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Example 1 with BuildFailedException

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class TreeArtifactBuildTest method testOneExpandedActionThrowsInActionTemplate.

public void testOneExpandedActionThrowsInActionTemplate() throws Throwable {
    // expect errors
    // artifact1 is a tree artifact generated by a TouchingTestAction.
    Artifact artifact1 = createTreeArtifact("treeArtifact1");
    TreeFileArtifact treeFileArtifactA = ActionInputHelper.treeFileArtifact(artifact1, new PathFragment("child1"));
    TreeFileArtifact treeFileArtifactB = ActionInputHelper.treeFileArtifact(artifact1, new PathFragment("child2"));
    registerAction(new TouchingTestAction(treeFileArtifactA, treeFileArtifactB));
    // artifact2 is a tree artifact generated by an action template.
    Artifact artifact2 = createTreeArtifact("treeArtifact2");
    SpawnActionTemplate actionTemplate = ActionsTestUtil.createDummySpawnActionTemplate(artifact1, artifact2);
    // We mock out the action template function to expand into two actions:
    // One Action that touches the output file.
    // The other action that just throws when executed.
    TreeFileArtifact expectedOutputTreeFileArtifact1 = ActionInputHelper.treeFileArtifact(artifact2, new PathFragment("child1"));
    TreeFileArtifact expectedOutputTreeFileArtifact2 = ActionInputHelper.treeFileArtifact(artifact2, new PathFragment("child2"));
    Action generateOutputAction = new DummyAction(ImmutableList.<Artifact>of(treeFileArtifactA), expectedOutputTreeFileArtifact1);
    Action throwingAction = new ThrowingDummyAction(ImmutableList.<Artifact>of(treeFileArtifactB), ImmutableList.<Artifact>of(expectedOutputTreeFileArtifact2));
    actionTemplateExpansionFunction = new DummyActionTemplateExpansionFunction(ImmutableMultimap.<ActionTemplate<?>, Action>of(actionTemplate, generateOutputAction, actionTemplate, throwingAction));
    try {
        fail("Expected BuildFailedException");
    } catch (BuildFailedException e) {
        assertThat(e.getMessage()).contains("Throwing dummy action");
Also used : TreeFileArtifact( Action( TestAction( DummyAction( BuildFailedException( DummyAction( PathFragment( SpawnActionTemplate( ActionTemplate( SpawnActionTemplate( SpecialArtifact( Artifact( ActionInputHelper.treeFileArtifact( TreeFileArtifact( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 2 with BuildFailedException

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class TreeArtifactBuildTest method testRelativeSymlinkTraversingOutsideOfTreeArtifactRejected.

public void testRelativeSymlinkTraversingOutsideOfTreeArtifactRejected() throws Exception {
    // Failure expected
    StoredEventHandler storingEventHandler = new StoredEventHandler();
    final Artifact out = createTreeArtifact("output");
    TreeArtifactTestAction action = new TreeArtifactTestAction(out) {

        public void execute(ActionExecutionContext actionExecutionContext) {
            try {
                writeFile(out.getPath().getChild("one"), "one");
                writeFile(out.getPath().getChild("two"), "two");
                FileSystemUtils.ensureSymbolicLink(out.getPath().getChild("links").getChild("link"), "../../output/random/pointer");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
    try {
        // Should have thrown
    } catch (BuildFailedException e) {
        List<Event> errors = ImmutableList.copyOf(Iterables.filter(storingEventHandler.getEvents(), IS_ERROR_EVENT));
        assertThat(errors.get(0).getMessage()).contains("A TreeArtifact may not contain relative symlinks whose target paths traverse " + "outside of the TreeArtifact");
        assertThat(errors.get(1).getMessage()).contains("not all outputs were created or valid");
Also used : StoredEventHandler( BuildFailedException( ActionExecutionContext( List(java.util.List) ImmutableList( SpecialArtifact( Artifact( ActionInputHelper.treeFileArtifact( TreeFileArtifact( ActionExecutionException( BuildFailedException( IOException( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with BuildFailedException

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class TreeArtifactBuildTest method testInputTreeArtifactCreationFailedInActionTemplate.

public void testInputTreeArtifactCreationFailedInActionTemplate() throws Throwable {
    // expect errors
    // artifact1 is created by a action that throws.
    Artifact artifact1 = createTreeArtifact("treeArtifact1");
    registerAction(new ThrowingDummyAction(ImmutableList.<Artifact>of(), ImmutableList.of(artifact1)));
    // artifact2 is a tree artifact generated by an action template.
    Artifact artifact2 = createTreeArtifact("treeArtifact2");
    SpawnActionTemplate actionTemplate = ActionsTestUtil.createDummySpawnActionTemplate(artifact1, artifact2);
    try {
        fail("Expected BuildFailedException");
    } catch (BuildFailedException e) {
        assertThat(e.getMessage()).contains("Throwing dummy action");
Also used : BuildFailedException( SpawnActionTemplate( SpecialArtifact( Artifact( ActionInputHelper.treeFileArtifact( TreeFileArtifact( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 4 with BuildFailedException

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class ParallelBuilderTest method testWaitsForSubprocesses.

// Regression test for bug fixed in CL 3548332: builder was not waiting for
// all its subprocesses to terminate.
public void testWaitsForSubprocesses() throws Exception {
    final Semaphore semaphore = new Semaphore(1);
    final boolean[] finished = { false };
    // t=0: semaphore acquired
    // This arrangement ensures that the "bar" action tries to run for about
    // 100ms after the "foo" action has completed (failed).
    // [action] -> foo
    Artifact foo = createDerivedArtifact("foo");
    Callable<Void> makeFoo = new Callable<Void>() {

        public Void call() throws IOException {
            // t=2: semaphore re-acquired
            throw new IOException("foo action failed");
    registerAction(new TestAction(makeFoo, Artifact.NO_ARTIFACTS, ImmutableList.of(foo)));
    // [action] -> bar
    Artifact bar = createDerivedArtifact("bar");
    Runnable makeBar = new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
            // t=1: semaphore released
            try {
                // 100ms
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            // This might happen (though not necessarily).  The
            // ParallelBuilder interrupts all its workers at the first sign
            // of trouble.
            finished[0] = true;
    registerAction(new TestAction(makeBar, emptySet, asSet(bar)));
    // Don't fail fast when we encounter the error
    try {
        buildArtifacts(foo, bar);
    } catch (BuildFailedException e) {
        assertThat(e.getMessage()).contains("TestAction failed due to exception: foo action failed");
        assertContainsEvent("TestAction failed due to exception: foo action failed");
    assertTrue("bar action not finished, yet buildArtifacts has completed.", finished[0]);
Also used : BuildFailedException( Semaphore(java.util.concurrent.Semaphore) IOException( Artifact( Callable(java.util.concurrent.Callable) TestAction( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with BuildFailedException

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class ParallelBuilderTest method testUpdateCacheError.

public void testUpdateCacheError() throws Exception {
    FileSystem fs = new InMemoryFileSystem() {

        public FileStatus stat(Path path, boolean followSymlinks) throws IOException {
            final FileStatus stat = super.stat(path, followSymlinks);
            if (path.toString().endsWith("/out/foo")) {
                return new FileStatus() {

                    private final FileStatus original = stat;

                    public boolean isSymbolicLink() {
                        return original.isSymbolicLink();

                    public boolean isFile() {
                        return original.isFile();

                    public boolean isDirectory() {
                        return original.isDirectory();

                    public boolean isSpecialFile() {
                        return original.isSpecialFile();

                    public long getSize() throws IOException {
                        return original.getSize();

                    public long getNodeId() throws IOException {
                        return original.getNodeId();

                    public long getLastModifiedTime() throws IOException {
                        throw new IOException();

                    public long getLastChangeTime() throws IOException {
                        return original.getLastChangeTime();
            return stat;
    Artifact foo = createDerivedArtifact(fs, "foo");
    registerAction(new TestAction(TestAction.NO_EFFECT, emptySet, ImmutableList.of(foo)));
    try {
        fail("Expected to fail");
    } catch (BuildFailedException e) {
        assertContainsEvent("not all outputs were created or valid");
Also used : Path( BuildFailedException( FileStatus( FileSystem( InMemoryFileSystem( InMemoryFileSystem( IOException( Artifact( TestAction( Test(org.junit.Test)


BuildFailedException ( Artifact ( Test (org.junit.Test)17 TestAction ( IOException ( ActionInputHelper.treeFileArtifact ( SpecialArtifact ( TreeFileArtifact ( ActionExecutionException ( ActionExecutionContext ( StoredEventHandler ( ImmutableList ( TestExecException ( SpawnActionTemplate ( List (java.util.List)4 Action ( DummyAction ( ActionTemplate ( ExitCode ( PathFragment (