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Example 6 with LabelSyntaxException

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class CppConfiguration method resolveIncludeDir.

   * Resolve the given include directory.
   * <p>If it starts with %sysroot%/, that part is replaced with the actual sysroot.
   * <p>If it starts with %workspace%/, that part is replaced with the empty string
   * (essentially making it relative to the build directory).
   * <p>If it starts with %crosstool_top%/ or is any relative path, it is
   * interpreted relative to the crosstool top. The use of assumed-crosstool-relative
   * specifications is considered deprecated, and all such uses should eventually
   * be replaced by "%crosstool_top%/".
   * <p>If it is of the form %package(@repository//my/package)%/folder, then it is
   * interpreted as the named folder in the appropriate package. All of the normal
   * package syntax is supported. The /folder part is optional.
   * <p>It is illegal if it starts with a % and does not match any of the above
   * forms to avoid accidentally silently ignoring misspelled prefixes.
   * <p>If it is absolute, it remains unchanged.
static PathFragment resolveIncludeDir(String s, PathFragment sysroot, PathFragment crosstoolTopPathFragment) throws InvalidConfigurationException {
    PathFragment pathPrefix;
    String pathString;
    int packageEndIndex = s.indexOf(PACKAGE_END);
    if (packageEndIndex != -1 && s.startsWith(PACKAGE_START)) {
        String packageString = s.substring(PACKAGE_START.length(), packageEndIndex);
        try {
            pathPrefix = PackageIdentifier.parse(packageString).getSourceRoot();
        } catch (LabelSyntaxException e) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("The package '" + packageString + "' is not valid");
        int pathStartIndex = packageEndIndex + PACKAGE_END.length();
        if (pathStartIndex + 1 < s.length()) {
            if (s.charAt(pathStartIndex) != '/') {
                throw new InvalidConfigurationException("The path in the package for '" + s + "' is not valid");
            pathString = s.substring(pathStartIndex + 1, s.length());
        } else {
            pathString = "";
    } else if (s.startsWith(SYSROOT_START)) {
        if (sysroot == null) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("A %sysroot% prefix is only allowed if the " + "default_sysroot option is set");
        pathPrefix = sysroot;
        pathString = s.substring(SYSROOT_START.length(), s.length());
    } else if (s.startsWith(WORKSPACE_START)) {
        pathPrefix = PathFragment.EMPTY_FRAGMENT;
        pathString = s.substring(WORKSPACE_START.length(), s.length());
    } else {
        pathPrefix = crosstoolTopPathFragment;
        if (s.startsWith(CROSSTOOL_START)) {
            pathString = s.substring(CROSSTOOL_START.length(), s.length());
        } else if (s.startsWith("%")) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("The include path '" + s + "' has an " + "unrecognized %prefix%");
        } else {
            pathString = s;
    PathFragment path = new PathFragment(pathString);
    if (!path.isNormalized()) {
        throw new InvalidConfigurationException("The include path '" + s + "' is not normalized.");
    return pathPrefix.getRelative(path);
Also used : LabelSyntaxException( PathFragment( InvalidConfigurationException(

Example 7 with LabelSyntaxException

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class SkylarkImportLookupFunction method labelsForAbsoluteImports.

   * Computes the set of Labels corresponding to a collection of PathFragments representing absolute
   * import paths.
   * @return a map from the computed {@link Label}s to the corresponding {@link PathFragment}s;
   *     {@code null} if any Skyframe dependencies are unavailable.
   * @throws SkylarkImportFailedException
static ImmutableMap<PathFragment, Label> labelsForAbsoluteImports(ImmutableSet<PathFragment> pathsToLookup, Environment env) throws SkylarkImportFailedException, InterruptedException {
    // Import PathFragments are absolute, so there is a 1-1 mapping from corresponding Labels.
    ImmutableMap.Builder<PathFragment, Label> outputMap = new ImmutableMap.Builder<>();
    // The SkyKey here represents the directory containing an import PathFragment, hence there
    // can in general be multiple imports per lookup.
    Multimap<SkyKey, PathFragment> lookupMap = LinkedHashMultimap.create();
    for (PathFragment importPath : pathsToLookup) {
        PathFragment relativeImportPath = importPath.toRelative();
        PackageIdentifier pkgToLookUp = PackageIdentifier.createInMainRepo(relativeImportPath.getParentDirectory());
        lookupMap.put(ContainingPackageLookupValue.key(pkgToLookUp), importPath);
    // Attempt to find a package for every directory containing an import.
    Map<SkyKey, ValueOrException2<BuildFileNotFoundException, InconsistentFilesystemException>> lookupResults = env.getValuesOrThrow(lookupMap.keySet(), BuildFileNotFoundException.class, InconsistentFilesystemException.class);
    if (env.valuesMissing()) {
        return null;
    try {
        // Process lookup results.
        for (Entry<SkyKey, ValueOrException2<BuildFileNotFoundException, InconsistentFilesystemException>> entry : lookupResults.entrySet()) {
            ContainingPackageLookupValue lookupValue = (ContainingPackageLookupValue) entry.getValue().get();
            if (!lookupValue.hasContainingPackage()) {
                // Although multiple imports may be in the same package-less directory, we only
                // report an error for the first one.
                PackageIdentifier lookupKey = ((PackageIdentifier) entry.getKey().argument());
                PathFragment importFile = lookupKey.getPackageFragment();
                throw SkylarkImportFailedException.noBuildFile(importFile);
            PackageIdentifier pkgIdForImport = lookupValue.getContainingPackageName();
            PathFragment containingPkgPath = pkgIdForImport.getPackageFragment();
            for (PathFragment importPath : lookupMap.get(entry.getKey())) {
                PathFragment relativeImportPath = importPath.toRelative();
                String targetNameForImport = relativeImportPath.relativeTo(containingPkgPath).toString();
                try {
                    outputMap.put(importPath, Label.create(pkgIdForImport, targetNameForImport));
                } catch (LabelSyntaxException e) {
                    // simple path.
                    throw new SkylarkImportFailedException(e);
    } catch (BuildFileNotFoundException e) {
        // Thrown when there are IO errors looking for BUILD files.
        throw new SkylarkImportFailedException(e);
    } catch (InconsistentFilesystemException e) {
        throw new SkylarkImportFailedException(e);
Also used : SkyKey( BuildFileNotFoundException( LabelSyntaxException( PathFragment( Label( ValueOrException2( ImmutableMap( PackageIdentifier( Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)

Example 8 with LabelSyntaxException

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class NewRepositoryBuildFileHandler method getBuildFileValue.

private FileValue getBuildFileValue(Rule rule, Environment env) throws RepositoryFunctionException, InterruptedException {
    WorkspaceAttributeMapper mapper = WorkspaceAttributeMapper.of(rule);
    String buildFileAttribute;
    try {
        buildFileAttribute = mapper.get("build_file", Type.STRING);
    } catch (EvalException e) {
        throw new RepositoryFunctionException(e, Transience.PERSISTENT);
    RootedPath rootedBuild;
    if (LabelValidator.isAbsolute(buildFileAttribute)) {
        try {
            // Parse a label
            Label label = Label.parseAbsolute(buildFileAttribute);
            SkyKey pkgSkyKey = PackageLookupValue.key(label.getPackageIdentifier());
            PackageLookupValue pkgLookupValue = (PackageLookupValue) env.getValue(pkgSkyKey);
            if (pkgLookupValue == null) {
                return null;
            if (!pkgLookupValue.packageExists()) {
                throw new RepositoryFunctionException(new EvalException(rule.getLocation(), "Unable to load package for " + buildFileAttribute + ": not found."), Transience.PERSISTENT);
            // And now for the file
            Path packageRoot = pkgLookupValue.getRoot();
            rootedBuild = RootedPath.toRootedPath(packageRoot, label.toPathFragment());
        } catch (LabelSyntaxException ex) {
            throw new RepositoryFunctionException(new EvalException(rule.getLocation(), String.format("In %s the 'build_file' attribute does not specify a valid label: %s", rule, ex.getMessage())), Transience.PERSISTENT);
    } else {
        // TODO(dmarting): deprecate using a path for the build_file attribute.
        PathFragment buildFile = new PathFragment(buildFileAttribute);
        Path buildFileTarget = workspacePath.getRelative(buildFile);
        if (!buildFileTarget.exists()) {
            throw new RepositoryFunctionException(new EvalException(rule.getLocation(), String.format("In %s the 'build_file' attribute does not specify an existing file " + "(%s does not exist)", rule, buildFileTarget)), Transience.PERSISTENT);
        if (buildFile.isAbsolute()) {
            rootedBuild = RootedPath.toRootedPath(buildFileTarget.getParentDirectory(), new PathFragment(buildFileTarget.getBaseName()));
        } else {
            rootedBuild = RootedPath.toRootedPath(workspacePath, buildFile);
    SkyKey buildFileKey = FileValue.key(rootedBuild);
    FileValue buildFileValue;
    try {
        // Note that this dependency is, strictly speaking, not necessary: the symlink could simply
        // point to this FileValue and the symlink chasing could be done while loading the package
        // but this results in a nicer error message and it's correct as long as RepositoryFunctions
        // don't write to things in the file system this FileValue depends on. In theory, the latter
        // is possible if the file referenced by build_file is a symlink to somewhere under the
        // external/ directory, but if you do that, you are really asking for trouble.
        buildFileValue = (FileValue) env.getValueOrThrow(buildFileKey, IOException.class, FileSymlinkException.class, InconsistentFilesystemException.class);
        if (buildFileValue == null) {
            return null;
    } catch (IOException | FileSymlinkException | InconsistentFilesystemException e) {
        throw new RepositoryFunctionException(new IOException("Cannot lookup " + buildFileAttribute + ": " + e.getMessage()), Transience.TRANSIENT);
    return buildFileValue;
Also used : SkyKey( PackageLookupValue( RootedPath( Path( FileValue( LabelSyntaxException( Label( PathFragment( EvalException( IOException( InconsistentFilesystemException( RootedPath( FileSymlinkException( RepositoryFunctionException(

Example 9 with LabelSyntaxException

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class RepositoryFunction method addExternalFilesDependencies.

   * For files that are under $OUTPUT_BASE/external, add a dependency on the corresponding rule so
   * that if the WORKSPACE file changes, the File/DirectoryStateValue will be re-evaluated.
   * <p>Note that: - We don't add a dependency on the parent directory at the package root boundary,
   * so the only transitive dependencies from files inside the package roots to external files are
   * through symlinks. So the upwards transitive closure of external files is small. - The only way
   * other than external repositories for external source files to get into the skyframe graph in
   * the first place is through symlinks outside the package roots, which we neither want to
   * encourage nor optimize for since it is not common. So the set of external files is small.
public static void addExternalFilesDependencies(RootedPath rootedPath, BlazeDirectories directories, Environment env) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    Path externalRepoDir = getExternalRepositoryDirectory(directories);
    PathFragment repositoryPath = rootedPath.asPath().relativeTo(externalRepoDir);
    if (repositoryPath.segmentCount() == 0) {
        // repository path.
    String repositoryName = repositoryPath.getSegment(0);
    try {
        // Add a dependency to the repository rule. RepositoryDirectoryValue does add this dependency
        // already but we want to catch RepositoryNotFoundException, so invoke #getRule first.
        RepositoryFunction.getRule(repositoryName, env);
        if (repositoryPath.segmentCount() > 1) {
            // For all file under the repository directory, depends on the actual RepositoryDirectory
            // function so we get invalidation when the repository is fetched.
            // For the repository directory itself, we cannot depends on the RepositoryDirectoryValue
            // (cycle).
            env.getValue(RepositoryDirectoryValue.key(RepositoryName.create("@" + repositoryName)));
    } catch (RepositoryFunction.RepositoryNotFoundException ex) {
        // of the resolution. Therefore we are safe to ignore that Exception.
    } catch (RepositoryFunctionException | LabelSyntaxException ex) {
        // This should never happen.
        throw new IllegalStateException("Repository " + repositoryName + " cannot be resolved for path " + rootedPath, ex);
Also used : RootedPath( Path( LabelSyntaxException( PathFragment(

Example 10 with LabelSyntaxException

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class RepositoryLoaderFunction method compute.

public SkyValue compute(SkyKey skyKey, Environment env) throws SkyFunctionException, InterruptedException {
    // This cannot be combined with {@link RepositoryDelegatorFunction}. RDF fetches the
    // repository and must not have a Skyframe restart after writing it (otherwise the repository
    // would be re-downloaded).
    RepositoryName nameFromRule = (RepositoryName) skyKey.argument();
    SkyKey repositoryKey = RepositoryDirectoryValue.key(nameFromRule);
    RepositoryDirectoryValue repository = (RepositoryDirectoryValue) env.getValue(repositoryKey);
    if (repository == null) {
        return null;
    SkyKey workspaceKey = WorkspaceFileValue.key(RootedPath.toRootedPath(repository.getPath(), new PathFragment("WORKSPACE")));
    WorkspaceFileValue workspacePackage = (WorkspaceFileValue) env.getValue(workspaceKey);
    if (workspacePackage == null) {
        return null;
    RepositoryName workspaceName;
    try {
        String workspaceNameStr = workspacePackage.getPackage().getWorkspaceName();
        workspaceName = workspaceNameStr.isEmpty() ? RepositoryName.create("") : RepositoryName.create("@" + workspaceNameStr);
    } catch (LabelSyntaxException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(e);
    if (!workspaceName.isDefault() && !workspaceName.strippedName().equals(Label.DEFAULT_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY) && !nameFromRule.equals(workspaceName)) {
        Path workspacePath = repository.getPath().getRelative("WORKSPACE");
        env.getListener().handle(Event.warn(Location.fromFile(workspacePath), "Workspace name in " + workspacePath + " (" + workspaceName + ") does not match the " + "name given in the repository's definition (" + nameFromRule + "); this will " + "cause a build error in future versions"));
    return new RepositoryValue(nameFromRule, repository);
Also used : SkyKey( RootedPath( Path( LabelSyntaxException( PathFragment( RepositoryName( WorkspaceFileValue( RepositoryValue( Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)


LabelSyntaxException ( Label ( PathFragment ( SkyKey ( Path ( EvalException ( RootedPath ( PackageIdentifier ( Package ( Target ( LinkedHashSet (java.util.LinkedHashSet)4 ImmutableMap ( RepositoryName ( NameConflictException ( IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3 InvalidConfigurationException ( BuildFileNotFoundException ( NoSuchPackageException (