use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class ChangeJson method setAllApprovals.
private void setAllApprovals(PermissionBackend.ForChange basePerm, ChangeData cd, Map<String, LabelWithStatus> labels) throws OrmException, PermissionBackendException {
Change.Status status = cd.change().getStatus();
checkState(status.isOpen(), "should not call setAllApprovals on %s change", status);
// Include a user in the output for this label if either:
// - They are an explicit reviewer.
// - They ever voted on this change.
Set<Account.Id> allUsers = new HashSet<>();
for (PatchSetApproval psa : cd.approvals().values()) {
Table<Account.Id, String, PatchSetApproval> current = HashBasedTable.create(allUsers.size(), cd.getLabelTypes().getLabelTypes().size());
for (PatchSetApproval psa : cd.currentApprovals()) {
current.put(psa.getAccountId(), psa.getLabel(), psa);
LabelTypes labelTypes = cd.getLabelTypes();
for (Account.Id accountId : allUsers) {
PermissionBackend.ForChange perm = basePerm.user(userFactory.create(accountId));
Map<String, VotingRangeInfo> pvr = getPermittedVotingRanges(permittedLabels(perm, cd));
for (Map.Entry<String, LabelWithStatus> e : labels.entrySet()) {
LabelType lt = labelTypes.byLabel(e.getKey());
if (lt == null) {
// author didn't intend for the label to show up in the table.
Integer value;
VotingRangeInfo permittedVotingRange = pvr.getOrDefault(lt.getName(), null);
String tag = null;
Timestamp date = null;
PatchSetApproval psa = current.get(accountId, lt.getName());
if (psa != null) {
value = Integer.valueOf(psa.getValue());
if (value == 0) {
// This may be a dummy approval that was inserted when the reviewer
// was added. Explicitly check whether the user can vote on this
// label.
value = perm.test(new LabelPermission(lt)) ? 0 : null;
tag = psa.getTag();
date = psa.getGranted();
if (psa.isPostSubmit()) {
log.warn("unexpected post-submit approval on open change: {}", psa);
} else {
// Either the user cannot vote on this label, or they were added as a
// reviewer but have not responded yet. Explicitly check whether the
// user can vote on this label.
value = perm.test(new LabelPermission(lt)) ? 0 : null;
addApproval(e.getValue().label(), approvalInfo(accountId, value, permittedVotingRange, tag, date));
use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class ChangeJson method labelsForClosedChange.
private Map<String, LabelWithStatus> labelsForClosedChange(PermissionBackend.ForChange basePerm, ChangeData cd, LabelTypes labelTypes, boolean standard, boolean detailed) throws OrmException, PermissionBackendException {
Set<Account.Id> allUsers = new HashSet<>();
if (detailed) {
// the latest patch set (in the next loop).
for (PatchSetApproval psa : cd.approvals().values()) {
Set<String> labelNames = new HashSet<>();
SetMultimap<Account.Id, PatchSetApproval> current = MultimapBuilder.hashKeys().hashSetValues().build();
for (PatchSetApproval a : cd.currentApprovals()) {
LabelType type = labelTypes.byLabel(a.getLabelId());
if (type != null) {
// Not worth the effort to distinguish between votable/non-votable for 0
// values on closed changes, since they can't vote anyway.
current.put(a.getAccountId(), a);
Map<String, LabelWithStatus> labels;
if (cd.change().getStatus() == Change.Status.MERGED) {
// Since voting on merged changes is allowed all labels which apply to
// the change must be returned. All applying labels can be retrieved from
// the submit records, which is what initLabels does.
// It's not possible to only compute the labels based on the approvals
// since merged changes may not have approvals for all labels (e.g. if not
// all labels are required for submit or if the change was auto-closed due
// to direct push or if new labels were defined after the change was
// merged).
labels = initLabels(cd, labelTypes, standard);
// it wouldn't be included in the submit records.
for (String name : labelNames) {
if (!labels.containsKey(name)) {
labels.put(name, LabelWithStatus.create(new LabelInfo(), null));
} else {
// For abandoned changes return only labels for which approvals exist.
// Other labels are not needed since voting on abandoned changes is not
// allowed.
labels = new TreeMap<>(labelTypes.nameComparator());
for (String name : labelNames) {
labels.put(name, LabelWithStatus.create(new LabelInfo(), null));
if (detailed) {
labels.entrySet().stream().filter(e -> labelTypes.byLabel(e.getKey()) != null).forEach(e -> setLabelValues(labelTypes.byLabel(e.getKey()), e.getValue()));
for (Account.Id accountId : allUsers) {
Map<String, ApprovalInfo> byLabel = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(labels.size());
Map<String, VotingRangeInfo> pvr = Collections.emptyMap();
if (detailed) {
PermissionBackend.ForChange perm = basePerm.user(userFactory.create(accountId));
pvr = getPermittedVotingRanges(permittedLabels(perm, cd));
for (Map.Entry<String, LabelWithStatus> entry : labels.entrySet()) {
ApprovalInfo ai = approvalInfo(accountId, 0, null, null, null);
byLabel.put(entry.getKey(), ai);
addApproval(entry.getValue().label(), ai);
for (PatchSetApproval psa : current.get(accountId)) {
LabelType type = labelTypes.byLabel(psa.getLabelId());
if (type == null) {
short val = psa.getValue();
ApprovalInfo info = byLabel.get(type.getName());
if (info != null) {
info.value = Integer.valueOf(val);
info.permittedVotingRange = pvr.getOrDefault(type.getName(), null); = psa.getGranted();
info.tag = psa.getTag();
if (psa.isPostSubmit()) {
info.postSubmit = true;
if (!standard) {
setLabelScores(type, labels.get(type.getName()), val, accountId);
return labels;
use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class ChangeJson method getPermittedVotingRanges.
private Map<String, VotingRangeInfo> getPermittedVotingRanges(Map<String, Collection<String>> permittedLabels) {
Map<String, VotingRangeInfo> permittedVotingRanges = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(permittedLabels.size());
for (String label : permittedLabels.keySet()) {
List<Integer> permittedVotingRange = permittedLabels.get(label).stream().map(this::parseRangeValue).filter(java.util.Objects::nonNull).sorted().collect(toList());
if (permittedVotingRange.isEmpty()) {
permittedVotingRanges.put(label, null);
} else {
int minPermittedValue = permittedVotingRange.get(0);
int maxPermittedValue = Iterables.getLast(permittedVotingRange);
permittedVotingRanges.put(label, new VotingRangeInfo(minPermittedValue, maxPermittedValue));
return permittedVotingRanges;