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Example 1 with NameAlreadyUsedException

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class ChangeUserName method call.

public VoidResult call() throws OrmException, NameAlreadyUsedException, InvalidUserNameException, IOException, ConfigInvalidException {
    Collection<ExternalId> old = externalIds.byAccount(user.getAccountId(), SCHEME_USERNAME);
    if (!old.isEmpty()) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(USERNAME_CANNOT_BE_CHANGED);
    ExternalIdsUpdate externalIdsUpdate = externalIdsUpdateFactory.create();
    if (newUsername != null && !newUsername.isEmpty()) {
        if (!USER_NAME_PATTERN.matcher(newUsername).matches()) {
            throw new InvalidUserNameException();
        ExternalId.Key key = ExternalId.Key.create(SCHEME_USERNAME, newUsername);
        try {
            String password = null;
            for (ExternalId i : old) {
                if (i.password() != null) {
                    password = i.password();
            externalIdsUpdate.insert(ExternalId.create(key, user.getAccountId(), null, password));
        } catch (OrmDuplicateKeyException dupeErr) {
            // If we are using this identity, don't report the exception.
            ExternalId other = externalIds.get(key);
            if (other != null && other.accountId().equals(user.getAccountId())) {
                return VoidResult.INSTANCE;
            throw new NameAlreadyUsedException(newUsername);
    // If we have any older user names, remove them.
    for (ExternalId extId : old) {
    return VoidResult.INSTANCE;
Also used : OrmDuplicateKeyException( ExternalId( ExternalIdsUpdate( NameAlreadyUsedException(

Example 2 with NameAlreadyUsedException

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class AccountManager method create.

private AuthResult create(ReviewDb db, AuthRequest who) throws OrmException, AccountException, IOException, ConfigInvalidException {
    Account.Id newId = new Account.Id(db.nextAccountId());
    Account account = new Account(newId, TimeUtil.nowTs());
    ExternalId extId = ExternalId.createWithEmail(who.getExternalIdKey(), newId, who.getEmailAddress());
    boolean isFirstAccount = awaitsFirstAccountCheck.getAndSet(false) && db.accounts().anyAccounts().toList().isEmpty();
    try {
        AccountsUpdate accountsUpdate = accountsUpdateFactory.create();
        accountsUpdate.upsert(db, account);
        ExternalId existingExtId = externalIds.get(extId.key());
        if (existingExtId != null && !existingExtId.accountId().equals(extId.accountId())) {
            // external ID is assigned to another account, do not overwrite
            accountsUpdate.delete(db, account);
            throw new AccountException("Cannot assign external ID \"" + extId.key().get() + "\" to account " + newId + "; external ID already in use.");
    } finally {
        // If adding the account failed, it may be that it actually was the
        // first account. So we reset the 'check for first account'-guard, as
        // otherwise the first account would not get administration permissions.
    if (isFirstAccount) {
        // This is the first user account on our site. Assume this user
        // is going to be the site's administrator and just make them that
        // to bootstrap the authentication database.
        Permission admin = projectCache.getAllProjects().getConfig().getAccessSection(AccessSection.GLOBAL_CAPABILITIES).getPermission(GlobalCapability.ADMINISTRATE_SERVER);
        AccountGroup.UUID uuid = admin.getRules().get(0).getGroup().getUUID();
        AccountGroup g = db.accountGroups().byUUID(uuid).iterator().next();
        AccountGroup.Id adminId = g.getId();
        AccountGroupMember m = new AccountGroupMember(new AccountGroupMember.Key(newId, adminId));
        auditService.dispatchAddAccountsToGroup(newId, Collections.singleton(m));
    if (who.getUserName() != null) {
        // Only set if the name hasn't been used yet, but was given to us.
        IdentifiedUser user = userFactory.create(newId);
        try {
            changeUserNameFactory.create(user, who.getUserName()).call();
        } catch (NameAlreadyUsedException e) {
            String message = "Cannot assign user name \"" + who.getUserName() + "\" to account " + newId + "; name already in use.";
            handleSettingUserNameFailure(db, account, extId, message, e, false);
        } catch (InvalidUserNameException e) {
            String message = "Cannot assign user name \"" + who.getUserName() + "\" to account " + newId + "; name does not conform.";
            handleSettingUserNameFailure(db, account, extId, message, e, false);
        } catch (OrmException e) {
            String message = "Cannot assign user name";
            handleSettingUserNameFailure(db, account, extId, message, e, true);
    realm.onCreateAccount(who, account);
    return new AuthResult(newId, extId.key(), true);
Also used : Account( AccountGroupMember( ExternalId( IdentifiedUser( NameAlreadyUsedException( AccountGroup( OrmException( Permission( ExternalId(


NameAlreadyUsedException ( ExternalId ( Permission ( Account ( AccountGroup ( AccountGroupMember ( IdentifiedUser ( ExternalIdsUpdate ( OrmDuplicateKeyException ( OrmException (