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Example 1 with NameTable

use of in project j2objc by google.

the class AnonymousClassConverterTest method testMethodVarInAnonymousClass.

public void testMethodVarInAnonymousClass() throws IOException {
    String source = "class Test { " + "  boolean debug;" + "  void foo() { " + "    if (true) {" + "      if (debug) {" + "        final Integer i = 1;" + "        Runnable r = new Runnable() { " + "          public void run() { int j = i + 1; } }; }}}}";
    // Verify method var in isn't mistakenly made a field in r1.
    CompilationUnit unit = translateType("Test", source);
    NameTable nameTable = unit.getEnv().nameTable();
    List<AbstractTypeDeclaration> types = unit.getTypes();
    AbstractTypeDeclaration r1 = types.get(1);
    assertEquals("Test_1", nameTable.getFullName(r1.getTypeElement()));
    boolean found = false;
    for (VariableDeclarationFragment var : TreeUtil.getAllFields(r1)) {
        if (ElementUtil.getName(var.getVariableElement()).equals("val$i")) {
            found = true;
    assertTrue("required field not found", found);
    // Verify method var is passed to constructor.
    String translation = generateFromUnit(unit, "Test.m");
    assertTranslation(translation, "r = create_Test_1_initWithJavaLangInteger_(i)");
Also used : CompilationUnit( VariableDeclarationFragment( NameTable( AbstractTypeDeclaration(

Example 2 with NameTable

use of in project j2objc by google.

the class GeneratedType method fromTypeDeclaration.

public static GeneratedType fromTypeDeclaration(AbstractTypeDeclaration typeNode) {
    TypeElement typeElement = typeNode.getTypeElement();
    CompilationUnit unit = TreeUtil.getCompilationUnit(typeNode);
    NameTable nameTable = unit.getEnv().nameTable();
    boolean emitLineDirectives = unit.getEnv().options().emitLineDirectives();
    ImmutableList.Builder<String> superTypes = ImmutableList.builder();
    TypeElement superclass = ElementUtil.getSuperclass(typeElement);
    if (superclass != null) {
    for (TypeElement superInterface : ElementUtil.getInterfaces(typeElement)) {
    HeaderImportCollector headerCollector = new HeaderImportCollector(unit, HeaderImportCollector.Filter.PUBLIC_ONLY);
    HeaderImportCollector privateDeclarationCollector = new HeaderImportCollector(unit, HeaderImportCollector.Filter.PRIVATE_ONLY);
    ImplementationImportCollector importCollector = new ImplementationImportCollector(unit);
    SourceBuilder builder = new SourceBuilder(emitLineDirectives);
    GeneratedSourceMappings generatedSourceMappings = new GeneratedSourceMappings();
    TypeDeclarationGenerator.generate(builder, typeNode, generatedSourceMappings);
    String publicDeclarationCode = builder.toString();
    builder = new SourceBuilder(emitLineDirectives);
    TypePrivateDeclarationGenerator.generate(builder, typeNode);
    String privateDeclarationCode;
    String implementationCode;
    Options options = unit.getEnv().options();
    if (unit.getEnv().translationUtil().generateImplementation(typeElement)) {
        builder = new SourceBuilder(options.emitLineDirectives());
        TypePrivateDeclarationGenerator.generate(builder, typeNode);
        privateDeclarationCode = builder.toString();
        builder = new SourceBuilder(options.emitLineDirectives());
        TypeImplementationGenerator.generate(builder, typeNode);
        implementationCode = builder.toString();
    } else {
        privateDeclarationCode = "";
        implementationCode = String.format("// Implementation not generated because %s is on the bootclasspath.\n", ElementUtil.getQualifiedName(typeElement));
    ImmutableSet.Builder<Import> implementationIncludes = ImmutableSet.builder();
    return new GeneratedType(nameTable.getFullName(typeElement), typeNode.hasPrivateDeclaration(),, ImmutableSet.copyOf(headerCollector.getForwardDeclarations()), ImmutableSet.copyOf(headerCollector.getSuperTypes()), ImmutableSet.copyOf(privateDeclarationCollector.getForwardDeclarations()),, publicDeclarationCode, privateDeclarationCode, implementationCode, generatedSourceMappings);
Also used : CompilationUnit( Options( Import( TypeElement(javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement) ImmutableList( HeaderImportCollector( ImplementationImportCollector( ImmutableSet( NameTable(

Example 3 with NameTable

use of in project j2objc by google.

the class AnonymousClassConverterTest method testMethodVarInSwitch.

public void testMethodVarInSwitch() throws IOException {
    String source = "class Test { " + "  enum E { ONE, TWO };" + "  void foo(E e) { " + "    switch (e) {" + "      case ONE: {" + "        final Integer i = 1;" + "        Runnable r = new Runnable() { " + "          public void run() { int j = i + 1; } }; }}}}";
    // Verify method var in isn't mistakenly made a field in r1.
    CompilationUnit unit = translateType("Test", source);
    NameTable nameTable = unit.getEnv().nameTable();
    List<AbstractTypeDeclaration> types = unit.getTypes();
    AbstractTypeDeclaration r1 = types.get(2);
    assertEquals("Test_1", nameTable.getFullName(r1.getTypeElement()));
    boolean found = false;
    for (VariableDeclarationFragment var : TreeUtil.getAllFields(r1)) {
        if (ElementUtil.getName(var.getVariableElement()).equals("val$i")) {
            found = true;
    assertTrue("required field not found", found);
    // Verify method var is passed to constructor.
    String translation = generateFromUnit(unit, "Test.m");
    assertTranslation(translation, "r = create_Test_1_initWithJavaLangInteger_(i)");
Also used : CompilationUnit( VariableDeclarationFragment( NameTable( AbstractTypeDeclaration(

Example 4 with NameTable

use of in project j2objc by google.

the class AnonymousClassConverterTest method testMethodVarInNestedAnonymousClass.

public void testMethodVarInNestedAnonymousClass() throws IOException {
    String source = "class Test { " + "  void bar() { " + "    Runnable r1 = new Runnable() { " + "      public void run() { " + "        final Integer i = 1; " + "        Runnable r2 = new Runnable() { " + "          public void run() { int j = i + 1; } }; } }; } }";
    // Verify method var in isn't mistakenly made a field in r1.
    CompilationUnit unit = translateType("Test", source);
    NameTable nameTable = unit.getEnv().nameTable();
    List<AbstractTypeDeclaration> types = unit.getTypes();
    AbstractTypeDeclaration r1 = types.get(1);
    assertEquals("Test_1", nameTable.getFullName(r1.getTypeElement()));
    for (VariableDeclarationFragment var : TreeUtil.getAllFields(r1)) {
        if (ElementUtil.getName(var.getVariableElement()).equals("val$i")) {
            fail("found field that shouldn't be declared");
    // Method var in becomes a field in r2.
    AbstractTypeDeclaration r2 = types.get(2);
    assertEquals("Test_1_1", nameTable.getFullName(r2.getTypeElement()));
    boolean found = false;
    for (VariableDeclarationFragment var : TreeUtil.getAllFields(r2)) {
        if (ElementUtil.getName(var.getVariableElement()).equals("val$i")) {
            found = true;
    assertTrue("required field not found", found);
    // Verify constructor takes both outer field and var.
    String translation = generateFromUnit(unit, "Test.m");
    assertTranslation(translation, "r2 = create_Test_1_1_initWithJavaLangInteger_(i)");
Also used : CompilationUnit( VariableDeclarationFragment( NameTable( AbstractTypeDeclaration(


CompilationUnit ( NameTable ( AbstractTypeDeclaration ( VariableDeclarationFragment ( ImmutableList ( ImmutableSet ( Options ( HeaderImportCollector ( ImplementationImportCollector ( Import ( TypeElement (javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement)1