use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.
the class LegacyLoadingPhaseRunner method execute.
* Performs target pattern evaluation, test suite expansion (if requested), and loads the
* transitive closure of the resulting targets as well as of the targets needed to use the given
* build configuration provider.
public LoadingResult execute(ExtendedEventHandler eventHandler, List<String> targetPatterns, PathFragment relativeWorkingDirectory, LoadingOptions options, boolean keepGoing, boolean determineTests, @Nullable LoadingCallback callback) throws TargetParsingException, LoadingFailedException, InterruptedException {"Starting pattern evaluation");
Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch.createStarted();
if (options.buildTestsOnly && options.compileOneDependency) {
throw new LoadingFailedException("--compile_one_dependency cannot be used together with " + "the --build_tests_only option or the 'bazel test' command ");
ExtendedEventHandler parseFailureListener = new ParseFailureListenerImpl(eventHandler);
// Determine targets to build:
ResolvedTargets<Target> targets = getTargetsToBuild(parseFailureListener, targetPatterns, options.compileOneDependency, options.buildTagFilterList, keepGoing);
ImmutableSet<Target> filteredTargets = targets.getFilteredTargets();
boolean buildTestsOnly = options.buildTestsOnly;
ImmutableSet<Target> testsToRun = null;
ImmutableSet<Target> testFilteredTargets = ImmutableSet.of();
// then the list of filtered targets will be set as build list as well.
if (determineTests || buildTestsOnly) {
// Parse the targets to get the tests.
ResolvedTargets<Target> testTargets = determineTests(parseFailureListener, targetPatterns, options, keepGoing);
if (testTargets.getTargets().isEmpty() && !testTargets.getFilteredTargets().isEmpty()) {
eventHandler.handle(Event.warn("All specified test targets were excluded by filters"));
if (buildTestsOnly) {
// Replace original targets to build with test targets, so that only targets that are
// actually going to be built are loaded in the loading phase. Note that this has a side
// effect that any test_suite target requested to be built is replaced by the set of *_test
// targets it represents; for example, this affects the status and the summary reports.
Set<Target> allFilteredTargets = new HashSet<>();
testFilteredTargets = ImmutableSet.copyOf(allFilteredTargets);
filteredTargets = ImmutableSet.of();
targets = ResolvedTargets.<Target>builder().merge(testTargets).mergeError(targets.hasError()).build();
if (determineTests) {
testsToRun = testTargets.getTargets();
} else /*if (determineTests)*/
testsToRun = testTargets.getTargets();
targets = ResolvedTargets.<Target>builder().merge(targets).addAll(testsToRun).mergeError(testTargets.hasError()).build();
// filteredTargets is correct in this case - it cannot contain tests that got back in
// through test_suite expansion, because the test determination would also filter those out.
// However, that's not obvious, and it might be better to explicitly recompute it.
if (testsToRun != null) {
// Note that testsToRun can still be null here, if buildTestsOnly && !shouldRunTests.
if (targets.hasError()) {
eventHandler.handle(Event.warn("Target pattern parsing failed. Continuing anyway"));
LoadingPhaseRunner.maybeReportDeprecation(eventHandler, targets.getTargets());
long targetPatternEvalTime = timer.stop().elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);"Starting test suite expansion");
timer = Stopwatch.createStarted();
ImmutableSet<Target> targetsToLoad = targets.getTargets();
ResolvedTargets<Target> expandedResult;
try {
expandedResult = expandTestSuites(eventHandler, targetsToLoad, keepGoing);
} catch (TargetParsingException e) {
throw new LoadingFailedException("Loading failed; build aborted", e);
ImmutableSet<Target> expandedTargetsToLoad = expandedResult.getTargets();
ImmutableSet<Target> testSuiteTargets = ImmutableSet.copyOf(Sets.difference(targetsToLoad, expandedTargetsToLoad));
long testSuiteTime = timer.stop().elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
TargetPatternPhaseValue patternParsingValue = new TargetPatternPhaseValue(expandedTargetsToLoad, testsToRun, targets.hasError(), expandedResult.hasError(), filteredTargets, testFilteredTargets, /*originalTargets=*/
targets.getTargets(), testSuiteTargets, getWorkspaceName(eventHandler));
// This is the same code as SkyframeLoadingPhaseRunner. TargetParsingCompleteEvent(patternParsingValue.getOriginalTargets(), patternParsingValue.getFilteredTargets(), patternParsingValue.getTestFilteredTargets(), targetPatternEvalTime, targetPatterns, patternParsingValue.getTargets()));
if (callback != null) {
} LoadingPhaseCompleteEvent(patternParsingValue.getTargets(), patternParsingValue.getTestSuiteTargets(), packageManager.getStatistics(), testSuiteTime));"Target pattern evaluation finished");
return patternParsingValue.toLoadingResult();