use of in project error-prone by google.
the class StrictFormatStringValidation method validateFormatStringVariable.
* Helps {@code validate()} validate a format string that is a variable, but not a parameter. This
* method assumes that the format string variable has already been asserted to be final or
* effectively final.
private static ValidationResult validateFormatStringVariable(ExpressionTree formatStringTree, final Symbol formatStringSymbol, final List<? extends ExpressionTree> args, final VisitorState state) {
if (formatStringSymbol.getKind() != ElementKind.LOCAL_VARIABLE) {
return ValidationResult.create(null, String.format("Variables used as format strings that are not local variables must be compile time" + " consant.\n%s is not a local variable and is not compile time constant.", formatStringTree));
// Find the Tree for the block in which the variable is defined. If it is not defined in this
// class (though it may have been in a super class). We require compile time constant values in
// that case.
Symbol owner = formatStringSymbol.owner;
TreePath path = TreePath.getPath(state.getPath(), formatStringTree);
while (path != null && ASTHelpers.getSymbol(path.getLeaf()) != owner) {
path = path.getParentPath();
// impossible.
if (path == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Could not find the Tree where local variable %s is declared. " + "This should be impossible.", formatStringTree));
// Scan down from the scope where the variable was declared
ValidationResult result = path.getLeaf().accept(new TreeScanner<ValidationResult, Void>() {
public ValidationResult visitVariable(VariableTree node, Void unused) {
if (ASTHelpers.getSymbol(node) == formatStringSymbol) {
if (node.getInitializer() == null) {
return ValidationResult.create(null, String.format("Variables used as format strings must be initialized when they are" + " declared.\nInvalid declaration: %s", node));
return validateStringFromAssignment(node, node.getInitializer(), args, state);
return super.visitVariable(node, unused);
public ValidationResult reduce(ValidationResult r1, ValidationResult r2) {
if (r1 == null && r2 == null) {
return null;
return MoreObjects.firstNonNull(r1, r2);
}, null);
return result;