use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class PatchListEntry method readFrom.
static PatchListEntry readFrom(InputStream in) throws IOException {
ChangeType changeType = readEnum(in, ChangeType.values());
PatchType patchType = readEnum(in, PatchType.values());
String oldName = readString(in);
String newName = readString(in);
byte[] hdr = readBytes(in);
int ins = readVarInt32(in);
int del = readVarInt32(in);
long size = readFixInt64(in);
long sizeDelta = readFixInt64(in);
Edit[] editArray = readEditArray(in);
Edit[] editsDueToRebase = readEditArray(in);
return new PatchListEntry(changeType, patchType, oldName, newName, hdr, ImmutableList.copyOf(editArray), ImmutableSet.copyOf(editsDueToRebase), ins, del, size, sizeDelta);