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Example 1 with ApkManifest

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class ApkManifestAction method newDeterministicWriter.

public DeterministicWriter newDeterministicWriter(final ActionExecutionContext ctx) throws IOException {
    ApkManifestCreator manifestCreator = new ApkManifestCreator(new ArtifactDigester() {

        public byte[] getDigest(Artifact artifact) throws IOException {
            return ctx.getMetadataHandler().getMetadata(artifact).digest;
    final ApkManifest manifest = manifestCreator.createManifest();
    return new DeterministicWriter() {

        public void writeOutputFile(OutputStream out) throws IOException {
            if (textOutput) {
                TextFormat.print(manifest, new PrintStream(out));
            } else {
Also used : PrintStream( OutputStream( IOException( ApkManifest( Artifact(

Example 2 with ApkManifest

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class ApkManifestAction method computeKey.

protected String computeKey() {
    // Use fake hashes for the purposes of the action's key, because the hashes are retrieved from
    // the MetadataHandler, which is available at only action-execution time. This should be ok
    // because if an input artifact changes (and hence its hash changes), the action should be rerun
    // anyway. This is more for the purpose of putting the structure of the output data into the
    // key.
    ApkManifestCreator manifestCreator = new ApkManifestCreator(new ArtifactDigester() {

        public byte[] getDigest(Artifact artifact) {
            return Ints.toByteArray(artifact.getExecPathString().hashCode());
    ApkManifest manifest;
    try {
        manifest = manifestCreator.createManifest();
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // ArtifactDigester that uses the MetadataHandler.
        throw new IllegalStateException(e);
    return new Fingerprint().addString(GUID).addBoolean(textOutput).addBytes(manifest.toByteArray()).hexDigestAndReset();
Also used : Fingerprint( ApkManifest( IOException( Artifact(


Artifact ( ApkManifest ( IOException ( Fingerprint ( OutputStream ( PrintStream (