use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class ListGroups method getAllGroups.
private List<GroupInfo> getAllGroups() throws IOException, ConfigInvalidException, PermissionBackendException {
Pattern pattern = getRegexPattern();
Stream<GroupDescription.Internal> existingGroups = loadGroups(getAllExistingGroups().filter(group -> isRelevant(pattern, group)).map(g -> g.getUUID()).collect(toImmutableSet())).stream().filter(this::isVisible).sorted(GROUP_COMPARATOR).skip(start);
if (limit > 0) {
existingGroups = existingGroups.limit(limit);
List<GroupDescription.Internal> relevantGroups = existingGroups.collect(toImmutableList());
List<GroupInfo> groupInfos = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(relevantGroups.size());
for (GroupDescription.Internal group : relevantGroups) {
return groupInfos;
use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class ListGroups method apply.
public Response<NavigableMap<String, GroupInfo>> apply(TopLevelResource resource) throws Exception {
NavigableMap<String, GroupInfo> output = new TreeMap<>();
for (GroupInfo info : get()) {
output.put(MoreObjects.firstNonNull(, "Group " + Url.decode(, info); = null;
return Response.ok(output);
use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class GetAccess method apply.
public Response<ProjectAccessInfo> apply(ProjectResource rsrc) throws ResourceNotFoundException, ResourceConflictException, IOException, PermissionBackendException {
// Load the current configuration from the repository, ensuring it's the most
// recent version available. If it differs from what was in the project
// state, force a cache flush now.
Project.NameKey projectName = rsrc.getNameKey();
ProjectAccessInfo info = new ProjectAccessInfo();
ProjectState projectState = projectCache.get(projectName).orElseThrow(illegalState(projectName));
PermissionBackend.ForProject perm = permissionBackend.currentUser().project(projectName);
ProjectConfig config;
try (MetaDataUpdate md = metaDataUpdateFactory.get().create(projectName)) {
config =;
info.configWebLinks = new ArrayList<>();
// config may have a null revision if the repo doesn't have its own refs/meta/config.
if (config.getRevision() != null) {
info.configWebLinks.addAll(webLinks.getFileHistoryLinks(projectName.get(), config.getRevision().getName(), ProjectConfig.PROJECT_CONFIG));
if (config.updateGroupNames(groupBackend)) {
md.setMessage("Update group names\n");
projectState = projectCache.get(projectName).orElseThrow(illegalState(projectName));
perm = permissionBackend.currentUser().project(projectName);
} else if (config.getRevision() != null && !config.getRevision().equals(projectState.getConfig().getRevision().orElse(null))) {
projectState = projectCache.get(projectName).orElseThrow(illegalState(projectName));
perm = permissionBackend.currentUser().project(projectName);
} catch (ConfigInvalidException e) {
throw new ResourceConflictException(e.getMessage());
} catch (RepositoryNotFoundException e) {
throw new ResourceNotFoundException(rsrc.getName(), e);
// The following implementation must match the ProjectAccessFactory JSON RPC endpoint.
info.local = new HashMap<>();
info.ownerOf = new HashSet<>();
Map<AccountGroup.UUID, GroupInfo> groups = new HashMap<>();
boolean canReadConfig = check(perm, RefNames.REFS_CONFIG, READ);
boolean canWriteConfig = check(perm, ProjectPermission.WRITE_CONFIG);
// config to set the project state to any state that is not HIDDEN.
if (!canWriteConfig) {
for (AccessSection section : config.getAccessSections()) {
String name = section.getName();
if (AccessSection.GLOBAL_CAPABILITIES.equals(name)) {
if (canWriteConfig) {
info.local.put(name, createAccessSection(groups, section));
} else if (canReadConfig) {
info.local.put(section.getName(), createAccessSection(groups, section));
} else if (AccessSection.isValidRefSectionName(name)) {
if (check(perm, name, WRITE_CONFIG)) {
info.local.put(name, createAccessSection(groups, section));
} else if (canReadConfig) {
info.local.put(name, createAccessSection(groups, section));
} else if (check(perm, name, READ)) {
// Filter the section to only add rules describing groups that
// are visible to the current-user. This includes any group the
// user is a member of, as well as groups they own or that
// are visible to all users.
AccessSection.Builder dst = null;
for (Permission srcPerm : section.getPermissions()) {
Permission.Builder dstPerm = null;
for (PermissionRule srcRule : srcPerm.getRules()) {
AccountGroup.UUID groupId = srcRule.getGroup().getUUID();
if (groupId == null) {
loadGroup(groups, groupId);
if (dstPerm == null) {
if (dst == null) {
dst = AccessSection.builder(name);
info.local.put(name, createAccessSection(groups,;
dstPerm = dst.upsertPermission(srcPerm.getName());
if (info.ownerOf.isEmpty()) {
try {
// Special case: If the section list is empty, this project has no current
// access control information. Fall back to site administrators.
} catch (AuthException e) {
// Do nothing.
if (config.getRevision() != null) {
info.revision = config.getRevision().name();
ProjectState parent = Iterables.getFirst(projectState.parents(), null);
if (parent != null) {
info.inheritsFrom = projectJson.format(parent.getProject());
if (projectName.equals(allProjectsName) && permissionBackend.currentUser().testOrFalse(ADMINISTRATE_SERVER)) {
info.isOwner = toBoolean(canWriteConfig);
info.canUpload = toBoolean(projectState.statePermitsWrite() && (canWriteConfig || (canReadConfig && perm.ref(RefNames.REFS_CONFIG).testOrFalse(CREATE_CHANGE))));
info.canAdd = toBoolean(perm.testOrFalse(CREATE_REF));
info.canAddTags = toBoolean(perm.testOrFalse(CREATE_TAG_REF));
info.configVisible = canReadConfig || canWriteConfig;
info.groups = groups.entrySet().stream().filter(e -> e.getValue() != null).collect(toMap(e -> e.getKey().get(), Map.Entry::getValue));
return Response.ok(info);
use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class CreateGroupCommand method createGroup.
private GroupResource createGroup() throws RestApiException, IOException, ConfigInvalidException, PermissionBackendException {
GroupInput input = new GroupInput();
input.description = groupDescription;
input.visibleToAll = visibleToAll;
if (ownerGroupId != null) {
input.ownerId = String.valueOf(ownerGroupId.get());
GroupInfo group = createGroup.apply(TopLevelResource.INSTANCE, IdString.fromDecoded(groupName), input).value();
return groups.parse(TopLevelResource.INSTANCE, IdString.fromUrl(;
use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class AccountIT method allGroupsForAUserAccountCanBeRetrieved.
public void allGroupsForAUserAccountCanBeRetrieved() throws Exception {
String username = name("user1");
AccountGroup.UUID groupID = groupOperations.newGroup().name("group").create();
String group =;
List<GroupInfo> allGroups = gApi.accounts().id(username).getGroups();
assertThat(allGroups).comparingElementsUsing(getGroupToNameCorrespondence()).containsExactly("Anonymous Users", "Registered Users", group);