use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.
the class BazelJavaSemantics method addCoverageSupport.
// TODO(yueg): refactor this (only mainClass different for now)
public String addCoverageSupport(JavaCompilationHelper helper, JavaTargetAttributes.Builder attributes, Artifact executable, Artifact instrumentationMetadata, JavaCompilationArtifacts.Builder javaArtifactsBuilder, String mainClass) throws InterruptedException {
// This method can be called only for *_binary/*_test targets.
// Add our own metadata artifact (if any).
if (instrumentationMetadata != null) {
if (!hasInstrumentationMetadata(attributes)) {
return mainClass;
Artifact instrumentedJar = helper.getRuleContext().getBinArtifact(helper.getRuleContext().getLabel().getName() + "_instrumented.jar");
// Create an instrumented Jar. This will be referenced on the runtime classpath prior
// to all other Jars.
JavaCommon.createInstrumentedJarAction(helper.getRuleContext(), this, attributes.getInstrumentationMetadata(), instrumentedJar, mainClass);
// Add the coverage runner to the list of dependencies when compiling in coverage mode.
TransitiveInfoCollection runnerTarget = helper.getRuleContext().getPrerequisite("$jacocorunner", Mode.TARGET);
if (runnerTarget.getProvider(JavaCompilationArgsProvider.class) != null) {
} else {
helper.getRuleContext().ruleError("this rule depends on " + helper.getRuleContext().attributes().get("$jacocorunner", BuildType.LABEL) + " which is not a java_library rule, or contains errors");
// script via an environment variable.
use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.
the class SkylarkRuleContextTest method shouldGetPrerequisites.
public void shouldGetPrerequisites() throws Exception {
SkylarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//foo:bar");
Object result = evalRuleContextCode(ruleContext, "ruleContext.attr.srcs");
// Check for a known provider
TransitiveInfoCollection tic1 = (TransitiveInfoCollection) ((SkylarkList) result).get(0);
// Check an unimplemented provider too
use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.
the class CcBinary method collectRunfiles.
private static Runfiles collectRunfiles(RuleContext context, CcToolchainProvider toolchain, CcLinkingOutputs linkingOutputs, CcLibraryHelper.Info info, LinkStaticness linkStaticness, NestedSet<Artifact> filesToBuild, Iterable<Artifact> fakeLinkerInputs, boolean fake, ImmutableSet<CppSource> cAndCppSources, boolean linkCompileOutputSeparately) {
Runfiles.Builder builder = new Runfiles.Builder(context.getWorkspaceName(), context.getConfiguration().legacyExternalRunfiles());
Function<TransitiveInfoCollection, Runfiles> runfilesMapping = CppRunfilesProvider.runfilesFunction(linkStaticness != LinkStaticness.DYNAMIC);
// Add the shared libraries to the runfiles. This adds any shared libraries that are in the
// srcs of this target.
builder.addRunfiles(context, RunfilesProvider.DEFAULT_RUNFILES);
builder.add(context, runfilesMapping);
// Add the C++ runtime libraries if linking them dynamically.
if (linkStaticness == LinkStaticness.DYNAMIC) {
if (linkCompileOutputSeparately) {
// For cc_binary and cc_test rules, there is an implicit dependency on
// the malloc library package, which is specified by the "malloc" attribute.
// As the BUILD encyclopedia says, the "malloc" attribute should be ignored
// if linkshared=1.
boolean linkshared = isLinkShared(context);
if (!linkshared) {
TransitiveInfoCollection malloc = CppHelper.mallocForTarget(context);
builder.addTarget(malloc, RunfilesProvider.DEFAULT_RUNFILES);
builder.addTarget(malloc, runfilesMapping);
if (fake) {
// Add the object files, libraries, and linker scripts that are used to
// link this executable.
builder.addSymlinksToArtifacts(Iterables.filter(fakeLinkerInputs, Artifact.MIDDLEMAN_FILTER));
// The crosstool inputs for the link action are not sufficient; we also need the crosstool
// inputs for compilation. Node that these cannot be middlemen because Runfiles does not
// know how to expand them.
// Add the sources files that are used to compile the object files.
// We add the headers in the transitive closure and our own sources in the srcs
// attribute. We do not provide the auxiliary inputs, because they are only used when we
// do FDO compilation, and cc_fake_binary does not support FDO.
ImmutableSet.Builder<Artifact> sourcesBuilder = ImmutableSet.<Artifact>builder();
for (CppSource cppSource : cAndCppSources) {
CppCompilationContext cppCompilationContext = info.getCppCompilationContext();
// Add additional files that are referenced from the compile command, like module maps
// or header modules.
builder.addSymlinksToArtifacts(cppCompilationContext.getTransitiveModules(CppHelper.usePic(context, !isLinkShared(context))));
use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.
the class CcCommon method getLooseIncludeDirs.
* Determines a list of loose include directories that are only allowed to be referenced when
* headers checking is {@link HeadersCheckingMode#LOOSE} or {@link HeadersCheckingMode#WARN}.
List<PathFragment> getLooseIncludeDirs() {
List<PathFragment> result = new ArrayList<>();
// The package directory of the rule contributes includes. Note that this also covers all
// non-subpackage sub-directories.
PathFragment rulePackage = ruleContext.getLabel().getPackageIdentifier().getPathUnderExecRoot();
// Gather up all the dirs from the rule's srcs as well as any of the srcs outputs.
if (hasAttribute("srcs", BuildType.LABEL_LIST)) {
for (TransitiveInfoCollection src : ruleContext.getPrerequisitesIf("srcs", Mode.TARGET, FileProvider.class)) {
PathFragment packageDir = src.getLabel().getPackageIdentifier().getPathUnderExecRoot();
for (Artifact a : src.getProvider(FileProvider.class).getFilesToBuild()) {
// Attempt to gather subdirectories that might contain include files.
// Add in any 'includes' attribute values as relative path fragments
if (ruleContext.getRule().isAttributeValueExplicitlySpecified("includes")) {
PathFragment packageFragment = ruleContext.getLabel().getPackageIdentifier().getPathUnderExecRoot();
// For now, anything with an 'includes' needs a blanket declaration
return result;
use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.
the class CcCommon method getSources.
* Returns a list of ({@link Artifact}, {@link Label}) pairs. Each pair represents an input
* source file and the label of the rule that generates it (or the label of the source file
* itself if it is an input file).
List<Pair<Artifact, Label>> getSources() {
Map<Artifact, Label> map = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
Iterable<? extends TransitiveInfoCollection> providers = ruleContext.getPrerequisitesIf("srcs", Mode.TARGET, FileProvider.class);
for (TransitiveInfoCollection provider : providers) {
for (Artifact artifact : provider.getProvider(FileProvider.class).getFilesToBuild()) {
// TODO(bazel-team): We currently do not produce an error for duplicate headers and other
// non-source artifacts with different labels, as that would require cleaning up the code
// base without significant benefit; we should eventually make this consistent one way or
// the other.
Label oldLabel = map.put(artifact, provider.getLabel());
boolean isHeader = CppFileTypes.CPP_HEADER.matches(artifact.getExecPath());
if (!isHeader && SourceCategory.CC_AND_OBJC.getSourceTypes().matches(artifact.getExecPathString()) && oldLabel != null && !oldLabel.equals(provider.getLabel())) {
ruleContext.attributeError("srcs", String.format("Artifact '%s' is duplicated (through '%s' and '%s')", artifact.getExecPathString(), oldLabel, provider.getLabel()));
ImmutableList.Builder<Pair<Artifact, Label>> result = ImmutableList.builder();
for (Map.Entry<Artifact, Label> entry : map.entrySet()) {
result.add(Pair.of(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));