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Example 1 with AuthException

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class ApprovalsUtil method checkApprovals.

private static void checkApprovals(Map<String, Short> approvals, ChangeControl changeCtl) throws AuthException {
    for (Map.Entry<String, Short> vote : approvals.entrySet()) {
        String name = vote.getKey();
        Short value = vote.getValue();
        PermissionRange range = changeCtl.getRange(Permission.forLabel(name));
        if (range == null || !range.contains(value)) {
            throw new AuthException(String.format("applying label \"%s\": %d is restricted", name, value));
Also used : PermissionRange( AuthException( Map(java.util.Map)

Example 2 with AuthException

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class PostPrivate method applyImpl.

public Response<String> applyImpl(BatchUpdate.Factory updateFactory, ChangeResource rsrc, SetPrivateOp.Input input) throws RestApiException, UpdateException {
    if (!canSetPrivate(rsrc)) {
        throw new AuthException("not allowed to mark private");
    if (rsrc.getChange().isPrivate()) {
        return Response.ok("");
    ChangeControl control = rsrc.getControl();
    SetPrivateOp op = new SetPrivateOp(cmUtil, true, input);
    try (BatchUpdate u = updateFactory.create(dbProvider.get(), control.getProject().getNameKey(), control.getUser(), TimeUtil.nowTs())) {
        u.addOp(control.getId(), op).execute();
    return Response.created("");
Also used : ChangeControl( AuthException( BatchUpdate(

Example 3 with AuthException

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class DeletePrivate method applyImpl.

protected Response<String> applyImpl(BatchUpdate.Factory updateFactory, ChangeResource rsrc, SetPrivateOp.Input input) throws RestApiException, UpdateException {
    if (!canDeletePrivate(rsrc)) {
        throw new AuthException("not allowed to unmark private");
    if (!rsrc.getChange().isPrivate()) {
        throw new ResourceConflictException("change is not private");
    ChangeControl control = rsrc.getControl();
    SetPrivateOp op = new SetPrivateOp(cmUtil, false, input);
    try (BatchUpdate u = updateFactory.create(dbProvider.get(), control.getProject().getNameKey(), control.getUser(), TimeUtil.nowTs())) {
        u.addOp(control.getId(), op).execute();
    return Response.none();
Also used : ResourceConflictException( ChangeControl( AuthException( BatchUpdate(

Example 4 with AuthException

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class ListChangeDrafts method apply.

public Map<String, List<CommentInfo>> apply(ChangeResource rsrc) throws AuthException, OrmException {
    if (!rsrc.getControl().getUser().isIdentifiedUser()) {
        throw new AuthException("Authentication required");
    ChangeData cd = changeDataFactory.create(db.get(), rsrc.getControl());
    List<Comment> drafts = commentsUtil.draftByChangeAuthor(db.get(), cd.notes(), rsrc.getControl().getUser().getAccountId());
    return commentJson.get().setFillAccounts(false).setFillPatchSet(true).newCommentFormatter().format(drafts);
Also used : Comment( AuthException( ChangeData(

Example 5 with AuthException

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class PutDescription method apply.

public Response<String> apply(GroupResource resource, Input input) throws AuthException, MethodNotAllowedException, ResourceNotFoundException, OrmException, IOException {
    if (input == null) {
        // Delete would set description to null.
        input = new Input();
    if (resource.toAccountGroup() == null) {
        throw new MethodNotAllowedException();
    } else if (!resource.getControl().isOwner()) {
        throw new AuthException("Not group owner");
    AccountGroup group = db.get().accountGroups().get(resource.toAccountGroup().getId());
    if (group == null) {
        throw new ResourceNotFoundException();
    return Strings.isNullOrEmpty(input.description) ? Response.<String>none() : Response.ok(input.description);
Also used : DefaultInput( Input( MethodNotAllowedException( AccountGroup( AuthException( ResourceNotFoundException(


AuthException ( ResourceConflictException ( BadRequestException ( UnprocessableEntityException ( ResourceNotFoundException ( MethodNotAllowedException ( Change ( IOException ( Account ( Project ( CurrentUser ( IdentifiedUser ( PermissionBackendException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)11 AccountGroup ( BatchUpdate ( ChangeControl ( PermissionBackend ( OrmException ( RepositoryNotFoundException (org.eclipse.jgit.errors.RepositoryNotFoundException)6