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Example 6 with ErrorInfo

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class SkyframeBuildView method configureTargets.

   * Analyzes the specified targets using Skyframe as the driving framework.
   * @return the configured targets that should be built along with a WalkableGraph of the analysis.
public SkyframeAnalysisResult configureTargets(ExtendedEventHandler eventHandler, List<ConfiguredTargetKey> values, List<AspectValueKey> aspectKeys, EventBus eventBus, boolean keepGoing, int numThreads) throws InterruptedException, ViewCreationFailedException {
    EvaluationResult<ActionLookupValue> result;
    try {
        result = skyframeExecutor.configureTargets(eventHandler, values, aspectKeys, keepGoing, numThreads);
    } finally {
    ImmutableMap<ActionAnalysisMetadata, ConflictException> badActions = skyframeExecutor.findArtifactConflicts();
    Collection<AspectValue> goodAspects = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(values.size());
    NestedSetBuilder<Package> packages = NestedSetBuilder.stableOrder();
    for (AspectValueKey aspectKey : aspectKeys) {
        AspectValue value = (AspectValue) result.get(aspectKey.getSkyKey());
        if (value == null) {
            // Skip aspects that couldn't be applied to targets.
    // Filter out all CTs that have a bad action and convert to a list of configured targets. This
    // code ensures that the resulting list of configured targets has the same order as the incoming
    // list of values, i.e., that the order is deterministic.
    Collection<ConfiguredTarget> goodCts = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(values.size());
    for (ConfiguredTargetKey value : values) {
        ConfiguredTargetValue ctValue = (ConfiguredTargetValue) result.get(ConfiguredTargetValue.key(value));
        if (ctValue == null) {
    ImmutableMap<PackageIdentifier, Path> packageRoots = LoadingPhaseRunner.collectPackageRoots(;
    if (!result.hasError() && badActions.isEmpty()) {
        return new SkyframeAnalysisResult(/*hasLoadingError=*/
        false, /*hasAnalysisError=*/
        false, ImmutableList.copyOf(goodCts), result.getWalkableGraph(), ImmutableList.copyOf(goodAspects), packageRoots);
    // for keeping this code in parity with legacy we just report the first error for now.
    if (!keepGoing) {
        for (Map.Entry<ActionAnalysisMetadata, ConflictException> bad : badActions.entrySet()) {
            ConflictException ex = bad.getValue();
            try {
            } catch (MutableActionGraph.ActionConflictException ace) {
                String errorMsg = "Analysis of target '" + bad.getKey().getOwner().getLabel() + "' failed; build aborted";
                throw new ViewCreationFailedException(errorMsg);
            } catch (ArtifactPrefixConflictException apce) {
            throw new ViewCreationFailedException(ex.getMessage());
        Map.Entry<SkyKey, ErrorInfo> error = result.errorMap().entrySet().iterator().next();
        SkyKey topLevel = error.getKey();
        ErrorInfo errorInfo = error.getValue();
        assertSaneAnalysisError(errorInfo, topLevel);
        skyframeExecutor.getCyclesReporter().reportCycles(errorInfo.getCycleInfo(), topLevel, eventHandler);
        Throwable cause = errorInfo.getException();
        Preconditions.checkState(cause != null || !Iterables.isEmpty(errorInfo.getCycleInfo()), errorInfo);
        String errorMsg = null;
        if (topLevel.argument() instanceof ConfiguredTargetKey) {
            errorMsg = "Analysis of target '" + ConfiguredTargetValue.extractLabel(topLevel) + "' failed; build aborted";
        } else if (topLevel.argument() instanceof AspectValueKey) {
            AspectValueKey aspectKey = (AspectValueKey) topLevel.argument();
            errorMsg = "Analysis of aspect '" + aspectKey.getDescription() + "' failed; build aborted";
        } else {
            assert false;
        if (cause instanceof ActionConflictException) {
            ((ActionConflictException) cause).reportTo(eventHandler);
        throw new ViewCreationFailedException(errorMsg);
    boolean hasLoadingError = false;
    // --keep_going : We notify the error and return a ConfiguredTargetValue
    for (Map.Entry<SkyKey, ErrorInfo> errorEntry : result.errorMap().entrySet()) {
        // TODO(ulfjack): this is quadratic - if there are a lot of CTs, this could be rather slow.
        if (!values.contains(errorEntry.getKey().argument())) {
        SkyKey errorKey = errorEntry.getKey();
        ConfiguredTargetKey label = (ConfiguredTargetKey) errorKey.argument();
        Label topLevelLabel = label.getLabel();
        ErrorInfo errorInfo = errorEntry.getValue();
        assertSaneAnalysisError(errorInfo, errorKey);
        skyframeExecutor.getCyclesReporter().reportCycles(errorInfo.getCycleInfo(), errorKey, eventHandler);
        Exception cause = errorInfo.getException();
        Label analysisRootCause = null;
        if (cause instanceof ConfiguredValueCreationException) {
            ConfiguredValueCreationException ctCause = (ConfiguredValueCreationException) cause;
            for (Label rootCause : ctCause.getRootCauses()) {
                hasLoadingError = true;
       LoadingFailureEvent(topLevelLabel, rootCause));
            analysisRootCause = ctCause.getAnalysisRootCause();
        } else if (!Iterables.isEmpty(errorInfo.getCycleInfo())) {
            analysisRootCause = maybeGetConfiguredTargetCycleCulprit(topLevelLabel, errorInfo.getCycleInfo());
        } else if (cause instanceof ActionConflictException) {
            ((ActionConflictException) cause).reportTo(eventHandler);
        eventHandler.handle(Event.warn("errors encountered while analyzing target '" + topLevelLabel + "': it will not be built"));
        if (analysisRootCause != null) {
   AnalysisFailureEvent(LabelAndConfiguration.of(topLevelLabel, label.getConfiguration()), analysisRootCause));
    Collection<Exception> reportedExceptions = Sets.newHashSet();
    for (Map.Entry<ActionAnalysisMetadata, ConflictException> bad : badActions.entrySet()) {
        ConflictException ex = bad.getValue();
        try {
        } catch (MutableActionGraph.ActionConflictException ace) {
            eventHandler.handle(Event.warn("errors encountered while analyzing target '" + bad.getKey().getOwner().getLabel() + "': it will not be built"));
        } catch (ArtifactPrefixConflictException apce) {
            if (reportedExceptions.add(apce)) {
    if (!badActions.isEmpty()) {
        // In order to determine the set of configured targets transitively error free from action
        // conflict issues, we run a post-processing update() that uses the bad action map.
        EvaluationResult<PostConfiguredTargetValue> actionConflictResult = skyframeExecutor.postConfigureTargets(eventHandler, values, keepGoing, badActions);
        goodCts = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(values.size());
        for (ConfiguredTargetKey value : values) {
            PostConfiguredTargetValue postCt = actionConflictResult.get(PostConfiguredTargetValue.key(value));
            if (postCt != null) {
    return new SkyframeAnalysisResult(hasLoadingError, result.hasError() || !badActions.isEmpty(), ImmutableList.copyOf(goodCts), result.getWalkableGraph(), ImmutableList.copyOf(goodAspects), packageRoots);
Also used : ConflictException( ActionConflictException( ArtifactPrefixConflictException( Label( ArtifactPrefixConflictException( AspectValueKey( AnalysisFailureEvent( LoadingFailureEvent( Path( SkyKey( ActionConflictException( ErrorInfo( ConfiguredTarget( ActionAnalysisMetadata( ConfiguredValueCreationException( ActionConflictException( MutableActionGraph( ViewCreationFailedException( ConflictException( ActionConflictException( ConfiguredValueCreationException( NoSuchPackageException( AspectCreationException( NoSuchTargetException( SkylarkImportFailedException( ArtifactPrefixConflictException( ViewCreationFailedException( PackageIdentifier( Package( Map(java.util.Map) ImmutableMap(

Example 7 with ErrorInfo

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class SkyframeExecutor method getConfigurations.

   * Retrieves the configurations needed for the given deps. If {@link
   * BuildConfiguration.Options#trimConfigurations()} is true, trims their fragments to only those
   * needed by their transitive closures. Else unconditionally includes all fragments.
   * <p>Skips targets with loading phase errors.
public Multimap<Dependency, BuildConfiguration> getConfigurations(ExtendedEventHandler eventHandler, BuildOptions fromOptions, Iterable<Dependency> keys) {
    Multimap<Dependency, BuildConfiguration> builder = ArrayListMultimap.<Dependency, BuildConfiguration>create();
    Set<Dependency> depsToEvaluate = new HashSet<>();
    // Check: if !Configuration.useDynamicConfigs then just return the original configs.
    Set<Class<? extends BuildConfiguration.Fragment>> allFragments = null;
    if (useUntrimmedDynamicConfigs(fromOptions)) {
        allFragments = ((ConfiguredRuleClassProvider) ruleClassProvider).getAllFragments();
    // Get the fragments needed for dynamic configuration nodes.
    final List<SkyKey> transitiveFragmentSkyKeys = new ArrayList<>();
    Map<Label, Set<Class<? extends BuildConfiguration.Fragment>>> fragmentsMap = new HashMap<>();
    Set<Label> labelsWithErrors = new HashSet<>();
    for (Dependency key : keys) {
        if (key.hasStaticConfiguration()) {
            builder.put(key, key.getConfiguration());
        } else if (useUntrimmedDynamicConfigs(fromOptions)) {
            fragmentsMap.put(key.getLabel(), allFragments);
        } else {
    EvaluationResult<SkyValue> fragmentsResult = evaluateSkyKeys(eventHandler, transitiveFragmentSkyKeys, /*keepGoing=*/
    for (Map.Entry<SkyKey, ErrorInfo> entry : fragmentsResult.errorMap().entrySet()) {
        reportCycles(eventHandler, entry.getValue().getCycleInfo(), entry.getKey());
    for (Dependency key : keys) {
        if (!depsToEvaluate.contains(key)) {
        // No fragments to compute here.
        } else if (fragmentsResult.getError(TransitiveTargetValue.key(key.getLabel())) != null) {
        } else {
            TransitiveTargetValue ttv = (TransitiveTargetValue) fragmentsResult.get(TransitiveTargetValue.key(key.getLabel()));
            fragmentsMap.put(key.getLabel(), ttv.getTransitiveConfigFragments().toSet());
    // Now get the configurations.
    final List<SkyKey> configSkyKeys = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Dependency key : keys) {
        if (labelsWithErrors.contains(key.getLabel()) || key.hasStaticConfiguration()) {
        Set<Class<? extends BuildConfiguration.Fragment>> depFragments = fragmentsMap.get(key.getLabel());
        if (depFragments != null) {
            for (BuildOptions toOptions : ConfiguredTargetFunction.getDynamicTransitionOptions(fromOptions, key.getTransition(), depFragments, ruleClassProvider, true)) {
                configSkyKeys.add(BuildConfigurationValue.key(depFragments, toOptions));
    EvaluationResult<SkyValue> configsResult = evaluateSkyKeys(eventHandler, configSkyKeys, /*keepGoing=*/
    for (Dependency key : keys) {
        if (labelsWithErrors.contains(key.getLabel()) || key.hasStaticConfiguration()) {
        Set<Class<? extends BuildConfiguration.Fragment>> depFragments = fragmentsMap.get(key.getLabel());
        if (depFragments != null) {
            for (BuildOptions toOptions : ConfiguredTargetFunction.getDynamicTransitionOptions(fromOptions, key.getTransition(), depFragments, ruleClassProvider, true)) {
                SkyKey configKey = BuildConfigurationValue.key(depFragments, toOptions);
                builder.put(key, ((BuildConfigurationValue) configsResult.get(configKey)).getConfiguration());
    return builder;
Also used : SkyKey( Set(java.util.Set) ImmutableSortedSet( ImmutableSet( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) ModifiedFileSet( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ErrorInfo( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Label( Dependency( PathFragment( BuildConfiguration( SkyValue( BuildOptions( Map(java.util.Map) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) ImmutableMap( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 8 with ErrorInfo

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class SkyframeExecutor method evaluateSkyKeyForExecutionSetup.

   * This method exists only to allow a module to make a top-level Skyframe call during the
   * transition to making it fully Skyframe-compatible. Do not add additional callers!
public SkyValue evaluateSkyKeyForExecutionSetup(final ExtendedEventHandler eventHandler, final SkyKey key) throws EnvironmentalExecException, InterruptedException {
    synchronized (valueLookupLock) {
        // We evaluate in keepGoing mode because in the case that the graph does not store its
        // edges, nokeepGoing builds are not allowed, whereas keepGoing builds are always
        // permitted.
        EvaluationResult<SkyValue> result = buildDriver.evaluate(ImmutableList.of(key), true, ResourceUsage.getAvailableProcessors(), eventHandler);
        if (!result.hasError()) {
            return Preconditions.checkNotNull(result.get(key), "%s %s", result, key);
        ErrorInfo errorInfo = Preconditions.checkNotNull(result.getError(key), "%s %s", key, result);
        Throwables.propagateIfPossible(errorInfo.getException(), EnvironmentalExecException.class);
        if (errorInfo.getException() != null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(errorInfo.getException());
        throw new IllegalStateException(errorInfo.toString());
Also used : SkyValue( ErrorInfo(

Example 9 with ErrorInfo

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class SkyframeLabelVisitor method sync.

// The only remaining non-test caller of this code is BlazeQueryEnvironment.
public boolean sync(ExtendedEventHandler eventHandler, Set<Label> labelsToVisit, boolean keepGoing, int parallelThreads) throws InterruptedException {
    EvaluationResult<TransitiveTargetValue> result = transitivePackageLoader.loadTransitiveTargets(eventHandler, labelsToVisit, keepGoing, parallelThreads);
    if (!hasErrors(result)) {
        return true;
    Set<Entry<SkyKey, ErrorInfo>> errors = result.errorMap().entrySet();
    if (!keepGoing) {
        // We may have multiple errors, but in non keep_going builds, we're obligated to print only
        // one of them.
        Preconditions.checkState(!errors.isEmpty(), result);
        Entry<SkyKey, ErrorInfo> error = errors.iterator().next();
        ErrorInfo errorInfo = error.getValue();
        SkyKey topLevel = error.getKey();
        Label topLevelLabel = (Label) topLevel.argument();
        if (!Iterables.isEmpty(errorInfo.getCycleInfo())) {
            skyframeCyclesReporter.get().reportCycles(errorInfo.getCycleInfo(), topLevel, eventHandler);
            errorAboutLoadingFailure(topLevelLabel, null, eventHandler);
        } else if (isDirectErrorFromTopLevelLabel(topLevelLabel, labelsToVisit, errorInfo)) {
            // An error caused by a non-top-level label has already been reported during error
            // bubbling but an error caused by the top-level non-target label itself hasn't been
            // reported yet. Note that errors from top-level targets have already been reported
            // during target parsing.
            errorAboutLoadingFailure(topLevelLabel, errorInfo.getException(), eventHandler);
        return false;
    for (Entry<SkyKey, ErrorInfo> errorEntry : errors) {
        SkyKey key = errorEntry.getKey();
        ErrorInfo errorInfo = errorEntry.getValue();
        Preconditions.checkState(key.functionName().equals(SkyFunctions.TRANSITIVE_TARGET), errorEntry);
        Label topLevelLabel = (Label) key.argument();
        if (!Iterables.isEmpty(errorInfo.getCycleInfo())) {
            skyframeCyclesReporter.get().reportCycles(errorInfo.getCycleInfo(), key, eventHandler);
        if (isDirectErrorFromTopLevelLabel(topLevelLabel, labelsToVisit, errorInfo)) {
            // Unlike top-level targets, which have already gone through target parsing,
            // errors directly coming from top-level labels have not been reported yet.
            // See the note in the --nokeep_going case above.
        warnAboutLoadingFailure(topLevelLabel, eventHandler);
    for (Label topLevelLabel : result.<Label>keyNames()) {
        SkyKey topLevelTransitiveTargetKey = TransitiveTargetValue.key(topLevelLabel);
        TransitiveTargetValue topLevelTransitiveTargetValue = result.get(topLevelTransitiveTargetKey);
        if (topLevelTransitiveTargetValue.getTransitiveRootCauses() != null) {
            warnAboutLoadingFailure(topLevelLabel, eventHandler);
    return false;
Also used : SkyKey( Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) ErrorInfo( Label(

Example 10 with ErrorInfo

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class SkyframeExecutor method getConfiguredTargetMap.

   * Returns a map from {@link Dependency} inputs to the {@link ConfiguredTarget}s corresponding to
   * those dependencies.
   * <p>For use for legacy support and tests calling through {@code BuildView} only.
   * <p>If a requested configured target is in error, the corresponding value is omitted from the
   * returned list.
public ImmutableMultimap<Dependency, ConfiguredTarget> getConfiguredTargetMap(ExtendedEventHandler eventHandler, BuildConfiguration originalConfig, Iterable<Dependency> keys, boolean useOriginalConfig) {
    Multimap<Dependency, BuildConfiguration> configs;
    if (originalConfig != null) {
        if (useOriginalConfig) {
            // This flag is used because of some unfortunate complexity in the configuration machinery:
            // Most callers of this method pass a <Label, Configuration> pair to directly create a
            // ConfiguredTarget from, but happen to use the Dependency data structure to pass that
            // info (even though the data has nothing to do with dependencies). If this configuration
            // includes a split transition, a dynamic configuration created from it will *not*
            // include that transition (because dynamic configurations don't embed transitions to
            // other configurations. In that case, we need to preserve the original configuration.
            // TODO(bazel-team); make this unnecessary once split transition logic is properly ported
            // out of configurations.
            configs = ArrayListMultimap.<Dependency, BuildConfiguration>create();
            configs.put(Iterables.getOnlyElement(keys), originalConfig);
        } else {
            configs = getConfigurations(eventHandler, originalConfig.getOptions(), keys);
    } else {
        configs = ArrayListMultimap.<Dependency, BuildConfiguration>create();
        for (Dependency key : keys) {
            configs.put(key, null);
    final List<SkyKey> skyKeys = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Dependency key : keys) {
        if (!configs.containsKey(key)) {
            // it couldn't be loaded). Exclude it from the results.
        for (BuildConfiguration depConfig : configs.get(key)) {
            skyKeys.add(ConfiguredTargetValue.key(key.getLabel(), depConfig));
            for (AspectDescriptor aspectDescriptor : key.getAspects().getAllAspects()) {
                skyKeys.add(ActionLookupValue.key(AspectValue.createAspectKey(key.getLabel(), depConfig, aspectDescriptor, depConfig)));
    EvaluationResult<SkyValue> result = evaluateSkyKeys(eventHandler, skyKeys);
    for (Map.Entry<SkyKey, ErrorInfo> entry : result.errorMap().entrySet()) {
        reportCycles(eventHandler, entry.getValue().getCycleInfo(), entry.getKey());
    ImmutableMultimap.Builder<Dependency, ConfiguredTarget> cts = ImmutableMultimap.<Dependency, ConfiguredTarget>builder();
    DependentNodeLoop: for (Dependency key : keys) {
        if (!configs.containsKey(key)) {
            // it couldn't be loaded). Exclude it from the results.
        for (BuildConfiguration depConfig : configs.get(key)) {
            SkyKey configuredTargetKey = ConfiguredTargetValue.key(key.getLabel(), depConfig);
            if (result.get(configuredTargetKey) == null) {
            ConfiguredTarget configuredTarget = ((ConfiguredTargetValue) result.get(configuredTargetKey)).getConfiguredTarget();
            List<ConfiguredAspect> configuredAspects = new ArrayList<>();
            for (AspectDescriptor aspectDescriptor : key.getAspects().getAllAspects()) {
                SkyKey aspectKey = ActionLookupValue.key(AspectValue.createAspectKey(key.getLabel(), depConfig, aspectDescriptor, depConfig));
                if (result.get(aspectKey) == null) {
                    continue DependentNodeLoop;
                configuredAspects.add(((AspectValue) result.get(aspectKey)).getConfiguredAspect());
            try {
                cts.put(key, MergedConfiguredTarget.of(configuredTarget, configuredAspects));
            } catch (DuplicateException e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Error creating %s", configuredTarget.getTarget().getLabel()), e);
Also used : SkyKey( ErrorInfo( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ConfiguredTarget( MergedConfiguredTarget( Dependency( BuildConfiguration( SkyValue( DuplicateException( AspectDescriptor( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) ImmutableList( ImmutableMultimap( Map(java.util.Map) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) ImmutableMap( HashMap(java.util.HashMap)


ErrorInfo ( SkyKey ( Test (org.junit.Test)19 RootedPath ( Path ( SkyValue ( SequentialBuildDriver ( Map (java.util.Map)5 ImmutableMap ( Label ( StoredEventHandler ( Dirent ( FileStatus ( RecordingDifferencer ( IOException ( ImmutableList ( ImmutableSet ( Artifact ( BuildFailedException ( ConfiguredTarget (