use of in project firebase-android-sdk by firebase.
the class CrashlyticsCore method onPreExecute.
// endregion
// region Initialization
public boolean onPreExecute(AppData appData, SettingsDataProvider settingsProvider) {
// before starting the crash detector make sure that this was built with our build
// tools.
// Throw an exception and halt the app if the build ID is required and not present.
// TODO: This flag is no longer supported and should be removed, as part of a larger refactor
// now that the buildId is now only used for mapping file association.
final boolean requiresBuildId = CommonUtils.getBooleanResourceValue(context, CRASHLYTICS_REQUIRE_BUILD_ID, CRASHLYTICS_REQUIRE_BUILD_ID_DEFAULT);
if (!isBuildIdValid(appData.buildId, requiresBuildId)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(MISSING_BUILD_ID_MSG);
final String sessionIdentifier = new CLSUUID(idManager).toString();
try {
crashMarker = new CrashlyticsFileMarker(CRASH_MARKER_FILE_NAME, fileStore);
initializationMarker = new CrashlyticsFileMarker(INITIALIZATION_MARKER_FILE_NAME, fileStore);
final UserMetadata userMetadata = new UserMetadata(sessionIdentifier, fileStore, backgroundWorker);
final LogFileManager logFileManager = new LogFileManager(fileStore);
final StackTraceTrimmingStrategy stackTraceTrimmingStrategy = new MiddleOutFallbackStrategy(MAX_STACK_SIZE, new RemoveRepeatsStrategy(NUM_STACK_REPETITIONS_ALLOWED));
final SessionReportingCoordinator sessionReportingCoordinator = SessionReportingCoordinator.create(context, idManager, fileStore, appData, logFileManager, userMetadata, stackTraceTrimmingStrategy, settingsProvider);
controller = new CrashlyticsController(context, backgroundWorker, idManager, dataCollectionArbiter, fileStore, crashMarker, appData, userMetadata, logFileManager, sessionReportingCoordinator, nativeComponent, analyticsEventLogger);
// If the file is present at this point, then the previous run's initialization
// did not complete, and we want to perform initialization synchronously this time.
// We make this check early here because we want to guarantee that the async
// startup thread we're about to launch doesn't affect the value.
final boolean initializeSynchronously = didPreviousInitializationFail();
controller.enableExceptionHandling(sessionIdentifier, Thread.getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(), settingsProvider);
if (initializeSynchronously && CommonUtils.canTryConnection(context)) {
Logger.getLogger().d("Crashlytics did not finish previous background " + "initialization. Initializing synchronously.");
// finishInitSynchronously blocks the UI thread while it finishes background init.
// Returning false here to stop the rest of init from being run in the background thread.
return false;
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.getLogger().e("Crashlytics was not started due to an exception during initialization", e);
controller = null;
return false;
Logger.getLogger().d("Successfully configured exception handler.");
return true;
use of in project firebase-android-sdk by firebase.
the class CrashlyticsController method writeApplicationExitInfoEventIfRelevant.
// endregion
// region ApplicationExitInfo
* If an ApplicationExitInfo exists relevant to the session, writes that event.
private void writeApplicationExitInfoEventIfRelevant(String sessionId) {
if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.R) {
ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
// Gets all the available app exit infos.
List<ApplicationExitInfo> applicationExitInfoList = activityManager.getHistoricalProcessExitReasons(null, 0, 0);
// happened during the session.
if (applicationExitInfoList.size() != 0) {
final LogFileManager relevantSessionLogManager = new LogFileManager(fileStore, sessionId);
final UserMetadata relevantUserMetadata = UserMetadata.loadFromExistingSession(sessionId, fileStore, backgroundWorker);
reportingCoordinator.persistRelevantAppExitInfoEvent(sessionId, applicationExitInfoList, relevantSessionLogManager, relevantUserMetadata);
} else {
Logger.getLogger().v("No ApplicationExitInfo available. Session: " + sessionId);
} else {
Logger.getLogger().v("ANR feature enabled, but device is API " + android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT);
use of in project firebase-android-sdk by firebase.
the class CrashlyticsCore method onPreExecute.
// endregion
// region Initialization
public boolean onPreExecute(AppData appData, SettingsProvider settingsProvider) {
// before starting the crash detector make sure that this was built with our build
// tools.
// Throw an exception and halt the app if the build ID is required and not present.
// TODO: This flag is no longer supported and should be removed, as part of a larger refactor
// now that the buildId is now only used for mapping file association.
final boolean requiresBuildId = CommonUtils.getBooleanResourceValue(context, CRASHLYTICS_REQUIRE_BUILD_ID, CRASHLYTICS_REQUIRE_BUILD_ID_DEFAULT);
if (!isBuildIdValid(appData.buildId, requiresBuildId)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(MISSING_BUILD_ID_MSG);
final String sessionIdentifier = new CLSUUID(idManager).toString();
try {
crashMarker = new CrashlyticsFileMarker(CRASH_MARKER_FILE_NAME, fileStore);
initializationMarker = new CrashlyticsFileMarker(INITIALIZATION_MARKER_FILE_NAME, fileStore);
final UserMetadata userMetadata = new UserMetadata(sessionIdentifier, fileStore, backgroundWorker);
final LogFileManager logFileManager = new LogFileManager(fileStore);
final StackTraceTrimmingStrategy stackTraceTrimmingStrategy = new MiddleOutFallbackStrategy(MAX_STACK_SIZE, new RemoveRepeatsStrategy(NUM_STACK_REPETITIONS_ALLOWED));
final SessionReportingCoordinator sessionReportingCoordinator = SessionReportingCoordinator.create(context, idManager, fileStore, appData, logFileManager, userMetadata, stackTraceTrimmingStrategy, settingsProvider, onDemandCounter);
controller = new CrashlyticsController(context, backgroundWorker, idManager, dataCollectionArbiter, fileStore, crashMarker, appData, userMetadata, logFileManager, sessionReportingCoordinator, nativeComponent, analyticsEventLogger);
// If the file is present at this point, then the previous run's initialization
// did not complete, and we want to perform initialization synchronously this time.
// We make this check early here because we want to guarantee that the async
// startup thread we're about to launch doesn't affect the value.
final boolean initializeSynchronously = didPreviousInitializationFail();
controller.enableExceptionHandling(sessionIdentifier, Thread.getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(), settingsProvider);
if (initializeSynchronously && CommonUtils.canTryConnection(context)) {
Logger.getLogger().d("Crashlytics did not finish previous background " + "initialization. Initializing synchronously.");
// finishInitSynchronously blocks the UI thread while it finishes background init.
// Returning false here to stop the rest of init from being run in the background thread.
return false;
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.getLogger().e("Crashlytics was not started due to an exception during initialization", e);
controller = null;
return false;
Logger.getLogger().d("Successfully configured exception handler.");
return true;
use of in project firebase-android-sdk by firebase.
the class CrashlyticsCoreTest method testBulkCustomKeys.
public void testBulkCustomKeys() throws Exception {
final double DELTA = 1e-15;
UserMetadata metadata = crashlyticsCore.getController().getUserMetadata();
final String stringKey = "string key";
final String stringValue = "value1";
final String trimmedKey = "trimmed key";
final String trimmedValue = "trimmed value";
final StringBuffer idBuffer = new StringBuffer("id012345");
while (idBuffer.length() < UserMetadata.MAX_ATTRIBUTE_SIZE) {
final String longId = idBuffer.toString();
final String superLongId = longId + "more chars";
final String longStringValue = longId.replaceAll("0", "x");
final String superLongValue = longStringValue + "some more chars";
final String booleanKey = "boolean key";
final Boolean booleanValue = true;
final String doubleKey = "double key";
final double doubleValue = 1.000000000000001;
final String floatKey = "float key";
final float floatValue = 2.000002f;
final String longKey = "long key";
final long longValue = 3;
final String intKey = "int key";
final int intValue = 4;
Map<String, String> keysAndValues = new HashMap<>();
keysAndValues.put(stringKey, stringValue);
keysAndValues.put(" " + trimmedKey + " ", " " + trimmedValue + " ");
keysAndValues.put(longId, longStringValue);
keysAndValues.put(superLongId, superLongValue);
keysAndValues.put(booleanKey, booleanValue.toString());
keysAndValues.put(doubleKey, String.valueOf(doubleValue));
keysAndValues.put(floatKey, String.valueOf(floatValue));
keysAndValues.put(longKey, String.valueOf(longValue));
keysAndValues.put(intKey, String.valueOf(intValue));
assertEquals(stringValue, metadata.getCustomKeys().get(stringKey));
assertEquals(trimmedValue, metadata.getCustomKeys().get(trimmedKey));
assertEquals(longStringValue, metadata.getCustomKeys().get(longId));
// Test truncation of custom keys and attributes
assertEquals(doubleValue, Double.parseDouble(metadata.getCustomKeys().get(doubleKey)), DELTA);
assertEquals(floatValue, Float.parseFloat(metadata.getCustomKeys().get(floatKey)), DELTA);
assertEquals(longValue, Long.parseLong(metadata.getCustomKeys().get(longKey)), DELTA);
assertEquals(intValue, Integer.parseInt(metadata.getCustomKeys().get(intKey)), DELTA);
// Add the max number of attributes (already set 8)
Map<String, String> addlKeysAndValues = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 8; i < UserMetadata.MAX_ATTRIBUTES; ++i) {
final String key = "key" + i;
final String value = "value" + i;
addlKeysAndValues.put(key, value);
// Ensure all keys have been set
assertEquals(UserMetadata.MAX_ATTRIBUTES, metadata.getCustomKeys().size(), DELTA);
// Make sure the first MAX_ATTRIBUTES - 8 keys were set
for (int i = 8; i < UserMetadata.MAX_ATTRIBUTES + 1; ++i) {
final String key = "key" + i;
final String value = "value" + i;
Map<String, String> extraKeysAndValues = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = UserMetadata.MAX_ATTRIBUTES; i < UserMetadata.MAX_ATTRIBUTES + 10; ++i) {
final String key = "key" + i;
final String value = "value" + i;
extraKeysAndValues.put(key, value);
// Make sure the extra keys were not added
for (int i = UserMetadata.MAX_ATTRIBUTES; i < UserMetadata.MAX_ATTRIBUTES + 10; ++i) {
final String key = "key" + i;
// Check updating existing keys and setting to null
final String updatedStringValue = "string value 1";
final boolean updatedBooleanValue = false;
final double updatedDoubleValue = -1.000000000000001;
final float updatedFloatValue = -2.000002f;
final long updatedLongValue = -3;
final int updatedIntValue = -4;
Map<String, String> updatedKeysAndValues = new HashMap<>();
updatedKeysAndValues.put(stringKey, updatedStringValue);
updatedKeysAndValues.put(longId, null);
updatedKeysAndValues.put(booleanKey, String.valueOf(updatedBooleanValue));
updatedKeysAndValues.put(doubleKey, String.valueOf(updatedDoubleValue));
updatedKeysAndValues.put(floatKey, String.valueOf(updatedFloatValue));
updatedKeysAndValues.put(longKey, String.valueOf(updatedLongValue));
updatedKeysAndValues.put(intKey, String.valueOf(updatedIntValue));
assertEquals(updatedStringValue, metadata.getCustomKeys().get(stringKey));
assertEquals(updatedDoubleValue, Double.parseDouble(metadata.getCustomKeys().get(doubleKey)), DELTA);
assertEquals(updatedFloatValue, Float.parseFloat(metadata.getCustomKeys().get(floatKey)), DELTA);
assertEquals(updatedLongValue, Long.parseLong(metadata.getCustomKeys().get(longKey)), DELTA);
assertEquals(updatedIntValue, Integer.parseInt(metadata.getCustomKeys().get(intKey)), DELTA);
assertEquals("", metadata.getCustomKeys().get(longId));
use of in project firebase-android-sdk by firebase.
the class CrashlyticsCoreTest method testCustomAttributes.
public void testCustomAttributes() throws Exception {
UserMetadata metadata = crashlyticsCore.getController().getUserMetadata();
final String id = "id012345";
assertEquals(id, metadata.getUserId());
final StringBuffer idBuffer = new StringBuffer(id);
while (idBuffer.length() < UserMetadata.MAX_ATTRIBUTE_SIZE) {
final String longId = idBuffer.toString();
final String superLongId = longId + "more chars";
assertEquals(longId, metadata.getUserId());
final String key1 = "key1";
final String value1 = "value1";
crashlyticsCore.setCustomKey(key1, value1);
assertEquals(value1, metadata.getCustomKeys().get(key1));
// Adding an existing key with the same value should return false
assertFalse(metadata.setCustomKey(key1, value1));
assertTrue(metadata.setCustomKey(key1, "someOtherValue"));
assertTrue(metadata.setCustomKey(key1, value1));
assertFalse(metadata.setCustomKey(key1, value1));
final String longValue = longId.replaceAll("0", "x");
final String superLongValue = longValue + "some more chars";
// test truncation of custom keys and attributes
crashlyticsCore.setCustomKey(superLongId, superLongValue);
assertEquals(longValue, metadata.getCustomKeys().get(longId));
// test the max number of attributes. We've already set 2.
for (int i = 2; i < UserMetadata.MAX_ATTRIBUTES; ++i) {
final String key = "key" + i;
final String value = "value" + i;
crashlyticsCore.setCustomKey(key, value);
assertEquals(value, metadata.getCustomKeys().get(key));
// should be full now, extra key, value pairs will be dropped.
final String key = "new key";
crashlyticsCore.setCustomKey(key, "some value");
// should be able to update existing keys
crashlyticsCore.setCustomKey(key1, longValue);
assertEquals(longValue, metadata.getCustomKeys().get(key1));
// when we set a key to null, it should still exist with an empty value
crashlyticsCore.setCustomKey(key1, null);
assertEquals("", metadata.getCustomKeys().get(key1));
// keys and values are trimmed.
crashlyticsCore.setCustomKey(" " + key1 + " ", " " + longValue + " ");
assertEquals(longValue, metadata.getCustomKeys().get(key1));