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Example 1 with DocumentSet

use of in project firebase-android-sdk by firebase.

the class View method applyChanges.

 * Updates the view with the given ViewDocumentChanges and updates limbo docs and sync state from
 * the given (optional) target change.
 * @param docChanges The set of changes to make to the view's docs.
 * @param targetChange A target change to apply for computing limbo docs and sync state.
 * @return A new ViewChange with the given docs, changes, and sync state.
public ViewChange applyChanges(DocumentChanges docChanges, TargetChange targetChange) {
    hardAssert(!docChanges.needsRefill, "Cannot apply changes that need a refill");
    DocumentSet oldDocumentSet = documentSet;
    documentSet = docChanges.documentSet;
    mutatedKeys = docChanges.mutatedKeys;
    // Sort changes based on type and query comparator.
    List<DocumentViewChange> viewChanges = docChanges.changeSet.getChanges();
    Collections.sort(viewChanges, (DocumentViewChange o1, DocumentViewChange o2) -> {
        int typeComp = compareIntegers(View.changeTypeOrder(o1), View.changeTypeOrder(o2));
        if (typeComp != 0) {
            return typeComp;
        return query.comparator().compare(o1.getDocument(), o2.getDocument());
    List<LimboDocumentChange> limboDocumentChanges = updateLimboDocuments();
    boolean synced = limboDocuments.size() == 0 && current;
    SyncState newSyncState = synced ? SyncState.SYNCED : SyncState.LOCAL;
    boolean syncStatedChanged = newSyncState != syncState;
    syncState = newSyncState;
    ViewSnapshot snapshot = null;
    if (viewChanges.size() != 0 || syncStatedChanged) {
        boolean fromCache = newSyncState == SyncState.LOCAL;
        snapshot = new ViewSnapshot(query, docChanges.documentSet, oldDocumentSet, viewChanges, fromCache, docChanges.mutatedKeys, syncStatedChanged, /* excludesMetadataChanges= */
    return new ViewChange(snapshot, limboDocumentChanges);
Also used : SyncState( DocumentSet(

Example 2 with DocumentSet

use of in project firebase-android-sdk by firebase.

the class ViewSnapshotTest method testConstructor.

public void testConstructor() {
    Query query = Query.atPath(ResourcePath.fromString("a"));
    DocumentSet docs = DocumentSet.emptySet(Document.KEY_COMPARATOR).add(doc("c/foo", 1, map()));
    DocumentSet oldDocs = DocumentSet.emptySet(Document.KEY_COMPARATOR);
    List<DocumentViewChange> changes = Arrays.asList(DocumentViewChange.create(Type.ADDED, doc("c/foo", 1, map())));
    ImmutableSortedSet<DocumentKey> mutatedKeys = keySet(key("c/foo"));
    boolean fromCache = true;
    boolean hasPendingWrites = true;
    boolean syncStateChanges = true;
    boolean excludesMetadataChanges = true;
    ViewSnapshot snapshot = new ViewSnapshot(query, docs, oldDocs, changes, fromCache, mutatedKeys, syncStateChanges, excludesMetadataChanges);
    assertEquals(query, snapshot.getQuery());
    assertEquals(docs, snapshot.getDocuments());
    assertEquals(oldDocs, snapshot.getOldDocuments());
    assertEquals(changes, snapshot.getChanges());
    assertEquals(fromCache, snapshot.isFromCache());
    assertEquals(mutatedKeys, snapshot.getMutatedKeys());
    assertEquals(hasPendingWrites, snapshot.hasPendingWrites());
    assertEquals(syncStateChanges, snapshot.didSyncStateChange());
    assertEquals(excludesMetadataChanges, snapshot.excludesMetadataChanges());
Also used : DocumentKey( DocumentSet( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with DocumentSet

use of in project firebase-android-sdk by firebase.

the class QuerySnapshotTest method testIncludeMetadataChanges.

public void testIncludeMetadataChanges() {
    MutableDocument doc1Old = doc("foo/bar", 1, wrapObject("a", "b")).setHasLocalMutations();
    MutableDocument doc1New = doc("foo/bar", 1, wrapObject("a", "b"));
    MutableDocument doc2Old = doc("foo/baz", 1, wrapObject("a", "b"));
    MutableDocument doc2New = doc("foo/baz", 1, wrapObject("a", "c"));
    DocumentSet oldDocuments = docSet(Document.KEY_COMPARATOR, doc1Old, doc2Old);
    DocumentSet newDocuments = docSet(Document.KEY_COMPARATOR, doc1New, doc2New);
    List<DocumentViewChange> documentChanges = Arrays.asList(DocumentViewChange.create(DocumentViewChange.Type.METADATA, doc1New), DocumentViewChange.create(DocumentViewChange.Type.MODIFIED, doc2New));
    FirebaseFirestore firestore = TestUtil.firestore(); fooQuery = query("foo");
    ViewSnapshot viewSnapshot = new ViewSnapshot(fooQuery, newDocuments, oldDocuments, documentChanges, /*isFromCache=*/
    false, /*mutatedKeys=*/
    keySet(), /*didSyncStateChange=*/
    true, /* excludesMetadataChanges= */
    QuerySnapshot snapshot = new QuerySnapshot(new Query(fooQuery, firestore), viewSnapshot, firestore);
    QueryDocumentSnapshot doc1Snap = QueryDocumentSnapshot.fromDocument(firestore, doc1New, /*fromCache=*/
    false, /*hasPendingWrites=*/
    QueryDocumentSnapshot doc2Snap = QueryDocumentSnapshot.fromDocument(firestore, doc2New, /*fromCache=*/
    false, /*hasPendingWrites=*/
    assertEquals(1, snapshot.getDocumentChanges().size());
    List<DocumentChange> changesWithoutMetadata = Arrays.asList(new DocumentChange(doc2Snap, DocumentChange.Type.MODIFIED, /*oldIndex=*/
    1, /*newIndex=*/
    assertEquals(changesWithoutMetadata, snapshot.getDocumentChanges());
    List<DocumentChange> changesWithMetadata = Arrays.asList(new DocumentChange(doc1Snap, DocumentChange.Type.MODIFIED, /*oldIndex=*/
    0, /*newIndex=*/
    0), new DocumentChange(doc2Snap, DocumentChange.Type.MODIFIED, /*oldIndex=*/
    1, /*newIndex=*/
    assertEquals(changesWithMetadata, snapshot.getDocumentChanges(MetadataChanges.INCLUDE));
Also used : MutableDocument( ViewSnapshot( DocumentViewChange( DocumentSet( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 4 with DocumentSet

use of in project firebase-android-sdk by firebase.

the class TestUtil method querySnapshot.

 * A convenience method for creating a particular query snapshot for tests.
 * @param path To be used in constructing the query.
 * @param oldDocs Provides the prior set of documents in the QuerySnapshot. Each entry maps to a
 *     document, with the key being the document id, and the value being the document contents.
 * @param docsToAdd Specifies data to be added into the query snapshot as of now. Each entry maps
 *     to a document, with the key being the document id, and the value being the document
 *     contents.
 * @param isFromCache Whether the query snapshot is cache result.
 * @return A query snapshot that consists of both sets of documents.
public static QuerySnapshot querySnapshot(String path, Map<String, ObjectValue> oldDocs, Map<String, ObjectValue> docsToAdd, boolean hasPendingWrites, boolean isFromCache) {
    DocumentSet oldDocuments = docSet(Document.KEY_COMPARATOR);
    ImmutableSortedSet<DocumentKey> mutatedKeys = DocumentKey.emptyKeySet();
    for (Map.Entry<String, ObjectValue> pair : oldDocs.entrySet()) {
        String docKey = path + "/" + pair.getKey();
        MutableDocument doc = doc(docKey, 1L, pair.getValue());
        if (hasPendingWrites) {
            mutatedKeys = mutatedKeys.insert(key(docKey));
        oldDocuments = oldDocuments.add(doc);
    DocumentSet newDocuments = docSet(Document.KEY_COMPARATOR);
    List<DocumentViewChange> documentChanges = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Map.Entry<String, ObjectValue> pair : docsToAdd.entrySet()) {
        String docKey = path + "/" + pair.getKey();
        MutableDocument docToAdd = doc(docKey, 1L, pair.getValue());
        if (hasPendingWrites) {
            mutatedKeys = mutatedKeys.insert(key(docKey));
        newDocuments = newDocuments.add(docToAdd);
        documentChanges.add(DocumentViewChange.create(Type.ADDED, docToAdd));
    ViewSnapshot viewSnapshot = new ViewSnapshot(, newDocuments, oldDocuments, documentChanges, isFromCache, mutatedKeys, /* didSyncStateChange= */
    true, /* excludesMetadataChanges= */
    return new QuerySnapshot(query(path), viewSnapshot, FIRESTORE);
Also used : MutableDocument( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ViewSnapshot( ObjectValue( DocumentViewChange( DocumentKey( DocumentSet( Map(java.util.Map)

Example 5 with DocumentSet

use of in project firebase-android-sdk by firebase.

the class QueryEngineTestCase method doesNotUseInitialResultsForLimitToLastQueryWhenLastDocumentHasPendingWrite.

public void doesNotUseInitialResultsForLimitToLastQueryWhenLastDocumentHasPendingWrite() throws Exception {
    Query query = query("coll").filter(filter("matches", "==", true)).orderBy(orderBy("order", "asc")).limitToLast(1);
    // Add a query mapping for a document that matches, but that sorts below another document due to
    // a pending write.
    addDocumentWithEventVersion(version(1), MATCHING_DOC_A);
    DocumentSet docs = expectFullCollectionScan(() -> runQuery(query, LAST_LIMBO_FREE_SNAPSHOT));
    assertEquals(docSet(query.comparator(), MATCHING_DOC_B), docs);
Also used : Query( DocumentSet( Test(org.junit.Test)


DocumentSet ( Test (org.junit.Test)14 Query ( DocumentViewChange ( DocumentKey ( ViewSnapshot ( Document ( MutableDocument ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 Map (java.util.Map)2 ImmutableSortedMap ( SyncState ( ObjectValue (