use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.
the class ProjectFileSupport method handleProjectFiles.
* Reads any project files specified on the command line and updates the options parser
* accordingly. If project files cannot be read or if they contain unparsable options, or if they
* are not enabled, then it throws an exception instead.
public static void handleProjectFiles(CommandEnvironment env, OptionsParser optionsParser, String command) throws OptionsParsingException {
BlazeRuntime runtime = env.getRuntime();
List<String> targets = optionsParser.getResidue();
ProjectFile.Provider projectFileProvider = runtime.getProjectFileProvider();
if (projectFileProvider != null && !targets.isEmpty() && targets.get(0).startsWith(PROJECT_FILE_PREFIX)) {
if (targets.size() > 1) {
throw new OptionsParsingException("Cannot handle more than one +<file> argument yet");
if (!optionsParser.getOptions(CommonCommandOptions.class).allowProjectFiles) {
throw new OptionsParsingException("project file support is not enabled");
// TODO(bazel-team): This is currently treated as a path relative to the workspace - if the
// cwd is a subdirectory of the workspace, that will be surprising, and we should interpret it
// relative to the cwd instead.
PathFragment projectFilePath = new PathFragment(targets.get(0).substring(1));
List<Path> packagePath = PathPackageLocator.create(env.getOutputBase(), optionsParser.getOptions(PackageCacheOptions.class).packagePath, env.getReporter(), env.getWorkspace(), env.getWorkingDirectory()).getPathEntries();
ProjectFile projectFile = projectFileProvider.getProjectFile(env.getWorkingDirectory(), packagePath, projectFilePath);
env.getReporter().handle("Using " + projectFile.getName()));
optionsParser.parse(OptionPriority.RC_FILE, projectFile.getName(), projectFile.getCommandLineFor(command));
env.getEventBus().post(new GotProjectFileEvent(projectFile.getName()));