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Example 1 with Type

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class FileSystem method readdir.

   * Returns a Dirents structure, listing the names of all entries within the
   * directory {@code path}, plus their types (file, directory, other).
   * @param followSymlinks whether to follow symlinks when determining the file types of
   *     individual directory entries. No matter the value of this parameter, symlinks are
   *     followed when resolving the directory whose entries are to be read.
   * @throws IOException if there was an error reading the directory entries
protected Collection<Dirent> readdir(Path path, boolean followSymlinks) throws IOException {
    Collection<Path> children = getDirectoryEntries(path);
    List<Dirent> dirents = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(children.size());
    for (Path child : children) {
        Dirent.Type type = direntFromStat(statNullable(child, followSymlinks));
        dirents.add(new Dirent(child.getBaseName(), type));
    return dirents;
Also used : Type(

Example 2 with Type

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class GlobFunction method compute.

public SkyValue compute(SkyKey skyKey, Environment env) throws GlobFunctionException, InterruptedException {
    GlobDescriptor glob = (GlobDescriptor) skyKey.argument();
    // Note that the glob's package is assumed to exist which implies that the package's BUILD file
    // exists which implies that the package's directory exists.
    PathFragment globSubdir = glob.getSubdir();
    if (!globSubdir.equals(PathFragment.EMPTY_FRAGMENT)) {
        PackageLookupValue globSubdirPkgLookupValue = (PackageLookupValue) env.getValue(PackageLookupValue.key(PackageIdentifier.create(glob.getPackageId().getRepository(), glob.getPackageId().getPackageFragment().getRelative(globSubdir))));
        if (globSubdirPkgLookupValue == null) {
            return null;
        if (globSubdirPkgLookupValue.packageExists()) {
            // defines another package, so glob expansion should not descend into that subdir.
            return GlobValue.EMPTY;
    String pattern = glob.getPattern();
    // Split off the first path component of the pattern.
    int slashPos = pattern.indexOf('/');
    String patternHead;
    String patternTail;
    if (slashPos == -1) {
        patternHead = pattern;
        patternTail = null;
    } else {
        // Substrings will share the backing array of the original glob string. That should be fine.
        patternHead = pattern.substring(0, slashPos);
        patternTail = pattern.substring(slashPos + 1);
    NestedSetBuilder<PathFragment> matches = NestedSetBuilder.stableOrder();
    boolean globMatchesBareFile = patternTail == null;
    // "**" also matches an empty segment, so try the case where it is not present.
    if ("**".equals(patternHead)) {
        if (globMatchesBareFile) {
            // Recursive globs aren't supposed to match the package's directory.
            if (!glob.excludeDirs() && !globSubdir.equals(PathFragment.EMPTY_FRAGMENT)) {
        } else {
            SkyKey globKey = GlobValue.internalKey(glob.getPackageId(), glob.getPackageRoot(), globSubdir, patternTail, glob.excludeDirs());
            GlobValue globValue = (GlobValue) env.getValue(globKey);
            if (globValue == null) {
                return null;
    PathFragment dirPathFragment = glob.getPackageId().getPackageFragment().getRelative(globSubdir);
    RootedPath dirRootedPath = RootedPath.toRootedPath(glob.getPackageRoot(), dirPathFragment);
    if (alwaysUseDirListing || containsGlobs(patternHead)) {
        String subdirPattern = "**".equals(patternHead) ? glob.getPattern() : patternTail;
        // Pattern contains globs, so a directory listing is required.
        // Note that we have good reason to believe the directory exists: if this is the
        // top-level directory of the package, the package's existence implies the directory's
        // existence; if this is a lower-level directory in the package, then we got here from
        // previous directory listings. Filesystem operations concurrent with build could mean the
        // directory no longer exists, but DirectoryListingFunction handles that gracefully.
        DirectoryListingValue listingValue = (DirectoryListingValue) env.getValue(DirectoryListingValue.key(dirRootedPath));
        if (listingValue == null) {
            return null;
        // In order to batch Skyframe requests, we do three passes over the directory:
        // (1) Process every dirent, keeping track of values we need to request if the dirent cannot
        //     be processed with current information (symlink targets and subdirectory globs/package
        //     lookups for some subdirectories).
        // (2) Get those values and process the symlinks, keeping track of subdirectory globs/package
        //     lookups we may need to request in case the symlink's target is a directory.
        // (3) Process the necessary subdirectories.
        int direntsSize = listingValue.getDirents().size();
        Map<SkyKey, Dirent> symlinkFileMap = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(direntsSize);
        Map<SkyKey, Dirent> subdirMap = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(direntsSize);
        Map<Dirent, Object> sortedResultMap = Maps.newTreeMap();
        // First pass: do normal files and collect SkyKeys to request for subdirectories and symlinks.
        for (Dirent dirent : listingValue.getDirents()) {
            Type direntType = dirent.getType();
            String fileName = dirent.getName();
            if (!UnixGlob.matches(patternHead, fileName, regexPatternCache)) {
            if (direntType == Dirent.Type.SYMLINK) {
                // TODO(bazel-team): Consider extracting the symlink resolution logic.
                // For symlinks, look up the corresponding FileValue. This ensures that if the symlink
                // changes and "switches types" (say, from a file to a directory), this value will be
                // invalidated. We also need the target's type to properly process the symlink.
                symlinkFileMap.put(FileValue.key(RootedPath.toRootedPath(glob.getPackageRoot(), dirPathFragment.getRelative(fileName))), dirent);
            if (direntType == Dirent.Type.DIRECTORY) {
                SkyKey keyToRequest = getSkyKeyForSubdir(fileName, glob, subdirPattern);
                if (keyToRequest != null) {
                    subdirMap.put(keyToRequest, dirent);
            } else if (globMatchesBareFile) {
                sortedResultMap.put(dirent, glob.getSubdir().getRelative(fileName));
        Map<SkyKey, SkyValue> subdirAndSymlinksResult = env.getValues(Sets.union(subdirMap.keySet(), symlinkFileMap.keySet()));
        if (env.valuesMissing()) {
            return null;
        Map<SkyKey, Dirent> symlinkSubdirMap = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(symlinkFileMap.size());
        // Also process any known directories.
        for (Map.Entry<SkyKey, SkyValue> lookedUpKeyAndValue : subdirAndSymlinksResult.entrySet()) {
            if (symlinkFileMap.containsKey(lookedUpKeyAndValue.getKey())) {
                FileValue symlinkFileValue = (FileValue) lookedUpKeyAndValue.getValue();
                if (!symlinkFileValue.isSymlink()) {
                    throw new GlobFunctionException(new InconsistentFilesystemException("readdir and stat disagree about whether " + ((RootedPath) lookedUpKeyAndValue.getKey().argument()).asPath() + " is a symlink."), Transience.TRANSIENT);
                if (!symlinkFileValue.exists()) {
                Dirent dirent = symlinkFileMap.get(lookedUpKeyAndValue.getKey());
                String fileName = dirent.getName();
                if (symlinkFileValue.isDirectory()) {
                    SkyKey keyToRequest = getSkyKeyForSubdir(fileName, glob, subdirPattern);
                    if (keyToRequest != null) {
                        symlinkSubdirMap.put(keyToRequest, dirent);
                } else if (globMatchesBareFile) {
                    sortedResultMap.put(dirent, glob.getSubdir().getRelative(fileName));
            } else {
                processSubdir(lookedUpKeyAndValue, subdirMap, glob, sortedResultMap);
        Map<SkyKey, SkyValue> symlinkSubdirResult = env.getValues(symlinkSubdirMap.keySet());
        if (env.valuesMissing()) {
            return null;
        // pass.
        for (Map.Entry<SkyKey, SkyValue> lookedUpKeyAndValue : symlinkSubdirResult.entrySet()) {
            processSubdir(lookedUpKeyAndValue, symlinkSubdirMap, glob, sortedResultMap);
        for (Map.Entry<Dirent, Object> fileMatches : sortedResultMap.entrySet()) {
            addToMatches(fileMatches.getValue(), matches);
    } else {
        // Pattern does not contain globs, so a direct stat is enough.
        String fileName = patternHead;
        RootedPath fileRootedPath = RootedPath.toRootedPath(glob.getPackageRoot(), dirPathFragment.getRelative(fileName));
        FileValue fileValue = (FileValue) env.getValue(FileValue.key(fileRootedPath));
        if (fileValue == null) {
            return null;
        if (fileValue.exists()) {
            if (fileValue.isDirectory()) {
                SkyKey keyToRequest = getSkyKeyForSubdir(fileName, glob, patternTail);
                if (keyToRequest != null) {
                    SkyValue valueRequested = env.getValue(keyToRequest);
                    if (env.valuesMissing()) {
                        return null;
                    Object fileMatches = getSubdirMatchesFromSkyValue(fileName, glob, valueRequested);
                    if (fileMatches != null) {
                        addToMatches(fileMatches, matches);
            } else if (globMatchesBareFile) {
    Preconditions.checkState(!env.valuesMissing(), skyKey);
    NestedSet<PathFragment> matchesBuilt =;
    // Use the same value to represent that we did not match anything.
    if (matchesBuilt.isEmpty()) {
        return GlobValue.EMPTY;
    return new GlobValue(matchesBuilt);
Also used : PathFragment( RootedPath( SkyValue( Dirent( SkyKey( Type( Map(java.util.Map)

Example 3 with Type

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class ProcessPackageDirectory method getSubdirDeps.

private Iterable<SkyKey> getSubdirDeps(DirectoryListingValue dirListingValue, RootedPath rootedPath, RepositoryName repositoryName, Set<PathFragment> excludedPaths) {
    Path root = rootedPath.getRoot();
    PathFragment rootRelativePath = rootedPath.getRelativePath();
    boolean followSymlinks = shouldFollowSymlinksWhenTraversing(dirListingValue.getDirents());
    List<SkyKey> childDeps = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Dirent dirent : dirListingValue.getDirents()) {
        Type type = dirent.getType();
        if (type != Type.DIRECTORY && (type != Type.SYMLINK || !followSymlinks)) {
            // rise to infinite directory trees are diagnosed by FileValue.
        String basename = dirent.getName();
        if (rootRelativePath.equals(PathFragment.EMPTY_FRAGMENT) && PathPackageLocator.DEFAULT_TOP_LEVEL_EXCLUDES.contains(basename)) {
        PathFragment subdirectory = rootRelativePath.getRelative(basename);
        // If this subdirectory is one of the excluded paths, don't recurse into it.
        if (excludedPaths.contains(subdirectory)) {
        // If we have an excluded path that isn't below this subdirectory, we shouldn't pass that
        // excluded path to our evaluation of the subdirectory, because the exclusion can't
        // possibly match anything beneath the subdirectory.
        // For example, if we're currently evaluating directory "a", are looking at its subdirectory
        // "a/b", and we have an excluded path "a/c/d", there's no need to pass the excluded path
        // "a/c/d" to our evaluation of "a/b".
        // This strategy should help to get more skyframe sharing. Consider the example above. A
        // subsequent request of "a/b/...", without any excluded paths, will be a cache hit.
        // TODO(bazel-team): Replace the excludedPaths set with a trie or a SortedSet for better
        // efficiency.
        ImmutableSet<PathFragment> excludedSubdirectoriesBeneathThisSubdirectory = PathFragment.filterPathsStartingWith(excludedPaths, subdirectory);
        RootedPath subdirectoryRootedPath = RootedPath.toRootedPath(root, subdirectory);
        childDeps.add(skyKeyTransformer.makeSkyKey(repositoryName, subdirectoryRootedPath, excludedSubdirectoriesBeneathThisSubdirectory));
    return childDeps;
Also used : RootedPath( Path( SkyKey( Type( PathFragment( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Dirent( RootedPath(


Type ( Dirent ( PathFragment ( RootedPath ( SkyKey ( Path ( SkyValue ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Map (java.util.Map)1