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Example 1 with Selector

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class AggregatingAttributeMapper method visitConfigurableAttribute.

   * Determines all possible values a configurable attribute can take. Do not call this method
   * unless really necessary (see TODO comment inside).
   * @param selectors the selectors that make up this attribute assignment (in order)
   * @param boundSelectorPaths paths that have already been chosen from previous selectors in an
   *     earlier recursive call of this method. For example, given
   *     <pre>cmd = select({':a': 'w', ':b': 'x'}) + select({':a': 'y', ':b': 'z'})</pre>
   *     the only possible values for <code>cmd</code> are <code>"wy"</code> and <code>"xz"</code>.
   *     This is because the selects have the same conditions, so whatever matches the first also
   *     matches the second. Note that this doesn't work for selects with overlapping but
   *     <i>different</i> key sets. That's because of key specialization (see
   *     {@link} - if the
   *     second select also included a condition <code>':c'</code> that includes both the flags
   *     in <code>':a'</code> and <code>':b'</code>, <code>':c'</code> would be chosen over
   *     them both.
   * @param type the type of this attribute
   * @param currentValueSoFar the partial value produced so far from earlier calls to this method
   * @param valuesBuilder output container for full values this attribute can take
private <T> void visitConfigurableAttribute(List<Selector<T>> selectors, BoundSelectorPaths boundSelectorPaths, Type<T> type, T currentValueSoFar, ImmutableList.Builder<T> valuesBuilder) {
    if (selectors.isEmpty()) {
        if (currentValueSoFar != null) {
            // Null values arise when a None is used as the value of a Selector for a type without a
            // default value.
            // TODO(gregce): visitAttribute should probably convey that an unset attribute is possible.
            // Therefore we need to actually handle null values here.
    } else {
        Selector<T> firstSelector = selectors.get(0);
        List<Selector<T>> remainingSelectors = selectors.subList(1, selectors.size());
        Map<Label, T> firstSelectorEntries = firstSelector.getEntries();
        Label boundKey = boundSelectorPaths.getChosenKey(firstSelectorEntries.keySet());
        if (boundKey != null) {
            // If we've already followed some path from a previous selector with the same exact
            // conditions as this one, we only need to visit that path (since the same key will
            // match both selectors).
            T boundValue = firstSelectorEntries.get(boundKey);
            visitConfigurableAttribute(remainingSelectors, boundSelectorPaths, type, currentValueSoFar == null ? boundValue : type.concat(ImmutableList.of(currentValueSoFar, boundValue)), valuesBuilder);
        } else {
            // Otherwise, we need to iterate over all possible paths.
            for (Map.Entry<Label, T> selectorBranch : firstSelectorEntries.entrySet()) {
                // Bind this particular path for later selectors using the same conditions.
                boundSelectorPaths.bind(firstSelectorEntries.keySet(), selectorBranch.getKey());
                visitConfigurableAttribute(remainingSelectors, boundSelectorPaths, type, currentValueSoFar == null ? selectorBranch.getValue() : type.concat(ImmutableList.of(currentValueSoFar, selectorBranch.getValue())), valuesBuilder);
                // Unbind the path (so when we pop back up the recursive stack we can rebind it to new
                // values if we visit this selector again).
Also used : Label( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) Selector(

Example 2 with Selector

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class AttributeFormatter method writeSelectorListToBuilder.

private static void writeSelectorListToBuilder(Build.Attribute.Builder attrPb, Type<?> type, SelectorList<?> selectorList) {
    Build.Attribute.SelectorList.Builder selectorListBuilder = Build.Attribute.SelectorList.newBuilder();
    for (Selector<?> selector : selectorList.getSelectors()) {
        Build.Attribute.Selector.Builder selectorBuilder = Build.Attribute.Selector.newBuilder().setNoMatchError(selector.getNoMatchError()).setHasDefaultValue(selector.hasDefault());
        // entries' order is preserved from the sorting performed by the SelectorValue constructor.
        for (Entry<Label, ?> entry : selector.getEntries().entrySet()) {
            Label condition = entry.getKey();
            Builder selectorEntryBuilder = SelectorEntry.newBuilder().setLabel(condition.toString()).setIsDefaultValue(!selector.isValueSet(condition));
            Object conditionValue = entry.getValue();
            if (conditionValue != null) {
                writeAttributeValueToBuilder(new SelectorEntryBuilderAdapter(selectorEntryBuilder), type, conditionValue);
Also used : Build( SelectorList( Builder( Label( Selector(


Label ( Selector ( SelectorList ( Build ( Builder ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 Map (java.util.Map)1