use of in project error-prone by google.
the class LambdaFunctionalInterface method matchMethod.
* Identifies methods with parameters that have a generic argument with Int, Long, or Double. If
* pre-conditions are met, it refactors them to the primitive specializations.
* <pre>PreConditions:
* (1): The method declaration has to be private (to do a safe refactoring)
* (2): Its parameters have to meet the following conditions:
* 2.1 Contain type java.util.function.Function
* 2.2 At least one argument type of the Function must be subtype of Number
* (3): All its invocations in the top-level enclosing class have to meet the following
* conditions as well:
* 3.1: lambda argument of Kind.LAMBDA_EXPRESSION
* 3.2: same as 2.1
* 3.3: same as 2.2
* </pre>
* <pre>
* Refactoring Changes for matched methods:
* (1) Add the imports
* (2) Change the method signature to use utility function instead of Function
* (3) Find and change the 'apply' calls to the corresponding applyAsT
* </pre>
public Description matchMethod(MethodTree tree, VisitorState state) {
MethodSymbol methodSym = ASTHelpers.getSymbol(tree);
// precondition (1)
if (!methodSym.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PRIVATE)) {
return Description.NO_MATCH;
ImmutableList<Tree> params = tree.getParameters().stream().filter(param -> hasFunctionAsArg(param, state)).filter(param -> isFunctionArgSubtypeOf(param, 0, state.getTypeFromString(JAVA_LANG_NUMBER), state) || isFunctionArgSubtypeOf(param, 1, state.getTypeFromString(JAVA_LANG_NUMBER), state)).collect(toImmutableList());
// preconditions (2) and (3)
if (params.isEmpty() || !methodCallsMeetConditions(methodSym, state)) {
return Description.NO_MATCH;
SuggestedFix.Builder fixBuilder = SuggestedFix.builder();
for (Tree param : params) {
getMappingForFunctionFromTree(param).ifPresent(mappedFunction -> {
fixBuilder.replace(param, getFunctionName(mappedFunction) + " " + ASTHelpers.getSymbol(param).name);
refactorInternalApplyMethods(tree, fixBuilder, param, mappedFunction);
return describeMatch(tree,;