use of in project firebase-android-sdk by firebase.
the class SyncEngine method handleRemoteEvent.
* Called by FirestoreClient to notify us of a new remote event.
public void handleRemoteEvent(RemoteEvent event) {
// Update `receivedDocument` as appropriate for any limbo targets.
for (Map.Entry<Integer, TargetChange> entry : event.getTargetChanges().entrySet()) {
Integer targetId = entry.getKey();
TargetChange targetChange = entry.getValue();
LimboResolution limboResolution = activeLimboResolutionsByTarget.get(targetId);
if (limboResolution != null) {
// Since this is a limbo resolution lookup, it's for a single document and it could be
// added, modified, or removed, but not a combination.
hardAssert(targetChange.getAddedDocuments().size() + targetChange.getModifiedDocuments().size() + targetChange.getRemovedDocuments().size() <= 1, "Limbo resolution for single document contains multiple changes.");
if (targetChange.getAddedDocuments().size() > 0) {
limboResolution.receivedDocument = true;
} else if (targetChange.getModifiedDocuments().size() > 0) {
hardAssert(limboResolution.receivedDocument, "Received change for limbo target document without add.");
} else if (targetChange.getRemovedDocuments().size() > 0) {
hardAssert(limboResolution.receivedDocument, "Received remove for limbo target document without add.");
limboResolution.receivedDocument = false;
} else {
// This was probably just a CURRENT targetChange or similar.
ImmutableSortedMap<DocumentKey, Document> changes = localStore.applyRemoteEvent(event);
emitNewSnapsAndNotifyLocalStore(changes, event);
use of in project firebase-android-sdk by firebase.
the class Query method boundFromDocumentSnapshot.
* Create a Bound from a query given the document.
* <p>Note that the Bound will always include the key of the document and so only the provided
* document will compare equal to the returned position.
* <p>Will throw if the document does not contain all fields of the order by of the query or if
* any of the fields in the order by are an uncommitted server timestamp.
private Bound boundFromDocumentSnapshot(String methodName, DocumentSnapshot snapshot, boolean inclusive) {
checkNotNull(snapshot, "Provided snapshot must not be null.");
if (!snapshot.exists()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't use a DocumentSnapshot for a document that doesn't exist for " + methodName + "().");
Document document = snapshot.getDocument();
List<Value> components = new ArrayList<>();
// orders), multiple documents could match the position, yielding duplicate results.
for (OrderBy orderBy : query.getOrderBy()) {
if (orderBy.getField().equals( {
components.add(Values.refValue(firestore.getDatabaseId(), document.getKey()));
} else {
Value value = document.getField(orderBy.getField());
if (ServerTimestamps.isServerTimestamp(value)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid query. You are trying to start or end a query using a document for which " + "the field '" + orderBy.getField() + "' is an uncommitted server timestamp. (Since the value of this field is " + "unknown, you cannot start/end a query with it.)");
} else if (value != null) {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid query. You are trying to start or end a query using a document for which " + "the field '" + orderBy.getField() + "' (used as the orderBy) does not exist.");
return new Bound(components, inclusive);
use of in project firebase-android-sdk by firebase.
the class LocalStoreTestCase method assertContains.
* Asserts that the given local store contains the given document.
private void assertContains(MutableDocument expected) {
Document actual = localStore.readDocument(expected.getKey());
assertEquals(expected, actual);
use of in project firebase-android-sdk by firebase.
the class ViewTest method testAddsDocumentsBasedOnQuery.
public void testAddsDocumentsBasedOnQuery() {
Query query = messageQuery();
View view = new View(query, DocumentKey.emptyKeySet());
MutableDocument doc1 = doc("rooms/eros/messages/1", 0, map("text", "msg1"));
MutableDocument doc2 = doc("rooms/eros/messages/2", 0, map("text", "msg2"));
MutableDocument doc3 = doc("rooms/other/messages/1", 0, map("text", "msg3"));
ImmutableSortedMap<DocumentKey, Document> updates = docUpdates(doc1, doc2, doc3);
View.DocumentChanges docViewChanges = view.computeDocChanges(updates);
TargetChange targetChange = ackTarget(doc1, doc2, doc3);
ViewSnapshot snapshot = view.applyChanges(docViewChanges, targetChange).getSnapshot();
assertEquals(query, snapshot.getQuery());
assertEquals(asList(doc1, doc2), snapshot.getDocuments().toList());
assertEquals(asList(DocumentViewChange.create(Type.ADDED, doc1), DocumentViewChange.create(Type.ADDED, doc2)), snapshot.getChanges());
use of in project firebase-android-sdk by firebase.
the class SyncEngine method loadBundle.
public void loadBundle(BundleReader bundleReader, LoadBundleTask resultTask) {
try {
BundleMetadata bundleMetadata = bundleReader.getBundleMetadata();
boolean hasNewerBundle = localStore.hasNewerBundle(bundleMetadata);
if (hasNewerBundle) {
@Nullable LoadBundleTaskProgress progress = LoadBundleTaskProgress.forInitial(bundleMetadata);
BundleLoader bundleLoader = new BundleLoader(localStore, bundleMetadata);
long currentBytesRead = 0;
BundleElement bundleElement;
while ((bundleElement = bundleReader.getNextElement()) != null) {
long oldBytesRead = currentBytesRead;
currentBytesRead = bundleReader.getBytesRead();
progress = bundleLoader.addElement(bundleElement, currentBytesRead - oldBytesRead);
if (progress != null) {
ImmutableSortedMap<DocumentKey, Document> changes = bundleLoader.applyChanges();
// TODO(b/160876443): This currently raises snapshots with `fromCache=false` if users already
// listen to some queries and bundles has newer version.
emitNewSnapsAndNotifyLocalStore(changes, /* remoteEvent= */
// Save metadata, so loading the same bundle will skip.
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.warn("Firestore", "Loading bundle failed : %s", e);
resultTask.setException(new FirebaseFirestoreException("Bundle failed to load", FirebaseFirestoreException.Code.INVALID_ARGUMENT, e));
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
Logger.warn("SyncEngine", "Exception while closing bundle", e);