Search in sources :

Example 11 with UnprocessableEntityException

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class Submit method onBehalfOf.

private IdentifiedUser onBehalfOf(RevisionResource rsrc, SubmitInput in) throws AuthException, UnprocessableEntityException, OrmException, PermissionBackendException {
    PermissionBackend.ForChange perm = rsrc.permissions().database(dbProvider);
    CurrentUser caller = rsrc.getUser();
    IdentifiedUser submitter = accounts.parseOnBehalfOf(caller, in.onBehalfOf);
    try {
    } catch (AuthException e) {
        throw new UnprocessableEntityException(String.format("on_behalf_of account %s cannot see change", submitter.getAccountId()));
    return submitter;
Also used : UnprocessableEntityException( CurrentUser( PermissionBackend( AuthException( IdentifiedUser(

Example 12 with UnprocessableEntityException

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class RestApiServlet method service.

protected final void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException {
    final long startNanos = System.nanoTime();
    long auditStartTs = TimeUtil.nowMs();
    res.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment");
    res.setHeader("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff");
    int status = SC_OK;
    long responseBytes = -1;
    Object result = null;
    ListMultimap<String, String> params = MultimapBuilder.hashKeys().arrayListValues().build();
    ListMultimap<String, String> config = MultimapBuilder.hashKeys().arrayListValues().build();
    Object inputRequestBody = null;
    RestResource rsrc = TopLevelResource.INSTANCE;
    ViewData viewData = null;
    try {
        if (isCorsPreflight(req)) {
            doCorsPreflight(req, res);
        checkCors(req, res);
        ParameterParser.splitQueryString(req.getQueryString(), config, params);
        List<IdString> path = splitPath(req);
        RestCollection<RestResource, RestResource> rc = members.get();
        viewData = new ViewData(null, null);
        if (path.isEmpty()) {
            if (rc instanceof NeedsParams) {
                ((NeedsParams) rc).setParams(params);
            if (isRead(req)) {
                viewData = new ViewData(null, rc.list());
            } else if (rc instanceof AcceptsPost && "POST".equals(req.getMethod())) {
                @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") AcceptsPost<RestResource> ac = (AcceptsPost<RestResource>) rc;
                viewData = new ViewData(null,;
            } else {
                throw new MethodNotAllowedException();
        } else {
            IdString id = path.remove(0);
            try {
                rsrc = rc.parse(rsrc, id);
                if (path.isEmpty()) {
            } catch (ResourceNotFoundException e) {
                if (rc instanceof AcceptsCreate && path.isEmpty() && ("POST".equals(req.getMethod()) || "PUT".equals(req.getMethod()))) {
                    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") AcceptsCreate<RestResource> ac = (AcceptsCreate<RestResource>) rc;
                    viewData = new ViewData(null, ac.create(rsrc, id));
                    status = SC_CREATED;
                } else {
                    throw e;
            if (viewData.view == null) {
                viewData = view(rsrc, rc, req.getMethod(), path);
        while (viewData.view instanceof RestCollection<?, ?>) {
            @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") RestCollection<RestResource, RestResource> c = (RestCollection<RestResource, RestResource>) viewData.view;
            if (path.isEmpty()) {
                if (isRead(req)) {
                    viewData = new ViewData(null, c.list());
                } else if (c instanceof AcceptsPost && "POST".equals(req.getMethod())) {
                    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") AcceptsPost<RestResource> ac = (AcceptsPost<RestResource>) c;
                    viewData = new ViewData(null,;
                } else if (c instanceof AcceptsDelete && "DELETE".equals(req.getMethod())) {
                    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") AcceptsDelete<RestResource> ac = (AcceptsDelete<RestResource>) c;
                    viewData = new ViewData(null, ac.delete(rsrc, null));
                } else {
                    throw new MethodNotAllowedException();
            IdString id = path.remove(0);
            try {
                rsrc = c.parse(rsrc, id);
                viewData = new ViewData(null, null);
            } catch (ResourceNotFoundException e) {
                if (c instanceof AcceptsCreate && path.isEmpty() && ("POST".equals(req.getMethod()) || "PUT".equals(req.getMethod()))) {
                    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") AcceptsCreate<RestResource> ac = (AcceptsCreate<RestResource>) c;
                    viewData = new ViewData(viewData.pluginName, ac.create(rsrc, id));
                    status = SC_CREATED;
                } else if (c instanceof AcceptsDelete && path.isEmpty() && "DELETE".equals(req.getMethod())) {
                    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") AcceptsDelete<RestResource> ac = (AcceptsDelete<RestResource>) c;
                    viewData = new ViewData(viewData.pluginName, ac.delete(rsrc, id));
                    status = SC_NO_CONTENT;
                } else {
                    throw e;
            if (viewData.view == null) {
                viewData = view(rsrc, c, req.getMethod(), path);
        if (notModified(req, rsrc, viewData.view)) {
        if (!globals.paramParser.get().parse(viewData.view, params, req, res)) {
        if (viewData.view instanceof RestReadView<?> && isRead(req)) {
            result = ((RestReadView<RestResource>) viewData.view).apply(rsrc);
        } else if (viewData.view instanceof RestModifyView<?, ?>) {
            @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") RestModifyView<RestResource, Object> m = (RestModifyView<RestResource, Object>) viewData.view;
            Type type = inputType(m);
            inputRequestBody = parseRequest(req, type);
            result = m.apply(rsrc, inputRequestBody);
            consumeRawInputRequestBody(req, type);
        } else {
            throw new ResourceNotFoundException();
        if (result instanceof Response) {
            @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Response<?> r = (Response) result;
            status = r.statusCode();
            configureCaching(req, res, rsrc, viewData.view, r.caching());
        } else if (result instanceof Response.Redirect) {
            res.sendRedirect(((Response.Redirect) result).location());
        } else if (result instanceof Response.Accepted) {
            res.setHeader(HttpHeaders.LOCATION, ((Response.Accepted) result).location());
        } else {
        if (result != Response.none()) {
            result = Response.unwrap(result);
            if (result instanceof BinaryResult) {
                responseBytes = replyBinaryResult(req, res, (BinaryResult) result);
            } else {
                responseBytes = replyJson(req, res, config, result);
    } catch (MalformedJsonException e) {
        responseBytes = replyError(req, res, status = SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid " + JSON_TYPE + " in request", e);
    } catch (JsonParseException e) {
        responseBytes = replyError(req, res, status = SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid " + JSON_TYPE + " in request", e);
    } catch (BadRequestException e) {
        responseBytes = replyError(req, res, status = SC_BAD_REQUEST, messageOr(e, "Bad Request"), e.caching(), e);
    } catch (AuthException e) {
        responseBytes = replyError(req, res, status = SC_FORBIDDEN, messageOr(e, "Forbidden"), e.caching(), e);
    } catch (AmbiguousViewException e) {
        responseBytes = replyError(req, res, status = SC_NOT_FOUND, messageOr(e, "Ambiguous"), e);
    } catch (ResourceNotFoundException e) {
        responseBytes = replyError(req, res, status = SC_NOT_FOUND, messageOr(e, "Not Found"), e.caching(), e);
    } catch (MethodNotAllowedException e) {
        responseBytes = replyError(req, res, status = SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, messageOr(e, "Method Not Allowed"), e.caching(), e);
    } catch (ResourceConflictException e) {
        responseBytes = replyError(req, res, status = SC_CONFLICT, messageOr(e, "Conflict"), e.caching(), e);
    } catch (PreconditionFailedException e) {
        responseBytes = replyError(req, res, status = SC_PRECONDITION_FAILED, messageOr(e, "Precondition Failed"), e.caching(), e);
    } catch (UnprocessableEntityException e) {
        responseBytes = replyError(req, res, status = SC_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, messageOr(e, "Unprocessable Entity"), e.caching(), e);
    } catch (NotImplementedException e) {
        responseBytes = replyError(req, res, status = SC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, messageOr(e, "Not Implemented"), e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        status = SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
        responseBytes = handleException(e, req, res);
    } finally {
        String metric = viewData != null && viewData.view != null ? globals.metrics.view(viewData) : "_unknown";
        if (status >= SC_BAD_REQUEST) {
            globals.metrics.errorCount.increment(metric, status);
        if (responseBytes != -1) {
            globals.metrics.responseBytes.record(metric, responseBytes);
        globals.metrics.serverLatency.record(metric, System.nanoTime() - startNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
        globals.auditService.dispatch(new ExtendedHttpAuditEvent(globals.webSession.get().getSessionId(), globals.currentUser.get(), req, auditStartTs, params, inputRequestBody, status, result, rsrc, viewData == null ? null : viewData.view));
Also used : RestCollection( RestResource( AcceptsDelete( NotImplementedException( AuthException( ExtendedHttpAuditEvent( IdString( JsonParseException( PreconditionFailedException( ResourceNotFoundException( MalformedJsonException( UnprocessableEntityException( RestModifyView( MethodNotAllowedException( AcceptsPost( ResourceNotFoundException( BadRequestException( InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) PermissionBackendException( UnprocessableEntityException( RestApiException( PreconditionFailedException( IOException( MalformedJsonException( ServletException(javax.servlet.ServletException) AuthException( MethodNotAllowedException( EOFException( JsonParseException( NotImplementedException( ResourceConflictException( Response( HttpServletResponse(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse) ParameterizedType(java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType) Type(java.lang.reflect.Type) ResourceConflictException( IdString( AcceptsCreate( BadRequestException( NeedsParams( BinaryResult(

Example 13 with UnprocessableEntityException

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class PutAgreement method apply.

public Response<String> apply(AccountResource resource, AgreementInput input) throws IOException, OrmException, RestApiException {
    if (!agreementsEnabled) {
        throw new MethodNotAllowedException("contributor agreements disabled");
    if (self.get() != resource.getUser()) {
        throw new AuthException("not allowed to enter contributor agreement");
    String agreementName = Strings.nullToEmpty(;
    ContributorAgreement ca = projectCache.getAllProjects().getConfig().getContributorAgreement(agreementName);
    if (ca == null) {
        throw new UnprocessableEntityException("contributor agreement not found");
    if (ca.getAutoVerify() == null) {
        throw new BadRequestException("cannot enter a non-autoVerify agreement");
    AccountGroup.UUID uuid = ca.getAutoVerify().getUUID();
    if (uuid == null) {
        throw new ResourceConflictException("autoverify group uuid not found");
    AccountGroup group = groupCache.get(uuid);
    if (group == null) {
        throw new ResourceConflictException("autoverify group not found");
    Account account = self.get().getAccount();
    addMembers.addMembers(group.getId(), ImmutableList.of(account.getId()));, agreementName);
    return Response.ok(agreementName);
Also used : UnprocessableEntityException( Account( ResourceConflictException( MethodNotAllowedException( AccountGroup( ContributorAgreement( AuthException( BadRequestException(

Example 14 with UnprocessableEntityException

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class CreateAccount method apply.

public Response<AccountInfo> apply(TopLevelResource rsrc, AccountInput input) throws BadRequestException, ResourceConflictException, UnprocessableEntityException, OrmException, IOException, ConfigInvalidException {
    if (input == null) {
        input = new AccountInput();
    if (input.username != null && !username.equals(input.username)) {
        throw new BadRequestException("username must match URL");
    if (!username.matches(Account.USER_NAME_PATTERN)) {
        throw new BadRequestException("Username '" + username + "' must contain only letters, numbers, _, - or .");
    Set<AccountGroup.Id> groups = parseGroups(input.groups);
    Account.Id id = new Account.Id(db.nextAccountId());
    ExternalId extUser = ExternalId.createUsername(username, id, input.httpPassword);
    if (externalIds.get(extUser.key()) != null) {
        throw new ResourceConflictException("username '" + username + "' already exists");
    if ( != null) {
        if (externalIds.get(ExternalId.Key.create(SCHEME_MAILTO, != null) {
            throw new UnprocessableEntityException("email '" + + "' already exists");
        if (!validator.isValid( {
            throw new BadRequestException("invalid email address");
    List<ExternalId> extIds = new ArrayList<>();
    for (AccountExternalIdCreator c : externalIdCreators) {
        extIds.addAll(c.create(id, username,;
    ExternalIdsUpdate externalIdsUpdate = externalIdsUpdateFactory.create();
    try {
    } catch (OrmDuplicateKeyException duplicateKey) {
        throw new ResourceConflictException("username '" + username + "' already exists");
    if ( != null) {
        try {
        } catch (OrmDuplicateKeyException duplicateKey) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException | ConfigInvalidException cleanupError) {
            // Ignored
            throw new UnprocessableEntityException("email '" + + "' already exists");
    Account a = new Account(id, TimeUtil.nowTs());
    accountsUpdate.create().insert(db, a);
    for (AccountGroup.Id groupId : groups) {
        AccountGroupMember m = new AccountGroupMember(new AccountGroupMember.Key(id, groupId));
        auditService.dispatchAddAccountsToGroup(currentUser.get().getAccountId(), Collections.singleton(m));
    if (input.sshKey != null) {
        try {
            authorizedKeys.addKey(id, input.sshKey);
        } catch (InvalidSshKeyException e) {
            throw new BadRequestException(e.getMessage());
    AccountLoader loader = infoLoader.create(true);
    AccountInfo info = loader.get(id);
    return Response.created(info);
Also used : Account( UnprocessableEntityException( AccountGroupMember( OrmDuplicateKeyException( ExternalId( ExternalIdsUpdate( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ResourceConflictException( AccountExternalIdCreator( InvalidSshKeyException( AccountGroup( BadRequestException( ExternalId( AccountInput( AccountInfo(

Example 15 with UnprocessableEntityException

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class SetParent method validateParentUpdate.

public void validateParentUpdate(final ProjectControl ctl, String newParent, boolean checkIfAdmin) throws AuthException, ResourceConflictException, UnprocessableEntityException, PermissionBackendException {
    IdentifiedUser user = ctl.getUser().asIdentifiedUser();
    if (checkIfAdmin) {
    if (ctl.getProject().getNameKey().equals(allProjects)) {
        throw new ResourceConflictException("cannot set parent of " + allProjects.get());
    newParent = Strings.emptyToNull(newParent);
    if (newParent != null) {
        ProjectState parent = cache.get(new Project.NameKey(newParent));
        if (parent == null) {
            throw new UnprocessableEntityException("parent project " + newParent + " not found");
        if (Iterables.tryFind(parent.tree(), p -> {
            return p.getProject().getNameKey().equals(ctl.getProject().getNameKey());
        }).isPresent()) {
            throw new ResourceConflictException("cycle exists between " + ctl.getProject().getName() + " and " + parent.getProject().getName());
Also used : ResourceNotFoundException( Project( Iterables( GlobalPermission( PermissionBackendException( ConfigInvalidException(org.eclipse.jgit.errors.ConfigInvalidException) UnprocessableEntityException( RepositoryNotFoundException(org.eclipse.jgit.errors.RepositoryNotFoundException) MetaDataUpdate( Inject( Preconditions.checkNotNull( MoreObjects( IOException( PermissionBackend( DefaultInput( RestModifyView( Strings( AllProjectsName( ResourceConflictException( IdentifiedUser( AuthException( ProjectConfig( Input( Singleton( Project( UnprocessableEntityException( ResourceConflictException( IdentifiedUser(


UnprocessableEntityException ( AuthException ( ResourceConflictException ( BadRequestException ( Account ( AccountGroup ( IdentifiedUser ( PermissionBackend ( MethodNotAllowedException ( CurrentUser ( IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 AccessSection ( ResourceNotFoundException ( RestModifyView ( Ref (org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref)3 Nullable ( Capable ( GroupDescription ( Permission (