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Example 16 with WalkableGraph

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class PrepareDepsOfTargetsUnderDirectoryFunctionTest method testTransitiveLoading.

public void testTransitiveLoading() throws Exception {
    // Given a package "a" with a genrule "a" that depends on a target in package "b",
    // When package "a" is evaluated,
    SkyKey key = createPrepDepsKey(rootDirectory, new PathFragment("a"));
    EvaluationResult<?> evaluationResult = getEvaluationResult(key);
    WalkableGraph graph = Preconditions.checkNotNull(evaluationResult.getWalkableGraph());
    // Then the TransitiveTraversalValue for "@//a:a" is evaluated,
    SkyKey aaKey = TransitiveTraversalValue.key(Label.create("@//a", "a"));
    assertThat(exists(aaKey, graph)).isTrue();
    // And that TransitiveTraversalValue depends on "@//b:b.txt".
    Iterable<SkyKey> depsOfAa = Iterables.getOnlyElement(graph.getDirectDeps(ImmutableList.of(aaKey)).values());
    SkyKey bTxtKey = TransitiveTraversalValue.key(Label.create("@//b", "b.txt"));
    // And the TransitiveTraversalValue for "b:b.txt" is evaluated.
    assertThat(exists(bTxtKey, graph)).isTrue();
Also used : SkyKey( WalkableGraph( PathFragment( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 17 with WalkableGraph

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class PrepareDepsOfPatternsFunctionSmartNegationTest method assertSkipsFoo.

private void assertSkipsFoo(ImmutableList<String> patternSequence) throws Exception {
    // When PrepareDepsOfPatternsFunction completes evaluation (successfully),
    WalkableGraph walkableGraph = getGraphFromPatternsEvaluation(patternSequence, /*successExpected=*/
    true, /*keepGoing=*/
    // Then the graph contains a package value for "@//foo",
    assertTrue(exists(PackageValue.key(PackageIdentifier.parse("@//foo")), walkableGraph));
    // But no package value for "@//foo/foo",
    assertFalse(exists(PackageValue.key(PackageIdentifier.parse("@//foo/foo")), walkableGraph));
    // And the graph does not contain a value for the target "@//foo/foo:foofoo".
    Label label = Label.create("@//foo/foo", "foofoo");
    assertFalse(exists(getKeyForLabel(label), walkableGraph));
Also used : WalkableGraph( Label(

Example 18 with WalkableGraph

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class PrepareDepsOfPatternsFunctionSmartNegationTest method testRecursiveEvaluationFailsOnBadBuildFile.

public void testRecursiveEvaluationFailsOnBadBuildFile() throws Exception {
    // Given a well-formed package "@//foo" and a malformed package "@//foo/foo",
    // Given a target pattern sequence consisting of a recursive pattern for "//foo/...",
    ImmutableList<String> patternSequence = ImmutableList.of("//foo/...");
    // When PrepareDepsOfPatternsFunction completes evaluation (with no error because it was
    // recovered from),
    WalkableGraph walkableGraph = getGraphFromPatternsEvaluation(patternSequence, /*successExpected=*/
    true, /*keepGoing=*/
    // Then the graph contains package values for "@//foo" and "@//foo/foo",
    assertTrue(exists(PackageValue.key(PackageIdentifier.parse("@//foo")), walkableGraph));
    assertTrue(exists(PackageValue.key(PackageIdentifier.parse("@//foo/foo")), walkableGraph));
    // But the graph does not contain a value for the target "@//foo/foo:foofoo".
    assertFalse(exists(getKeyForLabel(Label.create("@//foo/foo", "foofoo")), walkableGraph));
Also used : WalkableGraph( Test(org.junit.Test)


WalkableGraph ( Test (org.junit.Test)13 SkyKey ( PathFragment ( Label ( NoSuchPackageException ( NoSuchTargetException ( RootedPath ( IOException ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 Function ( Predicate ( ActionAnalysisMetadata ( ActionGraph ( Artifact ( ArtifactOwner ( TargetParsingException ( Target ( ParseFailureListener ( CoverageReportActionsWrapper (