params[0]);
        if (params.length == 1) {
            String moduleName = module.getAnnotation().name();
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            // Print the signature of all built-in methods
            for (SkylarkBuiltinMethodDoc method : module.getBuiltinMethods().values()) {
                printBuiltinFunctionDoc(moduleName, method, sb);
            // Print all Java methods
            for (SkylarkJavaMethodDoc method : module.getJavaMethods()) {
                printJavaFunctionDoc(method, sb);
            return DocgenConsts.toCommandLineFormat(sb.toString());
        } else {
            return getFunctionDoc(module.getAnnotation().name(), params[1], module);
    } else if (toplevelModuleDoc.getBuiltinMethods().containsKey(params[0])) {
        // Top level object / function
        return getFunctionDoc(null, params[0], toplevelModuleDoc);
    return null;
Also used : SkylarkBuiltinMethodDoc( SkylarkModuleDoc( SkylarkJavaMethodDoc(

Example 2 with SkylarkJavaMethodDoc

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class SkylarkDocumentationCollector method collectJavaObjects.

   * Collects and returns all the Java objects reachable in Skylark from (and including)
   * firstClass with the corresponding SkylarkModule annotation.
   * <p>Note that the {@link SkylarkModule} annotation for firstClass - firstModule -
   * is also an input parameter, because some top level Skylark built-in objects and methods
   * are not annotated on the class, but on a field referencing them.
static void collectJavaObjects(SkylarkModule firstModule, Class<?> firstClass, Map<String, SkylarkModuleDoc> modules) {
    Set<Class<?>> done = new HashSet<>();
    Deque<Class<?>> toProcess = new LinkedList<>();
    Map<Class<?>, SkylarkModule> annotations = new HashMap<>();
    annotations.put(firstClass, firstModule);
    while (!toProcess.isEmpty()) {
        Class<?> c = toProcess.removeFirst();
        SkylarkModule annotation = annotations.get(c);
        if (!modules.containsKey( {
            modules.put(, new SkylarkModuleDoc(annotation, c));
        SkylarkModuleDoc module = modules.get(;
        if (module.javaMethodsNotCollected()) {
            ImmutableMap<Method, SkylarkCallable> methods = FuncallExpression.collectSkylarkMethodsWithAnnotation(c);
            for (Map.Entry<Method, SkylarkCallable> entry : methods.entrySet()) {
                module.addMethod(new SkylarkJavaMethodDoc(module, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
            for (Map.Entry<Method, SkylarkCallable> method : methods.entrySet()) {
                Class<?> returnClass = method.getKey().getReturnType();
                if (returnClass.isAnnotationPresent(SkylarkModule.class) && !done.contains(returnClass)) {
                    annotations.put(returnClass, returnClass.getAnnotation(SkylarkModule.class));
Also used : SkylarkCallable( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) SkylarkJavaMethodDoc( SkylarkModule( ImmutableMap( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) Map(java.util.Map) SkylarkModuleDoc( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) VisibleForTesting(

Example 3 with SkylarkJavaMethodDoc

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class SkylarkDocumentationProcessor method getFunctionDoc.

private static String getFunctionDoc(String moduleName, String methodName, SkylarkModuleDoc module) {
    if (module.getBuiltinMethods().containsKey(methodName)) {
        // Create the doc for the built-in function
        SkylarkBuiltinMethodDoc method = module.getBuiltinMethods().get(methodName);
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        printBuiltinFunctionDoc(moduleName, method, sb);
        return DocgenConsts.removeDuplicatedNewLines(DocgenConsts.toCommandLineFormat(sb.toString()));
    } else {
        // Search if there are matching Java functions
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        boolean foundMatchingMethod = false;
        for (SkylarkJavaMethodDoc method : module.getJavaMethods()) {
            if (method.getName().equals(methodName)) {
                printJavaFunctionDoc(method, sb);
                foundMatchingMethod = true;
        if (foundMatchingMethod) {
            return DocgenConsts.toCommandLineFormat(sb.toString());
    return null;
Also used : SkylarkBuiltinMethodDoc( SkylarkJavaMethodDoc(


SkylarkJavaMethodDoc ( SkylarkBuiltinMethodDoc ( SkylarkModuleDoc ( VisibleForTesting ( ImmutableMap ( SkylarkCallable ( SkylarkModule ( Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)1 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)1 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)1 Map (java.util.Map)1 TreeMap (java.util.TreeMap)1