use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.
the class BuildView method createResult.
private AnalysisResult createResult(ExtendedEventHandler eventHandler, LoadingResult loadingResult, TopLevelArtifactContext topLevelOptions, BuildView.Options viewOptions, SkyframeAnalysisResult skyframeAnalysisResult) throws InterruptedException {
Collection<Target> testsToRun = loadingResult.getTestsToRun();
Collection<ConfiguredTarget> configuredTargets = skyframeAnalysisResult.getConfiguredTargets();
Collection<AspectValue> aspects = skyframeAnalysisResult.getAspects();
Collection<ConfiguredTarget> allTargetsToTest = null;
if (testsToRun != null) {
// Determine the subset of configured targets that are meant to be run as tests.
// Do not remove <ConfiguredTarget>: workaround for Java 7 type inference.
allTargetsToTest = Lists.<ConfiguredTarget>newArrayList(filterTestsByTargets(configuredTargets, Sets.newHashSet(testsToRun)));
Set<Artifact> artifactsToBuild = new HashSet<>();
Set<ConfiguredTarget> parallelTests = new HashSet<>();
Set<ConfiguredTarget> exclusiveTests = new HashSet<>();
// build-info and build-changelist.
Collection<Artifact> buildInfoArtifacts = skyframeExecutor.getWorkspaceStatusArtifacts(eventHandler);
Preconditions.checkState(buildInfoArtifacts.size() == 2, buildInfoArtifacts);
// Extra actions
addExtraActionsIfRequested(viewOptions, configuredTargets, aspects, artifactsToBuild);
// Coverage
NestedSet<Artifact> baselineCoverageArtifacts = getBaselineCoverageArtifacts(configuredTargets);
Iterables.addAll(artifactsToBuild, baselineCoverageArtifacts);
if (coverageReportActionFactory != null) {
CoverageReportActionsWrapper actionsWrapper;
actionsWrapper = coverageReportActionFactory.createCoverageReportActionsWrapper(eventHandler, directories, allTargetsToTest, baselineCoverageArtifacts, getArtifactFactory(), CoverageReportValue.ARTIFACT_OWNER);
if (actionsWrapper != null) {
ImmutableList<ActionAnalysisMetadata> actions = actionsWrapper.getActions();
// Tests. This must come last, so that the exclusive tests are scheduled after everything else.
scheduleTestsIfRequested(parallelTests, exclusiveTests, topLevelOptions, allTargetsToTest);
String error = createErrorMessage(loadingResult, skyframeAnalysisResult);
final WalkableGraph graph = skyframeAnalysisResult.getWalkableGraph();
final ActionGraph actionGraph = new ActionGraph() {
public ActionAnalysisMetadata getGeneratingAction(Artifact artifact) {
ArtifactOwner artifactOwner = artifact.getArtifactOwner();
if (artifactOwner instanceof ActionLookupValue.ActionLookupKey) {
SkyKey key = ActionLookupValue.key((ActionLookupValue.ActionLookupKey) artifactOwner);
ActionLookupValue val;
try {
val = (ActionLookupValue) graph.getValue(key);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Interruption not expected from this graph: " + key, e);
return val == null ? null : val.getGeneratingAction(artifact);
return null;
return new AnalysisResult(configuredTargets, aspects, allTargetsToTest, error, actionGraph, artifactsToBuild, parallelTests, exclusiveTests, topLevelOptions, skyframeAnalysisResult.getPackageRoots(), loadingResult.getWorkspaceName());
use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.
the class SkyframeActionExecutor method findAndStoreArtifactConflicts.
* Find conflicts between generated artifacts. There are two ways to have conflicts. First, if
* two (unshareable) actions generate the same output artifact, this will result in an {@link
* ActionConflictException}. Second, if one action generates an artifact whose path is a prefix of
* another artifact's path, those two artifacts cannot exist simultaneously in the output tree.
* This causes an {@link ArtifactPrefixConflictException}. The relevant exceptions are stored in
* the executor in {@code badActionMap}, and will be thrown immediately when that action is
* executed. Those exceptions persist, so that even if the action is not executed this build, the
* first time it is executed, the correct exception will be thrown.
* <p>This method must be called if a new action was added to the graph this build, so
* whenever a new configured target was analyzed this build. It is somewhat expensive (~1s
* range for a medium build as of 2014), so it should only be called when necessary.
* <p>Conflicts found may not be requested this build, and so we may overzealously throw an error.
* For instance, if actions A and B generate the same artifact foo, and the user first requests
* A' depending on A, and then in a subsequent build B' depending on B, we will fail the second
* build, even though it would have succeeded if it had been the only build. However, since
* Skyframe does not know the transitive dependencies of the request, we err on the conservative
* side.
* <p>If the user first runs one action on the first build, and on the second build adds a
* conflicting action, only the second action's error may be reported (because the first action
* will be cached), whereas if both actions were requested for the first time, both errors would
* be reported. However, the first time an action is added to the build, we are guaranteed to find
* any conflicts it has, since this method will compare it against all other actions. So there is
* no sequence of builds that can evade the error.
void findAndStoreArtifactConflicts(Iterable<ActionLookupValue> actionLookupValues) throws InterruptedException {
ConcurrentMap<ActionAnalysisMetadata, ConflictException> temporaryBadActionMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
Pair<ActionGraph, SortedMap<PathFragment, Artifact>> result;
result = constructActionGraphAndPathMap(actionLookupValues, temporaryBadActionMap);
ActionGraph actionGraph = result.first;
SortedMap<PathFragment, Artifact> artifactPathMap = result.second;
Map<ActionAnalysisMetadata, ArtifactPrefixConflictException> actionsWithArtifactPrefixConflict = Actions.findArtifactPrefixConflicts(actionGraph, artifactPathMap);
for (Map.Entry<ActionAnalysisMetadata, ArtifactPrefixConflictException> actionExceptionPair : actionsWithArtifactPrefixConflict.entrySet()) {
temporaryBadActionMap.put(actionExceptionPair.getKey(), new ConflictException(actionExceptionPair.getValue()));
this.badActionMap = ImmutableMap.copyOf(temporaryBadActionMap);
use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.
the class SkyframeActionExecutor method constructActionGraphAndPathMap.
* Simultaneously construct an action graph for all the actions in Skyframe and a map from
* {@link PathFragment}s to their respective {@link Artifact}s. We do this in a threadpool to save
* around 1.5 seconds on a mid-sized build versus a single-threaded operation.
private static Pair<ActionGraph, SortedMap<PathFragment, Artifact>> constructActionGraphAndPathMap(Iterable<ActionLookupValue> values, ConcurrentMap<ActionAnalysisMetadata, ConflictException> badActionMap) throws InterruptedException {
MutableActionGraph actionGraph = new MapBasedActionGraph();
ConcurrentNavigableMap<PathFragment, Artifact> artifactPathMap = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>();
// Action graph construction is CPU-bound.
int numJobs = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
// No great reason for expecting 5000 action lookup values, but not worth counting size of
// values.
Sharder<ActionLookupValue> actionShards = new Sharder<>(numJobs, 5000);
for (ActionLookupValue value : values) {
ThrowableRecordingRunnableWrapper wrapper = new ThrowableRecordingRunnableWrapper("SkyframeActionExecutor#constructActionGraphAndPathMap");
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numJobs, new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("ActionLookupValue Processor %d").build());
for (List<ActionLookupValue> shard : actionShards) {
executor.execute(wrapper.wrap(actionRegistration(shard, actionGraph, artifactPathMap, badActionMap)));
boolean interrupted = ExecutorUtil.interruptibleShutdown(executor);
if (interrupted) {
throw new InterruptedException();
return Pair.<ActionGraph, SortedMap<PathFragment, Artifact>>of(actionGraph, artifactPathMap);
use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.
the class ExecutionTool method executeBuild.
* Performs the execution phase (phase 3) of the build, in which the Builder
* is applied to the action graph to bring the targets up to date. (This
* function will return prior to execution-proper if --nobuild was specified.)
* @param buildId UUID of the build id
* @param analysisResult the analysis phase output
* @param buildResult the mutable build result
* @param packageRoots package roots collected from loading phase and BuildConfigurationCollection
* creation
void executeBuild(UUID buildId, AnalysisResult analysisResult, BuildResult buildResult, BuildConfigurationCollection configurations, ImmutableMap<PackageIdentifier, Path> packageRoots, TopLevelArtifactContext topLevelArtifactContext) throws BuildFailedException, InterruptedException, TestExecException, AbruptExitException {
Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch.createStarted();
prepare(packageRoots, analysisResult.getWorkspaceName());
ActionGraph actionGraph = analysisResult.getActionGraph();
// Get top-level artifacts.
ImmutableSet<Artifact> additionalArtifacts = analysisResult.getAdditionalArtifactsToBuild();
OutputService outputService = env.getOutputService();
ModifiedFileSet modifiedOutputFiles = ModifiedFileSet.EVERYTHING_MODIFIED;
if (outputService != null) {
modifiedOutputFiles = outputService.startBuild(buildId, request.getBuildOptions().finalizeActions);
} else {
// TODO(bazel-team): this could be just another OutputService
List<BuildConfiguration> targetConfigurations = configurations.getTargetConfigurations();
BuildConfiguration targetConfiguration = targetConfigurations.size() == 1 ? targetConfigurations.get(0) : null;
if (targetConfigurations.size() == 1) {
String productName = runtime.getProductName();
String dirName = env.getWorkspaceName();
String workspaceName = analysisResult.getWorkspaceName();
OutputDirectoryLinksUtils.createOutputDirectoryLinks(dirName, env.getWorkspace(), env.getDirectories().getExecRoot(workspaceName), env.getDirectories().getOutputPath(workspaceName), getReporter(), targetConfiguration, request.getBuildOptions().getSymlinkPrefix(productName), productName);
ActionCache actionCache = getActionCache();
SkyframeExecutor skyframeExecutor = env.getSkyframeExecutor();
Builder builder = createBuilder(request, actionCache, skyframeExecutor, modifiedOutputFiles);
// Execution proper. All statements below are logically nested in
// begin/end pairs. No early returns or exceptions please!
Collection<ConfiguredTarget> configuredTargets = buildResult.getActualTargets();
env.getEventBus().post(new ExecutionStartingEvent(configuredTargets));
// Conditionally record dependency-checker log:
ExplanationHandler explanationHandler = installExplanationHandler(request.getBuildOptions().explanationPath, request.getOptionsDescription());
Set<ConfiguredTarget> builtTargets = new HashSet<>();
Collection<AspectValue> aspects = analysisResult.getAspects();
Iterable<Artifact> allArtifactsForProviders = Iterables.concat(additionalArtifacts, TopLevelArtifactHelper.getAllArtifactsToBuild(analysisResult.getTargetsToBuild(), analysisResult.getTopLevelContext()).getAllArtifacts(), TopLevelArtifactHelper.getAllArtifactsToBuildFromAspects(aspects, analysisResult.getTopLevelContext()).getAllArtifacts(), //TODO(dslomov): Artifacts to test from aspects?
if (request.isRunningInEmacs()) {
// The syntax of this message is tightly constrained by lisp/progmodes/compile.el in emacs
request.getOutErr().printErrLn("blaze: Entering directory `" + getExecRoot() + "/'");
boolean buildCompleted = false;
try {
for (ActionContextProvider actionContextProvider : actionContextProviders) {
actionContextProvider.executionPhaseStarting(actionGraph, allArtifactsForProviders);
if (request.getViewOptions().discardAnalysisCache) {
// Free memory by removing cache entries that aren't going to be needed. Note that in
// skyframe full, this destroys the action graph as well, so we can only do it after the
// action graph is no longer needed.
builder.buildArtifacts(env.getReporter(), additionalArtifacts, analysisResult.getParallelTests(), analysisResult.getExclusiveTests(), analysisResult.getTargetsToBuild(), analysisResult.getAspects(), executor, builtTargets, request.getBuildOptions().explanationPath != null, env.getBlazeWorkspace().getLastExecutionTimeRange(), topLevelArtifactContext);
buildCompleted = true;
} catch (BuildFailedException | TestExecException e) {
buildCompleted = true;
throw e;
} finally {
if (request.isRunningInEmacs()) {
request.getOutErr().printErrLn("blaze: Leaving directory `" + getExecRoot() + "/'");
if (buildCompleted) {
getReporter().handle(Event.progress("Building complete."));
env.getEventBus().post(new ExecutionFinishedEvent(ImmutableMap.<String, Long>of(), 0L, skyframeExecutor.getOutputDirtyFilesAndClear(), skyframeExecutor.getModifiedFilesDuringPreviousBuildAndClear()));
for (ActionContextProvider actionContextProvider : actionContextProviders) {
if (buildCompleted) {
try (AutoProfiler p = AutoProfiler.profiled("Show results", ProfilerTask.INFO)) {
buildResult.setSuccessfulTargets(determineSuccessfulTargets(configuredTargets, builtTargets, timer));
BuildResultPrinter buildResultPrinter = new BuildResultPrinter(env);
buildResultPrinter.showBuildResult(request, buildResult, configuredTargets, analysisResult.getAspects());
try (AutoProfiler p = AutoProfiler.profiled("Show artifacts", ProfilerTask.INFO)) {
if (request.getBuildOptions().showArtifacts) {
BuildResultPrinter buildResultPrinter = new BuildResultPrinter(env);
buildResultPrinter.showArtifacts(request, configuredTargets, analysisResult.getAspects());
if (explanationHandler != null) {
// code has already run.
if (env.getOutputService() != null) {
boolean isBuildSuccessful = buildResult.getSuccessfulTargets().size() == configuredTargets.size();