use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.
the class PackageFunction method fetchImportsFromBuildFile.
* Fetch the skylark loads for this BUILD file. If any of them haven't been computed yet,
* returns null.
static SkylarkImportResult fetchImportsFromBuildFile(Path buildFilePath, PackageIdentifier packageId, BuildFileAST buildFileAST, Environment env, SkylarkImportLookupFunction skylarkImportLookupFunctionForInlining) throws NoSuchPackageException, InterruptedException {
ImmutableList<SkylarkImport> imports = buildFileAST.getImports();
Map<String, Extension> importMap = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(imports.size());
ImmutableList.Builder<SkylarkFileDependency> fileDependencies = ImmutableList.builder();
ImmutableMap<String, Label> importPathMap;
// Find the labels corresponding to the load statements.
Label labelForCurrBuildFile;
try {
labelForCurrBuildFile = Label.create(packageId, "BUILD");
} catch (LabelSyntaxException e) {
// Shouldn't happen; the Label is well-formed by construction.
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
try {
importPathMap = SkylarkImportLookupFunction.findLabelsForLoadStatements(imports, labelForCurrBuildFile, env);
if (importPathMap == null) {
return null;
} catch (SkylarkImportFailedException e) {
throw new BuildFileContainsErrorsException(packageId, e.getMessage());
// Look up and load the imports.
ImmutableCollection<Label> importLabels = importPathMap.values();
List<SkyKey> importLookupKeys = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(importLabels.size());
boolean inWorkspace = buildFilePath.getBaseName().endsWith("WORKSPACE");
for (Label importLabel : importLabels) {
importLookupKeys.add(SkylarkImportLookupValue.key(importLabel, inWorkspace));
Map<SkyKey, SkyValue> skylarkImportMap = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(importPathMap.size());
boolean valuesMissing = false;
try {
if (skylarkImportLookupFunctionForInlining == null) {
// Not inlining
Map<SkyKey, ValueOrException2<SkylarkImportFailedException, InconsistentFilesystemException>> skylarkLookupResults = env.getValuesOrThrow(importLookupKeys, SkylarkImportFailedException.class, InconsistentFilesystemException.class);
valuesMissing = env.valuesMissing();
for (Map.Entry<SkyKey, ValueOrException2<SkylarkImportFailedException, InconsistentFilesystemException>> entry : skylarkLookupResults.entrySet()) {
// Fetching the value will raise any deferred exceptions
skylarkImportMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().get());
} else {
// Inlining calls to SkylarkImportLookupFunction
LinkedHashMap<Label, SkylarkImportLookupValue> alreadyVisitedImports = Maps.newLinkedHashMapWithExpectedSize(importLookupKeys.size());
for (SkyKey importLookupKey : importLookupKeys) {
SkyValue skyValue = skylarkImportLookupFunctionForInlining.computeWithInlineCalls(importLookupKey, env, alreadyVisitedImports);
if (skyValue == null) {
Preconditions.checkState(env.valuesMissing(), "no skylark import value for %s", importLookupKey);
// We continue making inline calls even if some requested values are missing, to
// maximize the number of dependent (non-inlined) SkyFunctions that are requested, thus
// avoiding a quadratic number of restarts.
valuesMissing = true;
} else {
skylarkImportMap.put(importLookupKey, skyValue);
} catch (SkylarkImportFailedException e) {
throw new BuildFileContainsErrorsException(packageId, e.getMessage());
} catch (InconsistentFilesystemException e) {
throw new NoSuchPackageException(packageId, e.getMessage(), e);
if (valuesMissing) {
// Some imports are unavailable.
return null;
// Process the loaded imports.
for (Entry<String, Label> importEntry : importPathMap.entrySet()) {
String importString = importEntry.getKey();
Label importLabel = importEntry.getValue();
SkyKey keyForLabel = SkylarkImportLookupValue.key(importLabel, inWorkspace);
SkylarkImportLookupValue importLookupValue = (SkylarkImportLookupValue) skylarkImportMap.get(keyForLabel);
importMap.put(importString, importLookupValue.getEnvironmentExtension());
return new SkylarkImportResult(importMap, transitiveClosureOfLabels(;
use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.
the class ActionExecutionFunction method checkCacheAndExecuteIfNeeded.
private ActionExecutionValue checkCacheAndExecuteIfNeeded(Action action, ContinuationState state, Environment env, Map<String, String> clientEnv) throws ActionExecutionException, InterruptedException {
// other action's value, provided here, since it is populated with metadata for the outputs.
if (!state.hasArtifactData()) {
return skyframeActionExecutor.executeAction(action, null, -1, null);
// This may be recreated if we discover inputs.
ActionMetadataHandler metadataHandler = new ActionMetadataHandler(state.inputArtifactData, action.getOutputs(), tsgm.get());
long actionStartTime = BlazeClock.nanoTime();
// We only need to check the action cache if we haven't done it on a previous run.
if (!state.hasCheckedActionCache()) {
state.token = skyframeActionExecutor.checkActionCache(action, metadataHandler, actionStartTime, state.allInputs.actionCacheInputs, clientEnv);
if (state.token == null) {
// We got a hit from the action cache -- no need to execute.
return new ActionExecutionValue(metadataHandler.getOutputArtifactData(), metadataHandler.getOutputTreeArtifactData(), metadataHandler.getAdditionalOutputData());
// This may be recreated if we discover inputs.
PerActionFileCache perActionFileCache = new PerActionFileCache(state.inputArtifactData);
ActionExecutionContext actionExecutionContext = null;
try {
if (action.discoversInputs()) {
if (state.discoveredInputs == null) {
try {
state.discoveredInputs = skyframeActionExecutor.discoverInputs(action, perActionFileCache, metadataHandler, env);
Preconditions.checkState(state.discoveredInputs != null, "discoverInputs() returned null on action %s", action);
} catch (MissingDepException e) {
Preconditions.checkState(env.valuesMissing(), action);
return null;
addDiscoveredInputs(state.inputArtifactData, state.expandedArtifacts, state.discoveredInputs, env);
if (env.valuesMissing()) {
return null;
perActionFileCache = new PerActionFileCache(state.inputArtifactData);
metadataHandler = new ActionMetadataHandler(state.inputArtifactData, action.getOutputs(), tsgm.get());
// available.
if (state.discoveredInputsStage2 == null) {
state.discoveredInputsStage2 = action.discoverInputsStage2(env);
if (state.discoveredInputsStage2 != null) {
addDiscoveredInputs(state.inputArtifactData, state.expandedArtifacts, state.discoveredInputsStage2, env);
if (env.valuesMissing()) {
return null;
perActionFileCache = new PerActionFileCache(state.inputArtifactData);
metadataHandler = new ActionMetadataHandler(state.inputArtifactData, action.getOutputs(), tsgm.get());
actionExecutionContext = skyframeActionExecutor.getContext(perActionFileCache, metadataHandler, Collections.unmodifiableMap(state.expandedArtifacts));
if (!state.hasExecutedAction()) {
state.value = skyframeActionExecutor.executeAction(action, metadataHandler, actionStartTime, actionExecutionContext);
} finally {
if (actionExecutionContext != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// Nothing we can do here.
if (action.discoversInputs()) {
Iterable<Artifact> newInputs = filterKnownInputs(action.getInputs(), state.inputArtifactData.keySet());
Map<SkyKey, SkyValue> metadataFoundDuringActionExecution = env.getValues(toKeys(newInputs, action.getMandatoryInputs()));
state.discoveredInputs = newInputs;
if (env.valuesMissing()) {
return null;
if (!Iterables.isEmpty(newInputs)) {
// We are in the interesting case of an action that discovered its inputs during
// execution, and found some new ones, but the new ones were already present in the graph.
// We must therefore cache the metadata for those new ones.
Map<Artifact, FileArtifactValue> inputArtifactData = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<SkyKey, SkyValue> entry : metadataFoundDuringActionExecution.entrySet()) {
inputArtifactData.put(ArtifactSkyKey.artifact(entry.getKey()), (FileArtifactValue) entry.getValue());
state.inputArtifactData = inputArtifactData;
metadataHandler = new ActionMetadataHandler(state.inputArtifactData, action.getOutputs(), tsgm.get());
Preconditions.checkState(!env.valuesMissing(), action);
skyframeActionExecutor.afterExecution(action, metadataHandler, state.token, clientEnv);
return state.value;
use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.
the class ActionExecutionFunction method compute.
public SkyValue compute(SkyKey skyKey, Environment env) throws ActionExecutionFunctionException, InterruptedException {
Preconditions.checkArgument(skyKey.argument() instanceof Action);
Action action = (Action) skyKey.argument();
// BUILD_ID, forcing invalidation of upward transitive closure on each build.
if ((action.isVolatile() && !(action instanceof SkyframeAwareAction)) || action instanceof NotifyOnActionCacheHit) {
// Volatile build actions may need to execute even if none of their known inputs have changed.
// Depending on the buildID ensure that these actions have a chance to execute.
// Look up the parts of the environment that influence the action.
Map<SkyKey, SkyValue> clientEnvLookup = env.getValues(Iterables.transform(action.getClientEnvironmentVariables(), VAR_TO_SKYKEY));
if (env.valuesMissing()) {
return null;
Map<String, String> clientEnv = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<SkyKey, SkyValue> entry : clientEnvLookup.entrySet()) {
ClientEnvironmentValue envValue = (ClientEnvironmentValue) entry.getValue();
if (envValue.getValue() != null) {
clientEnv.put((String) entry.getKey().argument(), envValue.getValue());
// For restarts of this ActionExecutionFunction we use a ContinuationState variable, below, to
// avoid redoing work. However, if two actions are shared and the first one executes, when the
// second one goes to execute, we should detect that and short-circuit, even without taking
// ContinuationState into account.
boolean sharedActionAlreadyRan = skyframeActionExecutor.probeActionExecution(action);
ContinuationState state;
if (action.discoversInputs()) {
state = getState(action);
} else {
// Because this is a new state, all conditionals below about whether state has already done
// something will return false, and so we will execute all necessary steps.
state = new ContinuationState();
if (!state.hasCollectedInputs()) {
state.allInputs = collectInputs(action, env);
if (state.allInputs == null) {
// Missing deps.
return null;
} else if (state.allInputs.keysRequested != null) {
// Preserve the invariant that we ask for the same deps each build.
Preconditions.checkState(!env.valuesMissing(), "%s %s", action, state);
Pair<Map<Artifact, FileArtifactValue>, Map<Artifact, Collection<Artifact>>> checkedInputs = null;
try {
// Declare deps on known inputs to action. We do this unconditionally to maintain our
// invariant of asking for the same deps each build.
Map<SkyKey, ValueOrException2<MissingInputFileException, ActionExecutionException>> inputDeps = env.getValuesOrThrow(toKeys(state.allInputs.getAllInputs(), action.discoversInputs() ? action.getMandatoryInputs() : null), MissingInputFileException.class, ActionExecutionException.class);
if (!sharedActionAlreadyRan && !state.hasArtifactData()) {
// Do we actually need to find our metadata?
checkedInputs = checkInputs(env, action, inputDeps);
} catch (ActionExecutionException e) {
// Remove action from state map in case it's there (won't be unless it discovers inputs).
throw new ActionExecutionFunctionException(e);
if (env.valuesMissing()) {
// of the action; see establishSkyframeDependencies why.
return null;
try {
establishSkyframeDependencies(env, action);
} catch (ActionExecutionException e) {
throw new ActionExecutionFunctionException(e);
if (env.valuesMissing()) {
return null;
if (checkedInputs != null) {
Preconditions.checkState(!state.hasArtifactData(), "%s %s", state, action);
state.inputArtifactData = checkedInputs.first;
state.expandedArtifacts = checkedInputs.second;
ActionExecutionValue result;
try {
result = checkCacheAndExecuteIfNeeded(action, state, env, clientEnv);
} catch (ActionExecutionException e) {
// Remove action from state map in case it's there (won't be unless it discovers inputs).
// action. Label can be null in the case of, e.g., the SystemActionOwner (for build-info.txt).
throw new ActionExecutionFunctionException(new AlreadyReportedActionExecutionException(e));
if (env.valuesMissing()) {
Preconditions.checkState(stateMap.containsKey(action), action);
return null;
// Remove action from state map in case it's there (won't be unless it discovers inputs).
return result;
use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.
the class RecursiveDirectoryTraversalFunction method visitDirectory.
* Looks in the directory specified by {@code recursivePkgKey} for a package, does some work as
* specified by {@link Visitor} if such a package exists, then recursively does work in each
* non-excluded subdirectory as specified by {@link #getSkyKeyForSubdirectory}, and finally
* aggregates the {@link Visitor} value along with values from each subdirectory as specified by
* {@link #aggregateWithSubdirectorySkyValues}, and returns that aggregation.
* <p>Returns null if {@code env.valuesMissing()} is true, checked after each call to one of
* {@link RecursiveDirectoryTraversalFunction}'s abstract methods that were given {@code env}.
* (And after each of {@code visitDirectory}'s own uses of {@code env}, of course.)
TReturn visitDirectory(RecursivePkgKey recursivePkgKey, Environment env) throws InterruptedException {
RootedPath rootedPath = recursivePkgKey.getRootedPath();
ProcessPackageDirectoryResult packageExistenceAndSubdirDeps = processPackageDirectory.getPackageExistenceAndSubdirDeps(rootedPath, recursivePkgKey.getRepository(), env, recursivePkgKey.getExcludedPaths());
if (env.valuesMissing()) {
return null;
Iterable<SkyKey> childDeps = packageExistenceAndSubdirDeps.getChildDeps();
TVisitor visitor = getInitialVisitor();
Map<SkyKey, SkyValue> subdirectorySkyValues;
if (packageExistenceAndSubdirDeps.packageExists()) {
PathFragment rootRelativePath = rootedPath.getRelativePath();
SkyKey packageKey = PackageValue.key(PackageIdentifier.create(recursivePkgKey.getRepository(), rootRelativePath));
Map<SkyKey, ValueOrException<NoSuchPackageException>> dependentSkyValues = env.getValuesOrThrow(Iterables.concat(childDeps, ImmutableList.of(packageKey)), NoSuchPackageException.class);
if (env.valuesMissing()) {
return null;
Package pkg = null;
try {
PackageValue pkgValue = (PackageValue) dependentSkyValues.get(packageKey).get();
if (pkgValue == null) {
return null;
pkg = pkgValue.getPackage();
if (pkg.containsErrors()) {
env.getListener().handle(Event.error("package contains errors: " + rootRelativePath.getPathString()));
} catch (NoSuchPackageException e) {
// The package had errors, but don't fail-fast as there might be subpackages below the
// current directory.
visitor.visitPackageError(e, env);
if (env.valuesMissing()) {
return null;
if (pkg != null) {
visitor.visitPackageValue(pkg, env);
if (env.valuesMissing()) {
return null;
ImmutableMap.Builder<SkyKey, SkyValue> subdirectoryBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (Map.Entry<SkyKey, ValueOrException<NoSuchPackageException>> entry : Maps.filterKeys(dependentSkyValues, Predicates.not(Predicates.equalTo(packageKey))).entrySet()) {
try {
subdirectoryBuilder.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().get());
} catch (NoSuchPackageException e) {
// ignored.
subdirectorySkyValues =;
} else {
subdirectorySkyValues = env.getValues(childDeps);
if (env.valuesMissing()) {
return null;
return aggregateWithSubdirectorySkyValues(visitor, subdirectorySkyValues);
use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.
the class SequencedSkyframeExecutor method handleClientEnvironmentChanges.
/** Invalidates entries in the client environment that have changed since last sync. */
private void handleClientEnvironmentChanges() {
Map<SkyKey, SkyValue> values = memoizingEvaluator.getValues();
ImmutableMap.Builder<SkyKey, SkyValue> newValuesBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder();
HashSet<String> envToCheck = new HashSet<>();
if (previousClientEnvironment != null) {
previousClientEnvironment = clientEnv.get().keySet();
for (String env : envToCheck) {
SkyKey key = SkyKey.create(SkyFunctions.CLIENT_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE, env);
if (values.containsKey(key)) {
String value = ((ClientEnvironmentValue) values.get(key)).getValue();
String newValue = clientEnv.get().get(env);
if (!Objects.equal(newValue, value)) {
newValuesBuilder.put(key, new ClientEnvironmentValue(newValue));