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Example 1 with PhotoEntry

use of in project data-transfer-project by google.

the class GooglePhotosService method importItem.

public void importItem(PhotosModelWrapper wrapper) throws IOException {
    for (PhotoAlbum album : wrapper.getAlbums()) {
        if (true) {
            // Google doesn't support creating albums anymore
        AlbumEntry myAlbum = new AlbumEntry();
        myAlbum.setTitle(new PlainTextConstruct("copy of " + album.getName()));
        myAlbum.setDescription(new PlainTextConstruct(album.getDescription()));
        URL albumUrl = new URL("");
        AlbumEntry insertedEntry;
        try {
            insertedEntry = service.insert(albumUrl, myAlbum);
  , insertedEntry.getGphotoId());
        } catch (ServiceException e) {
            throw new IOException("Problem copying" + album.getName() + " request to: " + albumUrl, e);
    for (PhotoModel photo : wrapper.getPhotos()) {
        // String newAlbumId = jobDataCache.getData(photo.getAlbumId(), String.class);
        String newAlbumId = "default";
        URL photoPostUrl = new URL("" + newAlbumId);
        PhotoEntry myPhoto = new PhotoEntry();
        myPhoto.setTitle(new PlainTextConstruct("copy of " + photo.getTitle()));
        myPhoto.setDescription(new PlainTextConstruct(photo.getDescription()));
        String mediaType = photo.getMediaType();
        if (mediaType == null) {
            mediaType = "image/jpeg";
        MediaStreamSource streamSource = new MediaStreamSource(getImageAsStream(photo.getFetchableUrl()), mediaType);
        try {
            service.insert(photoPostUrl, myPhoto);
        } catch (ServiceException e) {
            throw new IOException("Problem adding " + photo.getTitle() + " to " + newAlbumId, e);
Also used : AlbumEntry( ServiceException( PhotoModel( PhotoAlbum( IOException( MediaStreamSource( PlainTextConstruct( URL( PhotoEntry(

Example 2 with PhotoEntry

use of in project data-transfer-project by google.

the class GooglePhotosImporter method importSinglePhoto.

void importSinglePhoto(UUID jobId, TokensAndUrlAuthData authData, PhotoModel inputPhoto) throws IOException, ServiceException {
    // Set up photo
    PhotoEntry outputPhoto = new PhotoEntry();
    outputPhoto.setTitle(new PlainTextConstruct("copy of " + inputPhoto.getTitle()));
    outputPhoto.setDescription(new PlainTextConstruct(inputPhoto.getDescription()));
    String mediaType = inputPhoto.getMediaType();
    if (mediaType == null) {
        mediaType = "image/jpeg";
    MediaStreamSource streamSource = new MediaStreamSource(getImageAsStream(inputPhoto.getFetchableUrl()), mediaType);
    // Find album to upload photo to
    String albumId = jobStore.findData(TempPhotosData.class, jobId).lookupNewAlbumId(inputPhoto.getAlbumId());
    URL uploadUrl = new URL(String.format(PHOTO_POST_URL_FORMATTER, albumId));
    // Upload photo
    getOrCreatePhotosService(authData).insert(uploadUrl, outputPhoto);
Also used : TempPhotosData(org.dataportabilityproject.spi.transfer.types.TempPhotosData) MediaStreamSource( PlainTextConstruct( URL( PhotoEntry( VisibleForTesting(


PlainTextConstruct ( MediaStreamSource ( PhotoEntry ( URL ( VisibleForTesting ( AlbumEntry ( ServiceException ( IOException ( PhotoAlbum ( PhotoModel ( TempPhotosData (org.dataportabilityproject.spi.transfer.types.TempPhotosData)1