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Example 1 with ObjectValue

use of in project firebase-android-sdk by firebase.

the class LocalStore method writeLocally.

 * Accepts locally generated Mutations and commits them to storage.
public LocalDocumentsResult writeLocally(List<Mutation> mutations) {
    Timestamp localWriteTime =;
    // TODO: Call queryEngine.handleDocumentChange() appropriately.
    Set<DocumentKey> keys = new HashSet<>();
    for (Mutation mutation : mutations) {
    return persistence.runTransaction("Locally write mutations", () -> {
        // Load and apply all existing mutations. This lets us compute the current base state for
        // all non-idempotent transforms before applying any additional user-provided writes.
        ImmutableSortedMap<DocumentKey, Document> documents = localDocuments.getDocuments(keys);
        // For non-idempotent mutations (such as `FieldValue.increment()`), we record the base
        // state in a separate patch mutation. This is later used to guarantee consistent values
        // and prevents flicker even if the backend sends us an update that already includes our
        // transform.
        List<Mutation> baseMutations = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Mutation mutation : mutations) {
            ObjectValue baseValue = mutation.extractTransformBaseValue(documents.get(mutation.getKey()));
            if (baseValue != null) {
                // NOTE: The base state should only be applied if there's some existing
                // document to override, so use a Precondition of exists=true
                baseMutations.add(new PatchMutation(mutation.getKey(), baseValue, baseValue.getFieldMask(), Precondition.exists(true)));
        MutationBatch batch = mutationQueue.addMutationBatch(localWriteTime, baseMutations, mutations);
        Map<DocumentKey, Mutation> overlays = batch.applyToLocalDocumentSet(documents);
        documentOverlayCache.saveOverlays(batch.getBatchId(), overlays);
        return new LocalDocumentsResult(batch.getBatchId(), documents);
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Document( MutableDocument( Timestamp( ObjectValue( MutationBatch( DocumentKey( PatchMutation( PatchMutation( Mutation( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 2 with ObjectValue

use of in project firebase-android-sdk by firebase.

the class MutationTest method testAppliesLocalServerTimestampTransformsToDocuments.

public void testAppliesLocalServerTimestampTransformsToDocuments() {
    Map<String, Object> data = map("foo", map("bar", "bar-value"), "baz", "baz-value");
    MutableDocument transformedDoc = doc("collection/key", 1, data);
    Timestamp timestamp =;
    Mutation transform = patchMutation("collection/key", map("", FieldValue.serverTimestamp()));
    transform.applyToLocalView(transformedDoc, /* previousMask= */
    null, timestamp);
    // Server timestamps aren't parsed, so we manually insert it.
    ObjectValue expectedData = wrapObject(map("foo", map("bar", "<server-timestamp>"), "baz", "baz-value"));
    Value fieldValue = ServerTimestamps.valueOf(timestamp, wrap("bar-value"));
    expectedData.set(field(""), fieldValue);
    MutableDocument expectedDoc = doc("collection/key", 1, expectedData).setHasLocalMutations();
    assertEquals(expectedDoc, transformedDoc);
Also used : ObjectValue( MutableDocument( ObjectValue( FieldValue( Value( TestUtil.wrapObject( TestUtil.deleteMutation( TestUtil.setMutation( TestUtil.patchMutation( TestUtil.mergeMutation( Mutation.calculateOverlayMutation( Timestamp( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with ObjectValue

use of in project firebase-android-sdk by firebase.

the class MutationTest method testNumericIncrementBaseValue.

public void testNumericIncrementBaseValue() {
    Map<String, Object> allValues = map("ignore", "foo", "double", 42.0, "long", 42, "string", "foo", "map", map());
    allValues.put("nested", new HashMap<>(allValues));
    MutableDocument baseDoc = doc("collection/key", 1, allValues);
    Map<String, Object> allTransforms = map("double", FieldValue.increment(1), "long", FieldValue.increment(1), "string", FieldValue.increment(1), "map", FieldValue.increment(1), "missing", FieldValue.increment(1));
    allTransforms.put("nested", new HashMap<>(allTransforms));
    Mutation mutation = patchMutation("collection/key", allTransforms);
    ObjectValue baseValue = mutation.extractTransformBaseValue(baseDoc);
    Value expected = wrap(map("double", 42.0, "long", 42, "string", 0, "map", 0, "missing", 0, "nested", map("double", 42.0, "long", 42, "string", 0, "map", 0, "missing", 0)));
    assertTrue(Values.equals(expected, baseValue.get(FieldPath.EMPTY_PATH)));
Also used : ObjectValue( MutableDocument( ObjectValue( FieldValue( Value( TestUtil.wrapObject( TestUtil.deleteMutation( TestUtil.setMutation( TestUtil.patchMutation( TestUtil.mergeMutation( Mutation.calculateOverlayMutation( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 4 with ObjectValue

use of in project firebase-android-sdk by firebase.

the class QuerySnapshotTest method testToObjects.

public void testToObjects() {
    // Prevent NPE on trying to access non-existent settings on the mock.
    when(TestUtil.firestore().getFirestoreSettings()).thenReturn(new FirebaseFirestoreSettings.Builder().build());
    ObjectValue objectData = ObjectValue.fromMap(map("timestamp", ServerTimestamps.valueOf(, null)));
    QuerySnapshot foo = TestUtil.querySnapshot("foo", map(), map("a", objectData), true, false);
    List<POJO> docs = foo.toObjects(POJO.class);
    assertEquals(1, docs.size());
    docs = foo.toObjects(POJO.class, ServerTimestampBehavior.ESTIMATE);
    assertEquals(1, docs.size());
Also used : ObjectValue( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with ObjectValue

use of in project firebase-android-sdk by firebase.

the class UserDataWriterTest method testConvertsNestedObjects.

public void testConvertsNestedObjects() {
    ObjectValue actual = wrapObject("a", map("b", map("c", "foo"), "d", true));
    ObjectValue expected = new ObjectValue();
    expected.set(field("a.b.c"), wrap("foo"));
    expected.set(field("a.d"), wrap(true));
    assertEquals(expected, actual);
Also used : ObjectValue( Test(org.junit.Test)


ObjectValue ( Value ( FieldPath ( Test (org.junit.Test)8 MutableDocument ( DocumentKey ( ParseAccumulator ( TestUtil.wrapObject ( ArrayValue ( MapValue ( NullValue ( ArrayRemoveFieldValue ( ArrayUnionFieldValue ( DeleteFieldValue ( ServerTimestampFieldValue ( SnapshotVersion ( Mutation.calculateOverlayMutation ( TestUtil.deleteMutation ( TestUtil.mergeMutation ( TestUtil.patchMutation (